dimanche 10 février 2013

    story from Ténéré

    Die Historie der Ténéré

    The History of the Rally

    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken1976: Jean-Claude Olivier bei der Cote d'Ivoire Rallye
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken1985:Ténéré 600 in Paris-Dakar Rallye Version
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken1985: Jean-Claude Olivier auf dem Podium der Paris-Dakar Rallye mit der Ténéré 600
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken1986: Thierry Charbonniers Ténéré mit rahmenfester Verkleidung und 660ccm Hubraum
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken1989: Marathon Team auf XT600Z
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klicken
    1989: Stephane Peterhansel 

    Evolution des XT 600

    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klickenTénéré 550 Prototyp
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klickenErste Zeichnung der Ténéré 600
    Zur Bildvergrößerung hier klickenDas Serienmodell der Ténéré 600

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    "Hot Climbing" by Krugger Motorcycle

    Foto: Krugger Motorcycle

    from Racing Café

    Maiden success for the VW Polo R WRC/Michelin / Première victoire de la VW Polo R WRC/Michelin

    Victory in Sweden for Sébastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia has earned Volkswagen its very first win with the new Polo R WRC. Second-placed Sébastien Loeb (Citroën DS3 WRC) made it an all-French top-two on the winter event, while Mads Ostberg (Ford Fiesta RS WRC) finished on the podium.

    Sébastien Ogier et Julien Ingrassia ont offert la première victoire mondiale à la nouvelle Volkswagen Polo R WRC au Rallye de Suède 2013. Deuxième, Sébastien Loeb (Citroën DS3 WRC) a assuré un doublé tricolore inédit sur neige. Mads Ostberg (Ford Fiesta RS WRC) complète le podium.

    After finishing first and second on the Rallye Monte-Carlo, rallying’s most famous Sébastiens continued on their momentum to claim gold and silver again for France, but this time in a different order.
    By winning Thursday’s ‘Qualifying Stage’ in his Michelin X-Ice North 2-equipped Polo R WRC, Ogier was able to choose the best running order for Friday (17th on the road). That was a big bonus, since it helped him to win five of the first day’s six forest stages.
    Although this was only his third attempt at Rally Sweden, not only did Ogier beat all the Scandinavian specialists but he also failed to crack under pressure from the nine-time world champion Sébastien Loeb (Citroën DS3 WRC/Michelin) who clearly wanted to win his last visit to the Värmland. He tried every trick in the book to beat his former team-mate but eventually preferred to lift halfway into the penultimate stage.
    “It’s unbelievable, a huge surprise, so good!” he shouted at the end after pocketing the three ‘Power Stage’ bonus points to round off a perfect weekend. “Everyone in the team worked so hard in 2012. Thank you, all of you. I never thought we would score a result like this in Sweden. I had to push really hard to beat Loeb. ‘Wunderbar’!”
    Meanwhile, the scrap for third place between Mads Ostberg (Ford Fiesta RS WRC) and last year’s winner Jari-Matti Latvala (VW Polo R WRC) kept spectators on their toes, too. The Norwegian succeeded in gaining the upper-hand during Day 2 and then consolidated on the final leg as the rally moved into his home country.
    The finish ceremony saw three different car manufacturers – all Michelin partners – celebrate on the podium. Two-time Rally Sweden winner Mikko Hirvonen (17th) dropped half an hour on SS2, however, while his Citroën team-mate Dani Sordo crashed out on SS20.
    Helped by the retirement of Pontus Tidemand (engine) and the roll of Evgeny Novikov (9th) three stages from the end, Thierry Neuville clinched fifth place, ahead of fellow Qatar-M Sport WRT driver Juho Hanninen (6th), Czech Martin Prokop (7th) and Ford privateer Henning Solberg (8th).
    The WRC-2 class was won by Yazeed Al-Rahji (Ford Fiesta RRC) who was competing on snow for only the second time. “I learnt so much in Sweden last year but it was still difficult against drivers like Anders,” said the Saudi Arabian who beat Norwegian specialist Anders Grondal (Subaru). “At the end of the day, snow is a lot like sand, but white!”

