mardi 29 juillet 2014

    BLANCPAIN ENDURANCE SERIES : TDS Racing montre tout son potentiel dans les Ardennes belges

    Après une bonne Super Pole positionnant le team comme meilleur représentant BMW, la course du TDS Racing a confirmé les espoirs entrevus. La n°12 s’est toujours battu aux avants postes avant d’abandonner et la n°10 prend la 6èmeplace en Pro Am !
    IMG_3736Tout au long des essais de ces 24 Heures de Spa, les BMW Z4 n°10 et 12 ne cessent de progresser dans une hiérarchie pourtant composée de pas moins de 61 voitures dont 16 équipages 100% professionnels ! En séance qualificative, la n°12 s’empare de la 17ème place (2ème en Pro Am, catégorie dans laquelle les équipages sont composés d’un pilote professionnel et d’un gentleman) et peut ainsi participer à la Super Pole du vendredi (seules les 20 plus rapides autos sont admises). Concernant la n°10, les quatre pilotes se relaient à son volant tout au long des essais et, lors de la séance qualificative, ils ne peuvent faire mieux que le 46ème temps qui ne permet pas d’accéder à la Super Pole !
    Le vendredi, Nick Catsburg est chargé de qualifier la n°12. Grâce à deux très bons tours lancés, le pilote hollandais signe le 9ème temps absolu, le 2ème en Pro Am. Cerise sur le gâteau : la voiture du TDS Racing est la première BMW de tout le plateau et devant les équipes soutenues officiellement !
    img_1915 Course de la n°10 (Eric Clément, Benjamin Lariche, Nicolas Armindo, Olivier Pla)
    Le samedi à 16h30, Olivier Pla prend le départ 46ème et au bout d’une heure, grâce des bons temps au tour, il gagne vite 16 places, ce qui le hisse à la 30èmeplace. Les relais s’enchainent ensuite et la voiture rentre assez vite dans le top 20 (dés la 3ème heure). Tout au long de la nuit, la voiture flirte avec la 20ème place et, à mi course, grâce aux efforts conjoints des quatre pilotes, la voiture prend la 19ème place, la 9ème en Pro Am. La n°10 continue sa progression si bien qu’à 6 heures du terme de la course, la n°10 est 15ème, 5ème en Pro Am. Mais suite à des débris qui ont endommagé le devant de la voiture en début de course, les pilotes ne peuvent tirer le maximum de son potentiel et franchissent la ligne d’arrivée à la 16ème place au général, la 6ème en Pro Am….soit 30 places de mieux qu’au départ !!!
    img_1245Eric Clément : « Ce fut difficile surtout qu’en début de course, nous avons perdu un élément avant important de la voiture. Nous terminons la course après une belle remontée et marquons des points.
    Nous nous sommes régalés, j’espère renouveler l’expérience avec ce team car je m’y sens bien. C’est une équipe professionnelle, super sympa, une bande de copains en somme ! »
     Benjamin Lariche : « Ce sont mes premières 24 heures et je suis content de les terminer. La course fut éprouvante car, au début, Nicolas a pris un débris sur la voiture. Ce fut difficile tout au long de la course car la voiture était endommagée et sous-virait. Un phare était cassé et, de nuit, ce fut compliqué. Nous terminons 16èmes après être partis 46èmes. C’est très positif et vu l’état de dans laquelle était la voiture, c’était compliqué de faire mieux. Ce fut une super expérience humaine, tout le monde a travaillé dur. »
    img_4218Nicolas Armindo : « Je suis super content du résultat. On partait 46ème sur la grille et on finit 6ème en Pro Am. On pouvait espérer plus en termes de performance mais nous avons eu des soucis avec le pédalier, les phares mais comme toutes les écuries. La voiture a été bien préparée et a tenu jusqu’au bout. Tout le team a très bien travaillé, je suis content d’être dans cette super équipe. C’est une belle bande de copains, on s’y sent bien et je suis vraiment satisfait de leur travail. Merci à eux ! »
     Olivier Pla: « Ce fut une course difficile. Suite à la sortie de piste d’une Ferrari au Raidillon, Nicolas a pris des débris qui ont endommagé le splitter avant et les ailettes. A partir de ce moment là, nous n’avions plus tout le potentiel de la voiture. C’est dommage car, au départ, elle était vraiment bien. Il y avait moyen de faire mieux que notre 6ème place.
    Nous avons fait de notre mieux et nous n’avons rien à nous reprocher. Tout le monde a bien travaillé. Le team a fait un super travail, les arrêts au stand se sont très bien déroulés. Mais ce sont les aléas de la course, c’est tout !
    Cela s’est très bien passé avec le team. J’ai été très bien accueillir et ce fut un plaisir de rouler avec eux. Ils sont professionnels et sérieux. C’est vraiment agréable de pouvoir rouler avec des équipes comme celle là. »
