vendredi 28 décembre 2012


    Honda XL600 custom motorcycle
    Twice a year, we compile a list of the most popular motorcycles on Bike EXIF. It’s the global barometer of public taste, with bikes selected on the basis of web traffic and their popularity across our social media channels—including Facebook, Stumbleupon and our exploding Pinterest page, which now has almost 1.5 million followers.
    So here are the ten machines that our readers liked best in the second half of 2012. There are several ‘older’ bikes that are still racking up huge numbers, and would make this list if it was an all-time Greatest Hits: That includes several Rough Crafts and Wrenchmonkees bikes, plus previous Classified Moto builds and many of Cafe Racer Dreams’ machines.
    Let us know in the comments what you think of this list.
    1. Classified Moto KT600 [top]. When Battlestar Galactica actress Katee Sackhoff wanted a custom motorcycle, she commissioned John Ryland to build this Honda XL600. It’s already garnered well over 100,000 page views, and not surprisingly, Ryland has been deluged with orders for new builds.
    Ducati 1098 by Anglada Originals
    2. After a track day accident, Alonzo Bodden got his Ducati 1098 (above) customized by Anglada Originals. The result is a powerful, heavily upgraded performance bike packed with top-shelf components and given a brutal streetfighter style.
    Yamaha Virago XV750
    3. This 1982 Yamaha Virago XV750 (above) was Eric Meglasson’s first motorcycle build, and was inspired by Classified Moto’s work on the same model. The Oregon architect now runs his own custom motorcycle company.
    BMW cafe racer
    4. 1970s-era BMW airheads respond well to the cafe racer treatment. But you don’t often see one with a mono-shock conversion. This 1976 BMW R75/6 (above) is owned by graphic designer Casey Wilkinson of the motorcycle-mad Wilkinson Brothers.
    Ducati Pantah
    5. It’s always fascinating to see the personal rides of bike builders. This amazing Ducati Pantah(above) belongs to JvB-moto’s Jens vom Brauck, a regular on these pages since the early days.
    Triumph Bonneville cafe racer
    6. Dark and minimal is the custom trend today. But there’s always an exception, like this pale and elegant Triumph Bonneville cafe racer (above) by Loaded Gun Customs.
    Vintage BMW R75/5
    7. The Spanish workshop Cafe Racer Dreams transformed a humble BMW R75/5 (above) into a stunning vintage scrambler destined for the streets of Paris.
    Honda Super Cub custom
    8. Holland’s Super Motor Company has turned the humble Honda Super Cub (above) into a fire-breathing salt flats racer. It’s not our usual fare on EXIF, but it was the surprise hit of the year.
    Custom Norton motorcycle
    9. Jason Kidd’s extraordinary Flyrite Choppers ‘Double Trouble’ (above) custom Norton has not one, but two Atlas engines.
    Ducati GT1000 custom
    10. A stern test for custom builders is how they handle the ‘budget’ job. This Ducati GT1000 (above) was no problem for the English workshop Spirit Of The Seventies—and won the company many new admirers.
    What do you think about this selection? Is it representative of the custom scene today? And what do you think the next trends will be?
    Add your thoughts below—I’ll be closely monitoring the comments from around noon (PST time in the US), and will be happy to answer any questions you’ve got.

    FANTASY RACING by Racefit

    Citroen Racing – 19 allée des Marronniers (F): le film !

    Voici enfin, en version intégrale et sous-titrée, le film « 19 allée des Marronniers », pour un voyage au cœur de Citroën Racing ! Bon film… et joyeuses fêtes !

    Here it is! The full and subtitled version of our movie « 19 allée des Marronniers » is available. Come with us for a journey inside Citroën Racing. We also wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Valentino Rossi and friends celebrate the holiday season with a race

    from Twowheelsblog
    December 26th or St. Stephen’s Day as it is known in Italy is a still a holiday when people try to recover from overeating and overdrinking from the Christmas festivities, but at Valentino Rossi’s Motoranch in foggy and cold Tavullia, the festivities continued with a friendly 20 lap endurance race with all the Christmas trimmings, that also included a number teenage racers like Niccolò Antonelli, Romano Fenati, and upcoming Moto3 Gresini rider Lorenzo Baldassari.
    The 44km race was won by Valentino who was paired with “Albi” Tebaldi, while second place went to Mattia Pasini and Mauro Sanchini (former WSBK rider turned TV commentator) and third place went to Pasini’s father, Luca who was once a professional racer before starting a minimoto team where the late Marco Simoncelli also began his racing career.
    Enjoy the video, and if you’re a fan of The Doctor you can’t miss the two dozen other videos that Rossi uploaded on his YouTube channel on Christmas Day.
    Valentino Rossi December 26th 2012 RaceValentino Rossi December 26th 2012 RaceValentino Rossi December 26th 2012 RaceValentino Rossi December 26th 2012 RaceValentino Rossi December 26th 2012 RaceValentino Rossi December 26th 2012 RaceValentino Rossi December 26th 2012 Race

