samedi 17 novembre 2012

    Mercedes-Benz Ener-G-Force: Off-road into the future

    Is this a glimpse into the future of SUV design? This could be the G-Class of the future. Maybe.

    Standing on four, 20-inch, off-road tyres, the Ener-G-Force Concept car is a G-Class adapted to the requirements of a possible future. The concept is the work of the Mercedes Advanced Design Studio in Carlsbad, California and, judging by appearances, the team behind it clearly expect leisure pursuits to become vastly more challenging.

    But that’s not all. As part of the prestigious design competition for this year’s Los Angeles Motor Show, opening at the end of November, designers have been asked to come up with a police car of the future or (to give the competition its correct title) ‘Highway Patrol Vehicle – 2025’. A version of the Ener-G-Force Concept in police livery is one entry in the competition; and it certainly looks capable of taking law enforcement to the remotest corners of the earth.

    The very small windows will protect, apparently, the forces of the future against external attacks from the outside, while flashing lights are integrated into the roof. Not many suspects would argue with the driver of this vehicle.
    Meanwhile, because dwindling oil reserves will perhaps require an ‘alternative’ source of propulsion, a hydrogen fuel cell has been installed in the Ener-G-Force Concept – and the vehicle can run for up to 800km with the only emissions being water. Not bad for a no-holds-barred four-wheel-drive machine like this.

    As per today’s SUVs, the torque delivered to individual wheels can vary depending on the surface… but, more unusually, a rotating topographical scanner analyses the environmental conditions ahead.
    Commenting on the concept, Mercedes said, “We wanted to introduce it as a design study for the future of Mercedes-Benz SUV design language. We wanted to see the public reaction.”
    Text: Classic DriverPhotos: Daimler

    Classic Car; Rally Nippon 2012

    Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona Coupe, Yellow, Giallo Fly

    Report and photos by Len Clarke
    Rally Nippon had its fourth running over November 3-6, 2012, this year’s route taking the more than 80 classic cars through eight of the nation’s 47 prefectures as it wended its way from Kyoto to Tokyo over a demanding and fast-paced four-day schedule covering nearly eleven hundred kilometres (675 miles).
    By far the youngest event on the historic rallying calendar here, Rally Nippon has quickly gained as much notoriety for the quality of entrants on its roster as for the places on its itinerary. Making a point of including sites that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also important culturally is one of the many attributes that sets it apart. It is possibly because of this cultural acknowledgement that the number of foreign entrants has grown year-on-year. Organiser Yusuke Kobayashi is emphatic when he explains, “Our aim is to show the beauty, the history and the cultural importance of some of Japan’s most revered sites.” Many places on the agenda are indeed designated World Heritage sites – and it’s easy to see why.

    The rally got underway on a sun-drenched Saturday morning at Kamigamo Shrine, the oldest of its kind in Japan’s ancient capital, Kyoto. The remarkably picturesque city is renowned for its lack of modern, tall buildings and is instead festooned with temples, shrines and all manner of historic structures, which at least partly explains the daunting number of foreign visitors I saw wandering its streets as the cars set off.
    From the start point, it was a relatively short jaunt to Tofuku-Ji Temple, one of the five great Zen temples of Kyoto, and familiar to anyone who’s seen a tourist brochure of the city. The afternoon’s stages then saw the cars kick into high gear as they sped into Shiga prefecture and the quaint Omi Hachiman temple complex, where competitors were treated to a short boat ride after visiting the main temple buildings.
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    Porsche 356 and Volvo PV 444 East African Rally were among the varied entrants at the 2012 running of Rally Nippon Kyoto-Tokyo
    The second day’s 337-km route traversed two more prefectures, Fukui and Gifu, taking in the ruins of the Ichijodani Asakura clan on its way to the pretty hamlet of Gujo Hachiman, located at the geographic centre of the country. The leg ended with a drive at dusk through the historic Udatsu (wooden shutter)-lined streets of Mino.
    Monday saw the greatest distance covered in any one day, slightly over 400kms. The weather up to this point had cooperated beautifully, and as the competitors snaked out of Gifu and into Nagano and then Yamanashi prefectures, the sun shone without interruption. Chief among the day’s many attractions was Suwa Grand Shrine, where celebrity gagaku (ancient Japanese court music) player and former member of Japan’s Imperial Household Agency’s music department Hideki Togi gave a resounding performance to the rest of the competitors. Togi was joined on stage by his 81-year old mother, who was also competing on the rally. The leg ended in Hakone, one of the most exclusive (and achingly beautiful) of the country’s getaway spots, despite the onset of heavy rain, which made visibility difficult at times.