     Course de la n°12 (Nick Catsburg, Henry Hassid, Jens Klingmann, Pierre Thiriet)
     Nick Catsburg est chargé du départ. Il conserve sa place mais est poussé quelques tours plus tard. Au bout d’une heure de relais, il passe le volant à Jens Klingmann à la 16ème place. Après tous les ravitaillements, le pilote allemand est 12ème et dans le top 5 de la catégorie Pro Am. Les relais s’enchainent et les trois pilotes continuent à se maintenir dans les cinq premiers de la catégorie. En effet, Jens Klingmann, après son premier relais, ne s’est pas senti en forme et, par mesure de précaution, le team a préféré le préserver. Réduit à trois, les pilotes roulent toute la nuit et au petit matin, alors que la n°12 est en tête du Pro Am, Henry Hassid connait un souci. Arrivé dans une partie très rapide du circuit, l’accélérateur se bloque et il tire tout droit. Au vu des dégâts, la voiture doit abandonner non sans avoir pris 13 points au championnat.
    img_5141Nick Catsburg: “Le début de la course ne fut pas facile. Quelques tours après le départ, je fus poussé par un autre concurrent. Ensuite, j’ai essayé de suivre les autres pilotes. J’étais assez lent, je pensais que nous avions commis une erreur dans le set-up ou au niveau de la pression des pneus.  Jens a connu le même problème que moi. Mais quand je suis remonté dans la voiture, elle était bien mieux certainement parce qu’il faisait moins chaud à ce moment là. A la fin, nous avions une très bonne voiture et notre rythme était bon. Je pense que nous pouvions suivre le rythme des leaders en Pro Am. Malheureusement, Henry a eu un accident.
    Ce que le team a montré cette semaine est assez impressionnant parce que nous nous sommes battus avec des teams BMW qui ont le soutien de l’usine et des pilotes « usine ». Nous sommes un team plus petit avec un budget moins important comparé à eux. Je pense que l’équipe peut être satisfaite avec le temps réalisé en Super Pole. Nous avons connu quelques soucis lors des premiers essais et Jacques Morello a fait des changements sur la voiture et nous nous retrouvés aux avants postes. Bien sûr, nous sommes déçus mais nous avons réalisé de belles choses. »
    img_1912Jens Klingmann: « Mon premier relais a été assez difficile. Il faisait vraiment chaud dans la voiture et l’équilibre n’était pas celui que nous escomptions. Heureusement, ce fut bien mieux lorsque les températures sont descendues. En tout cas, j’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir. C’est la première fois que je courrais avec le TDS Racing. Le team a fait vraiment du bon travail. J’ai dit à BMW que, comparé au Marc VDS Racing, le team est plus petit mais ses membres font le même boulot et ils ont de brillantes idées. Je fus vraiment surpris. En qualification, nous avons montré notre potentiel, nous avons été les plus rapides de toutes les BMW. C’est vraiment un signe positif et même si nous nous n’avons pas fini la course, nous avons montré que nous étions performants…. »
     Pierre Thiriet : « Cela s’est très bien passée jusqu’à la sortie de piste qui nous a couté la course. Nous étions très compétitifs et la voiture était vraiment bien. Nous visions le podium en Pro Am et, en plus, nous étions bien placés avec la 6èmeplace au général. Tout allait bien mais malheureusement, nous avons dû abandonner.
    img_1230Le pilotage d’une GT3 n’est pas évident pour moi, c’est moins naturel qu’une LM P2. Mais j’ai eu de très bons coachs et ils m’ont aidé à apprendre la voiture. Je me suis senti de mieux en mieux dans la BMW, elle était facile à piloter et j’ai fait de bons temps lors de mes relais. Je suis satisfait de cette nouvelle expérience ».
     En Belgique, le team a montré son réel potentiel tout au long de la semaine et a prouvé que les courses longues devenaient une spécialité de l’équipe. L’une des voitures fut la meilleure représentante BMW aux essais et, pendant la course, la n°12 a occupé la tête de sa catégorie. Grâce aux efforts des pilotes, le team a marqué beaucoup de points en vue du championnat et repart de Belgique en 3ème position au championnat. Maintenant, toute l’équipe, qui a encore une fois de plus fait un travail exceptionnel, va profiter de la pause estivale. Puis, il sera temps de se rendre en Allemagne pour la finale des Blancpain Endurance Series, les 1000 km du Nurburgring (21 septembre).
    par TDS Racing via