    jeudi 27 décembre 2012

    IN FULL SCREEN !!! ;The Raiden Files, Stage 3: Sand Dunes

    Our engines groan as the heat from midday begins to envelope the atmosphere. Bewildering sand storms and ever-changing dunes only added to the challenges at hand. Throttles pinned, it was on through the dunes and our next test.

    Total / Moon Race – Tom Kan – QUAD

    Total / Moon Race - Tom Kan - QUAD from QUAD on Vimeo.

    Dakar - Le Team X-Raid doute de son potentiel

    Stéphane Peterhansel, mais aussi Joan « Nani » Roma et Krzysztof Holowczyc, les trois têtes d’affiche du team X-Raid, sont des prétendants au titre légitimes sur le Dakar 2013. Mais plusieurs menaces pèsent sur les Mini, y compris celle d’une lutte interne…

    Après avoir remporté son premier titre grâce au duo constitué de Stéphane Peterhansel et Jean-Paul Cottret, l’écurie X-Raid aligne au départ du Dakar une dream-team qui se positionne comme la prétendante légitime à la victoire, avec sept voitures au départ dont six Mini. Sur la démonstration livrée en 2012, l’armada montée par Sven Quandt aurait peu à craindre de la concurrence : les sueurs froides ont été rares du côté des favoris, qui ont terminé la course sur les deux premières marches du podium et gagné 8 étapes sur 13 avec 4 pilotes différents ! Pour autant, la donne a peut-être changé en cours d’année, et la domination des Mini n’est pas assurée, de l’aveu même de Stéphane Peterhansel. Bien qu’il se soit imposé sur la Baja d’Espagne et le Rally dos Sertoes, ses deux seules courses cette saison, le capitaine prédit que « cette année la concurrence sera bien là. Et nous serons certainement un peu plus en retrait en termes de puissance à cause des nouveaux règlements ».

    La question du différentiel de performance entre les Mini et leurs rivales ne pourra être tranchée que sur la piste, et l’application d’un nouveau règlement technique qui limite les possibilités de développement des moteurs pourrait en effet changer la donne. Quoi qu’il en soit, X-Raid reste la seule équipe dont trois pilotes s’affichent comme des vainqueurs en puissance, avec Nani Roma et Krzysztof Holowczyc, en plus de Peterhansel. La richesse de l’effectif est naturellement regardée comme une possibilité de jouer plusieurs cartes par Sven Quandt : « Nous avons trois cordes à notre arc, dans la bataille pour les premières places ». Mais l’ancien pilote a aussi conscience qu’il devra canaliser les ambitions au sein de son groupe. S’ils savent se montrer professionnels et disciplinés lorsque le devoir et la raison l’exigent, ces compétiteurs hors-normes sont avant tout guidés par leur appétit de victoire, comme l’explique Roma, déjà sacré en deux-roues en 2004 : « En terminant 2ème de la dernière édition, bien sûr qu’on pense à la première place ! ». Au diapason du Catalan, Holowczyc, qui avait passé l’essentiel de l’édition 2012 sur le podium provisoire avant de rétrograder en fin de rallye, n’exprime pas autre chose en se projetant sur la course 2013 : « J’ai davantage d’expérience maintenant, et rien ne devrait m’arrêter maintenant pour tenter de célébrer un succès majeur au Dakar ». Mais il se dit que l’abondance de biens ne nuit pas…

    Les équipages du Team Monster Energy X-Raid

    302 : Stéphane Peterhansel (Fra) - Jean-Paul Cottret (Fra) / Mini All 4 Racing
    305 : Nani Roma (Esp) - Michel Périn (Fra) / Mini All 4 Racing
    307 : Leonid Novitskiy (Rus) - Konstantin Zhiltsov (Rus) / Mini All 4 Racing
    310 : Krzysztof Holowczyc (Pol) - Filipe Palmeiro (Por) / Mini All 4 Racing
    313 : Orlando Terranova (Arg) - Paulo Fiúza (Por) / BMW X3 CC
    314 : Boris Garafulic (Chi) - Gilles Picard (Fra) / Mini All 4 Racing
    324 : Stephan Schott (All) - Holm Schmidt (All) / Mini All 4 Racing