    The final day started with no let-up in the weather, and one had to feel a little sorry for the many entrants in open-top cars, which, just like their occupants, were getting thoroughly soaked. Tsurugaoka Hachiman-Gu Shrine is one of the largest and most important in Kamakura, a city that, over a thousand years ago, ruled this region. Although by now sodden, the entrants braved the elements as they trudged through the narrow streets on their way to check points before heading out onto the open road for the last blast, one that would take them all the way up to Tokyo.
    Once in the capital, competitors headed straight for Yasukuni Grand Shrine, one of the nation’s most famous sites of worship. The rain did let up briefly as the first of the cars streamed in, though as the afternoon wore on, things became fully wet once more.
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    1948 Ermini 1100 Sport, Yasukuni Grand Shrine, Rally Nippon Kyoto-Tokyo 2012
    Japan is a country of extremes: extreme beauty, extreme history and architecture, extreme weather, and in this case, an extreme(ly enjoyable) challenge. The schedule was relentless; it was by no means a recreational rally. The competitors are just that, competitors – and they’re very serious about winning!
    The 2013 Rally Nippon will venture further afield, with “Rally Nippon in Taiwan” taking in a complete lap of the island. Kobayashi-san relates, “We are most excited to have been given the green light to hold an event in Taiwan, and for a number of reasons. First, Japan is culturally and historically very close to Taiwan, and more recently, Taiwan’s citizens contributed vast amounts of support to Japan after last year’s earthquake and tsunami. We wish to offer our sincere thanks to the people of Taiwan, and see the rally was a way of strengthening ties between our two peoples.” Looking longer term, Kobayashi-san hopes to expand to other parts of Asia, with Singapore and Malaysia top of his list for future events

    Ellaspede Customs’ 1980 Honda CB250N

    Black. The coolest of the colours. If the all the colours in the world got together and had a “who's most like Steve McQueen” competition, black would have to be respectfully excluded after winning too many years in a row. In fact, it's so cool that your eyes only register it as black because it's absorbing pretty much all the light that is falling on it. So that makes it like some sort of pet black hole without all the nasty gravity and the sucking and the killing stuff. Johnny Cash loved it. Young Marlon Brando practically breathed the stuff. It's the colour of magic, power, evil and elegance. Let's face it, if you had to choose a single, lonesome colour to make every motorbike that was ever built between now and the end of the world, good old black would be it. And the guy's at Ellaspede Customs wholeheartedly agree. Their latest creation plumbs new depths of black coolness and as you can see from the photos, there's just no way you could ever imagine it being painted with anything else.
    Say hello to Leo, Ellaspede's boss blacker. “This 1980 CB250N (SuperDream) came to us as an unknown quantity via our latest customers Nick and Ben C.They had purchased it with a view to having some mods done in order to have a cool bike to help promote their Brisbane based Gents clothing store “Apartment,” and to have a little fun on.”
    “The unknown bit led to some interesting times electrically but all and sundry seem pretty pleased with the final result. As with many older bikes it’s hit and miss as to how much work will be required to get them on the road again. To help with this we found a donor 250N that came in very handy for broken/un-serviceable items that are part n parcel with aging vehicles. With most of the repairs out of the way and a freshly obtained roadworthy certificate we went about our modding duties.”
    “A custom kangaroo (I've never seen a custom Kangaroo before - Andrew) leather-clad seat with “A” motif straddles the adjusted rear frame. Low-rise bars with bar-end mirrors, a custom mount single gauge/pilot lights and a bottom mount headlight are notable new bits up front. Daytona indicators adorn front and rear.”
    “The bike arrived already black but all was stripped and prepped before a few new coats of satin black/clear-over satin black for a much needed freshen up. Relocated battery and electrics clean up the under-seat area and pod air filters and new mufflers with wrapped pipes are now dealing with breathing duties.
    This previously cheap and ugly little 80‘s city commuter now has a new lease on life and is forging an identity for itself in Brisbane’s CBD.”
    from pipeburn

    ‘Untitled Motorcycles’

    ‘Untitled Motorcycles’: B/W commercial for London customiser

    Beards? Check. Location for shoot a once-unfashionable, now achingly trendy part of London? Check. Grungy, chopped Bee-Emm twins? Oh yes, as this is all about the bike customising shop Untitled Motorcycles.

    You know we like these films. And, while it might not do quite so much for me as did ‘Twins in the Peaks: Fashion house Edwin and classic BMWs’, it’s another classic film noir in a 21st Century Shoreditch stylee.

    Text: Steve Wakefield
    Video: Leap Films