    Heated historics: The best of the 2014 Silverstone Classic

    In sweltering summer sunshine, this year’s Silverstone Classic lived up to its billing as the world’s biggest classic motor racing festival…
    It’s hard to know where to start with the Silverstone Classic, such was the sheer variety of attractions, both on the track and off. And there really was something for everyone. With more than 1,100 cars in action, ranging from pre-War Grand Prix machines, right through to the hilariously over-developed Super Touring Cars of the late 90s (and almost everything in between), each generation had something it could relate to, out on the circuit. 

    Birthday celebrations

    Both Maserati’s centenary and the Ford Mustang’s 50th birthday were marked by dedicated parades, the former led by Alfieri Maserati (son of Ernesto, one of the Trident Marque’s founding brothers), the latter aptly supplemented by a brace of P51 Mustangs overhead. Perhaps the most impressive sight, though, was the World Record cavalcade of 84 historic Grand Prix cars, assembled to celebrate the 50 Grands Prix held at Silverstone since 1948. The parade was spearheaded by Sir Stirling in a Maserati 250F he once raced, alongside David Brabham fittingly aboard a BT24 driven in period by his father, the late, three-time World Champion 'Black Jack'. 

    Fierce competition

    The racing promised so much and it didn’t disappoint. Sunday’s ear-splitting FIA Historic Formula 1 race was a breathless affair, eventually won by Martin Stretton in a Tyrell 012 following a spectacular five-way battle. The RAC Tourist Trophy was equally enthralling; Jackie Oliver and Gary Pearson in their gorgeous yellow Ferrari 250 GT SWB narrowly beat James Cottingham (from Classic Driver dealer DK Engineering) in his stunning Jaguar E-type after an intense scrap.
    There was plenty to see off the track, with well over 100 car clubs displayed in the infield, ranging from the obvious (Ferrari) to the more obscure (Rover P6). Bonnie Tyler played to the crowds on Saturday evening, and the two jet fighters we recently featured were both sold by Silverstone Auctions, the ‘near airworthy’ Harrier fetching an impressive £105,800. We sincerely hope it’ll make a return to the skies. 

    A rare opportunity

    Where the Classic really differs from other historic events is in how it attracts cars seldom seen elsewhere, such as the plethora of 90s GT legends, which included no fewer than seven McLaren F1 GTRs (both in short and long tail guises), Ferrari F40 LMs, Jaguar XJ220s and the 1998 Le Mans-winning Porsche GT1, returning to Silverstone for the first time in 16 years. Although the mouthwatering assortment was run as a demonstration only, their pace would suggest otherwise. The other star attraction was, of course, the Group C race, which ran well into dusk on the Saturday evening. Even on the wide expanses of the Grand Prix circuit, the ground-effect monsters were a real spectacle. 
    Photos: © Tim Brown for Classic Driver
    You can find numerous historic racing cars in the Classic Driver Market.