    From AUTOhebdo

    Giacomo Agostini tips Lorenzo to win 2013 title

    When you’re a 15 time World Champion like Giacomo Agostini, people ask your opinion on the current racers and the racing legend was recently interviewd by the Gazzetta dello Sport to find out his take on what will happen between Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino Rossi, now that Yamaha threw a lifeline to the Italian and his return is already being felt, if it’s confirmed thatYamaha bought out Lorenzo’s personal sponsorship contract with Rock Star.
    The reigning World Champion in his recent interviews has played down any talk of future tension, believing that his relationship with Rossi will be better than it was in the past, but most paddock observers believe that the intense rivalry between the two will kick in once again if Rossi should return to his winning ways and will be excaberated if Yamaha can’t manage the situation.
    “When you have two roosters in the same hen house, one wants to be more of a rooster than the other one. I experienced that with Hailwood, Read and also with Bergamonti: the thing you desire most is to beat your team mate who has the same bike as yours, because that’s where you see who is stronger. Rossi will win again at Yamaha, but it won’t be easy, I think he can win one or two races a season, but not dominate like before as his rivals are younger and have improved,” commented Agostini.
    Agostini was also asked who he believes will win the next title and his answer was Lorenzo - almost without hesitation - but admits that Lorenzo will have trouble defending his title if Dani Pedrosa should continue with the strong streak with which he ended the 2012 season.

    SUZUKI GSX-750R '94

    Spesifikasi :
    • Body Custom by STUDIO MOTOR Custom Bike
    • Painting & Airbrush by Komet Studio
    • Upside Down Suzuki GSX-750R K5
    • Velg Depan Triumph 955i Daytona + Pirelli Diablo Corsa 120/60-17
    • Velg Belakang Triumph 955i Daytona + Bridgestone Battlax 190/50-17
    • Swing Arm Triumph 955i Daytona
    • Monoshock Triumph 955i Daytona
    • Lampu Depan Yamaha Vixion
    • Knalpot Custom by Jet Hot

    STUDIO MOTOR Custom Bike

    Honda Today by Sawada Cycle

    Foto: Bikebros

    mercredi 26 décembre 2012

    La SLS AMG par World Motorsports

    127 La SLS AMG par World Motorsports sannonceLes Américains de la maison World Motorsports viennent de de dévoiler les premières illustrations de leur dernier programme concocté sur une Mercedes SLS AMG. Une Allemande cuisinée à la sauce américaine qui se profile comme très méchamment épicée…Avec son vrai/faux look de SLS AMG GT3, tout en étant bien entendu 100 % street legal, cette version de la supercar allemande hérite donc d’éléments de carrosserie comme on l’apprécie évidemment à travers l’imposant aileron arrière.
    Lèvre avant en fibre de carbone et diffuseur arrière du même matériau composent aussi pour les nouveautés visibles. Visibles également sont les jantes tirées du catalogue de HRE, des jantes qui arborent une finition noire pour se marier au noir de la carrosserie. Mais ce qu’on attend de savoir c’est évidemment tout ce qui entoure la partie mécanique. Aucun chiffre n’est livré mais World Motorsports passe par un système de suralimentation avec un kit TT comme Twin Turbo. A suivre quand tous les points seront éclaircis dans ce domaine. Mais on peut d’ores et déjà s’attendre à du très lourd !
    124 La SLS AMG par World Motorsports sannonce
    123 La SLS AMG par World Motorsports sannonce
    126 La SLS AMG par World Motorsports sannonce
    125 La SLS AMG par World Motorsports sannonce
    Source et images : World Motorsports.

    Another song dedicated to SuperSic

    It never ceases to amaze how many fans miss Marco Simoncell and how his untimely death last year at Sepang has inspired and sparked the creativity of people who want remember SuperSic.
    This latest song called “Corro tra le stelle” (I’m Racing through the Stars) and the lyrics were written by Gabriella Mancini - a journalist of the Gazzetta dello Sport and then put to music by a student of a famous Italian music school.
    The singers are all students: Agnese Fiorini - Roberta Laguercia - Camilla Perna - Debora Vezzani - Clarissa Vichi - and there’s also the partecipation of retired rider Loris Capirossi, who recites the words “diobò come sono belle… ora corro tra le stelle” (dibò -[good god] how beautiful they are… now I’ll race through the stars), the photos are by Gigi Soldano.
    Another way to remember the late Italian rider will be coming from the city of Aquila (that suffered an earthquake in 2009 and sadly has become even more famous following the scandals that followed), who will be naming a street after him following the request of local motorcycle club.
    from Twowheelsblog