    Après leur doublé au Rallye Monte-Carlo, les deux « Seb » ont poursuivi sur leur lancée en signant un nouveau doublé en Suède. Mais dans un ordre inverse.
    Au volant de la Polo R WRC chaussée des nouveaux pneumatiques Michelin X-Ice North 2, Sébastien Ogier a remporté la Qalifying Stage jeudi matin, ce qui lui a permis de choisir la meilleure position sur la route (17e) pour la première étape au cours de laquelle le Français a remporté cinq et des six spéciales disputées dans les forêts du Värmland.
    Pour son troisième Rallye de Suède, Sébastien Ogier a non seulement devancé tous les pilotes nordiques sur leur terrain de jeu favori, mais il a aussi su résister jusqu’au bout aux assauts du nonuple Champion du monde, Sébastien Loeb, bien décidé à enfin remporter ce rallye « à la régulière ». Sur sa Citroën DS3 WRC/Michelin, Sébastien Loeb a tout tenté jusqu’à l’avant-dernière spéciale avant de se résigner.
    « C’est incroyable, quelle surprise, c’est trop bon ! » a hurlé Sébastien Ogier à l’arrivée, après avoir empoché les trois points supplémentaires de la Power Stage. « Toute l’équipe a tellement travaillé en 2012. Merci à tous. Je n’aurais jamais espéré ce résultat ici en Suède ! Il a fallu rouler vraiment très vite pour gagner devant Loeb. Wunderbar ! »
    Autre duel passionnant jusqu’aux derniers mètres de course, celui qui a opposé Mads Ostberg au vainqueur sortant Jari-Matti Latvala pour la troisième place finale. Mads Ostberg (Ford Fiesta RS WRC) a pris l’avantage sur le Finlandais en milieu de deuxième étape avant de résister le lendemain, sur les spéciales norvégiennes.
    Trois constructeurs différents, partenaires de Michelin, terminent sur le podium. Double vainqueur en Suède, Mikko Hirvonen (Citroën, 17e) a perdu une demi-heure dans l’ES2. Son équipier Dani Sordo (Citroën) est sorti de la route dans l’ES20.
    Après l’abandon de Pontus Tidemand (moteur)) et le tonneau d’Evgeny Novikov (9e) en fin de rallye, Thierry Neuville a récupéré la 5e place finale. Il devance son équipier du Qatar-M Sport WRT Juho Hanninen, le Tchèque Martin Prokop (7e) et Henning Solberg (8e).
    Le Saoudien Yazeed Al-Rahji (Ford Fiesta RRC) complète le top-10 et remporte la catégorie WRC-2 pour sa seconde participation au Rallye de Suède devant le Norvégien Anders Grondal (Subaru). « J’avais beaucoup appris ici l’an passé, mais c’était très difficile de lutter face aux spécialistes comme Anders. Finalement, la neige, c’est comme du sable… blanc ! »

    from best-of-rallylive

    The Betsy South Beach: A seaside colony

    A worldly contrast: while the hustle and bustle of beach life rages in front of the Betsy Hotel on Ocean Drive, Miami, behind the ‘Florida Georgian’ façade you’ll find calm and tranquillity. Ceiling fans, palm trees and a bar where Ernest Hemingway would have felt at home give the location true colonial style. 

    Miami Beach is famous for its colourful and edgy Art Deco architecture but it’s all too easy to forget the older, colonial-style properties for which Florida was once so well known. The Betsy South Beach stands at the quiet end of Ocean Drive, just a stone’s throw from the beach.
    Built in 1942, the hotel was the subject of a two-year renovation programme that finished in 2009, when it reopened for business. Since then, it has gained many admirers from all over the world, where they sit dozing on antique sofas in the lobby, sun spilling through the ceiling-high blinds onto the plantation-style, slowly circulating fans.

    During the Betsy’s total renovation, interior designers Diamante Pedersoli and Carmelina Santoro (the former having produced work for Ralph Lauren) restored all 61 rooms and suites to the same theme. The dark walnut floors, white-painted wood furniture and extremely comfortable beds are far-removed from the usual pared-down fare offered by other boutique and ‘designer’ hotels. For those wishing to relax away from the beach, there’s the charming courtyard swimming pool or a roof terrace with views of palms trees and the ocean.

    Or, if more inclined to enjoy a little partying, guests need not leave the Betsy. In the BLT Steakhouse diners can enjoy excellent meat and seafood. At the bar, the house speciality ‘Miami Heat’ cocktail (tequila, passion fruit, lime juice, habanero syrup) will relax even the most stressed-out. And the hotel’s walls are decorated with prints from the ‘Lost' series of photographic books by Bob Bonis on the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. So one is joined by John and Paul, Mick and Keith, on the way to breakfast or the pool.
    In fact, such is the laid-back charm of the Betsy South Beach, we wouldn’t be surprised to see a slightly rumpled rock legend in Bermuda shorts greeting us on the porch.
    Related Links

    Your can book a room at the Betsy South Beach here:

    The ‘Lost Rolling Stones Photographs’ are not only found on the walls of the Betsy, they are also on display at the Not Fade Away Gallery.

    Text: Jan Baedeker (ClassicDriver)
    Photos: The Betsy South Beach