    Steve's BMW 1
    Sometimes life has a habit of sitting you down on your arse and forcing you to reassess, as happened to Bike Shed regular contributor, Steve, who has had a few dramas, that ultimately led to him build bikes like this, his latest, R80. Steve was riding his V-Max and suffered a huge heart attack. He managed to keep upright and ended up in hospital for two weeks while the ticker mechanics worked out if a top end rebuild was required. Steve didn’t fancy having his crank cases split so lay there waiting, wondering what to do with the Beemer sat in the garage. Then it struck, “Soul’d Out” – “fuelled by passion”. Steve followed his recalcitrant heart and got to work designing a custom build, but before work could begin he needed slightly more practical surroundings, so discharged himself from hospital, deciding to see out the summer before going back in for an overhaul.
    Steve's BMW 2x
    If bikes could talk then this one would have a tale or two. Originally it was owned by a vicar who rode it to Russia and back, before a school teacher from Swindon bought it.
    Steve's BMW 3x
    Once out of hospital Steve relaxed for exactly no hours before stripping the old air head down, curing oil weeps and leaks with a new gasket and seal set. The comprehensive service records showed that the clutch was only 3000 miles old so that was left alone, the output shaft was also good so reunited with the engine, using the correct Castrol Optimax grease of course. Once painted and topped up with fresh oil the engine was ready to be installed, but not into the original frame, that needed some jazzing up.
    Steve's BMW 4
    An extra frame rail was grafted in to accommodate the handmade, fully adjustable, twinshock saddle. Tank mounts had to be removed and relocated, all other unnecessary appendages were ground off and smoothed. A local outfit took care of the loud, pearl orange paintwork on the tank, frame and hugger whilst Steve entrusted the black parts to his own hand. Apart from the yokes, wheels, battery box, front engine cover and top cover, these are coated in fresh black satin powder.
    Steve's BMW 5
    With a considerable amount of the original bike missing this R80 is evenly balanced at exactly 97kgs at both ends. Braided hoses add a bit more feel to the brakes and Continental TKC 80s give just enough grip for enthusiastic riding.
    Steve's BMW 6
    A daydream in a hospital bed to reality in just a few weeks, that’s perseverance personified. Steve, must be pretty proud of himself.
    Steve's BMW 7
    Whilst the parts were at the paint shop everything that could be cleaned, greased, oils and refreshed was and readied for the fun part, assembly.
    Steve spared no expense when ordering parts and carefully put everything back together using new fasteners and plenty of diligence. The new owner can rest assured that this ride isn’t going to fall apart on the way home. Cat out of the bag!
    Steve's BMW 9x
    Yes, Steve needs the loot so is sadly having to part with his pride and joy. If you like what you see get in touch, you might need to be quick though in case he changes his mind. Click here for Steve’s contact details. You can see Steve’s previous R100 Boxer-build Here and his CB750 Here.
     via The Bike Shed


    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    Barely six months ago, Max Hazan shifted his workshop from Brooklyn to Los Angeles. But the cross-country trip barely interrupted his stride. This stark and beautiful BSA A50, the first build to come out of Max’s new LA shop, was completed in just five weeks.
    It’s a commissioned bike, built for a client who already has a Hazan XS650 in his garage. And with such a short deadline, there was no time to shop around for parts. Instead, Max had to build everything from scratch—and being a master craftsman and artist, that’s how he likes it.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    The design is the simplest form of a motorcycle, with the shapely BSA motor being the center of attention. Attracted to the lines of the cases, Max selected a 1966 A50 engine to use as the foundation of the build.
    The cleanest way to mount the gas tank was to make the tank part of the frame. There’s a sediment bowl from a tractor right below the tank, feeding fuel via hand-formed aluminum lines direct to the single Amal Monobloc carburetor.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    The bars are super-clean, cleverly machined with hidden parts and cabling routed through the frame—an approach Hazan also used for his acclaimed Harley Ironhead.
    Another remarkable detail is the oil ‘bag.’ Lab equipment has always intrigued Max, so he’s used an aspirator bottle rather than the traditional steel or aluminum tank.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    It’s a bold move, but something about it is just right: Movement of the liquid, usually hidden, is now visible. And then there’s the exquisite hand-formed plumbing and mounting hardware surrounding the bottle.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    The kickstand is another first. Max made a bolt-action piece to avoid dragging metal during turns on the low-profile BSA. And the rear fender is mounted to the axle spacer, so you can move them both when making adjustments. A Honda CB350 front drum brake was re-machined and adapted for use as a rear hub; up front is a modified Harley hub.
    The 2-into-1 exhaust system is equally elegant, curving around the righthand side of the BSA motor. The placement is perfect, with the angles and bends almost defying geometry.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    The axle stoppers are inside the dropouts, so you can’t see them. And the best thing about the rear end? Max made it so that no tools are needed to take the rear wheel off. Just twist and off it comes.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    This BSA is riddled with more detail than space permits to write about. Take a closer look—you’re sure to find something we’ve neglected to mention.
    Images by Shaik Ridzwan. Visit the Hazan Motorworks website or follow Max’s news via his Facebook page.
    BSA A50 motorcycle customized by Maxwell Hazan.
    via BIKEexif

    76′ Honda CB750 by Raccia Motorcycles

    It’s not every day you get stalked by a Hollywood actor to build you a bike. But that’s exactly what happened to Mike LaFountain from Raccia Motorcycles. One day he receives a phone call from motorcycle nut and actor Ryan Reynolds asking to build him his dream bike. Ryan has a nice collection of motorcycles, but the bike that started it all when he was a teenager was a 1976 CB750. We were lucky enough to ask Ryan a few questions about this project and his passion for old CB’s…
    How did you discover Mike from Raccia Motorcycles? Did you see a certain bike he built?
    I found Mike through countless hours of Internet stalking. I’ve always been a little obsessed with 70′s Honda CB’s. Admittedly, even more so as they rose in popularity yet again these past 10 years. Mike had done a couple of builds which stopped me in my tracks. It never occurred to me I could probably just email him through his website and inquire about a project. But I did just that and we jumped into this thing together.
    What was the brief to Mike?
    Not to get overly romantic about it, (although I suppose I’m preaching to the converted here at Pipeburn) but Wabi-Sabi was the inspiration. It’s a Japanese term which basically embraces a kind of beauty which is imperfect. Basically finding perfection in imperfection. I wanted the bike to be mechanically sound, but the aesthetic raw, strong and timeless. I didn’t want anything glossy, or flashy. I wanted it to feel like a bike you’d go to war on. Mike made the vision a reality. In spades.
    Did you have a specific donor bike in mind? Or were you open to options?
    The only aspect I was rigid on, was the donor machine had to be a 76 CB. When I was a kid in Vancouver, I learned to ride on a woefully neglected 1976 CB750. I bought the thing for $600 worth of hard earned paper-route money. The bike was battered, abused and rough. It wore its scars in the manner of an aging prizefighter.
    Riding it was not unlike ferrying myself to and fro on a pipe-bomb made out of duct tape and future hospital bills. But god, I loved that thing. It was an extension of myself. I’d have dragged it to bed with me at night if my landlord (my father) hadn’t surgically installed eyeballs to the back of his head.
    Part of the romance I had with the bike was the two years of friction it left in its wake. When my Dad found out I’d bought the thing, he started using his “inside voice” to accentuate the three new veins growing out of his forehead. My older brother had crashed an interceptor 750 a few years earlier and nearly ate it for good. Understandably, bikes were not a welcome item at our household.
    Rightly or wrongly, I fought for that old CB. I went to war for it. Despite the fact filling it with a tank of gas would likely double its value, it represented independence and freedom. Having a bike was as if I’d invited in a clear and direct path to a different life. Being young and dumb and frivolous, things changed soon enough.
    Before moving to Los Angeles at 18 years old, I sold it to a local no gooder named Nick, who’d turned it into a fucking chopper. Not a fitting end to a bike that changed my life. At the time, I felt a fitting end to Nick might be a mandatory sterilization program, or at minimum, some sort of messy stabbing death – but there’s an ass for every seat as they say. And nobody forced me to sell it to him.
    I think Nick works on Wall Street now. Selling a slightly fancier kind of drug. A fitting occupation for his mercenary sensibility and lead-pipe cruelty.
    How do you like the finished product? How’s she ride?
    I’m lucky to be in the position to have someone build me a bike. Especially one like this. I really believe money’s better spent on an experience than a particular “thing”. Be it a night out for dinner or a trip somewhere you’ve never been. This bike is certainly a “thing” but moreover, it’s an experience. And of course, it can take me to dinner – or some place I’ve never been. And above all, I’m really grateful to Mike and the countless hours of sweat he spilled to build this ride.
    It’s runs better than I could ever imagine. More than anything, it feels exactly like my old bike went to heaven and came back, somehow better – yet the same – if that makes any sense.
    There’s no narcotic more powerful than nostalgia, and every second I’m on the bike, I feel like I just snatched a piece of misspent youth back and washed it clean. The only strange part, is the fact there’s literally nothing wrong with the motorcycle. And nobody to fight me for owning it.
    It runs like it just came off the assembly line, but looks as though it were ridden to my home in New York from Japan. Including the large chunk of road which goes underwater. I’ve already put 700 miles on it and it refuses to frustrate me. That said, I won’t be dragging it to bed anytime soon.
    What other bikes have you got in your garage? 
    I own about 8 bikes, including A couple of old Triumphs, a 1962 BMW R60/Sidecar and a very special Egli-Vincent Godet. I say, “about” because I bought an old beat-to-shit and brake-less BMW I rode in the movie Safe House. We shot the film in South Africa and I’m still waiting for the thing to clear customs, nearly 2 years later. So I should have it in my garage around September of two-thousand-never.
    And if Nick is reading this, feel free to send my bike back. As Mike LaFountain demonstrates admirably, time is the mother of reinvention. Anything can be undone.
    Check out the next issue of Iron and Air Magazine for more on this stunning CB750.
    [Photography by Gustavo Penna]
    via PIPEBURN

    North Atlantic Drift: BMW M4 goes Top Gun on aircraft carrier

    Picture a racetrack twisting around the deck of an enormous aircraft carrier. Got it? Now take a (mostly sideways) lap in a BMW M4.

    The ultimate racetrack

    Okay, so BMW’s ‘Ultimate Racetrack’ might not be real, but we love the idea. Isn’t it incredible how CGI can make something so ludicrous appear so convincing? The tail-happy M4 looks right at home attacking the numerous tight turns. It sounds pretty good, too. Perhaps someone should show this video to Mr Ecclestone – in a world of DRS and push-to-pass, a floating racetrack would probably be more than welcome in Formula One. 
    Feel like going 'Top Gun' as well? There are numerous ready-to-race BMWs for sale in the Classic Driver Market. 

    Maserati 150 GT Spider Prototipo wins at the Schloss Bensberg Classics 2014

    'Best of Show' at this year’s Schloss Bensberg Classics concours d’elegance was awarded to the beautiful Maserati 150 GT Fantuzzi Spider Prototipo. The car won over the judging panel, fending off other Italian competitors to claim the coveted prize...
    For the Maserati’s owner Andreas Mohringer, this isn't the first time that one of his cars has won ‘Best of Show’ at the Schloss Bensberg Classics – in 2012, his excellent Dino 166P/206P did enough to convince the judges. So is he accustomed to winning concours events yet? "No, quite the opposite!" he says, laughing. "I was totally surprised and did not expect the award. To win it again seemed so unlikely because of the success two years ago."  

    A very special one-off

    Other than for its owner, the decision of the jury came as no surprise to the participants and experts. The 150 GT Spider Prototipo is a unique car. Designed by Carrozzeria Fantuzzi, it was the result of an idea to bring a sporty road version of the successful competition 150S to the market. But the production run never happened, and this remains the only prototype built. "For me, this Maserati is special for several reasons," says Mohringer. "In my opinion, it’s a design icon and, above all, I love the contrast of the pretty and luxurious exterior, and the thoroughbred racing car underneath." Mohringer remains tight-lipped about which classic he’ll be bringing to next year’s event, but you can be sure that when he shows his hand, he’ll be well in the running.
    Classic Driver reports from the Schloss Bensberg Classics 2014, kindly supported by Berenberg private bank. For the latest articles from Schloss Bensberg, click here.

    Trial : Raga maintient le suspens

    Adam Raga (Gas Gas) a mis fin à la série de succès de Toni Bou (Montesa Michelin), s’imposant au Grand Prix de France et maintenant du même coup le suspens dans la course au titre. Tout se jouera début septembre en Espagne, l’écart entre les deux hommes étant désormais de sept points à l’avantage du champion en titre.
    Les trialistes ont trouvé à La Mongie des conditions météo bien meilleures que lors des précédentes épreuves, et sur un parcours considéré comme « assez facile » par les pilotes la course a été des plus serrées puisqu’à l’issue des trois tours Raga et Bou étaient à égalité parfaite avec deux pénalités chacun.
    C’est donc le chronomètre qui a départagé les deux rivaux, Raga l’emportant pour avoir bouclé l’épreuve en mettant trois minutes et dix huit secondes de moins que Bou.
    Avec ce quatrième succès de la saison, Raga conserve toutes ses chances de titre mondial même si Bou conserve l’avantage.
    Derrière les deux hommes forts de la discipline Jeroni Fajardo (Beta Michelin) monte sur son second podium de rang, terminant à onze points des vainqueurs mais devançant Albert Cabestany (Sherco Michelin) de neuf points et Jorge Casales (Gas Gas) de vingt et un points. Sixième de l’épreuve Takahisa Fujinami (Montesa Michelin) perd une place au championnat, mais va pouvoir profiter du break pour soigner son genou blessé en Grande Bretagne.
    Classement de l’épreuve : 1.Raga (ESP, Gas Gas) ; 2.Bou (ESP, Montesa Michelin) ; 3.Fajardo (ESP, Beta Michelin) ; 4.Cabestany (ESP, Sherco Michelin) ; 5.Casales (ESP, Gas Gas) ; etc…
    Positions au championnat : 1.Bou, 185 ; 2.Raga, 178 ; 3.Cabestany, 133 ; 4.Fajardo, 126 ; 5.Fujinami, 123 ; etc…