jeudi 19 novembre 2015

    Ink’s rendering of the Le Mans-winning Jaguar D-type

    Graphic design and cars go hand in hand, as the London-based digital production studio Ink discovered last year with its first ‘plain-body’ rendering, of a Porsche 917. Now it’s followed up with a second design, this time of a Le Mans-winning Jaguar D-type…

    To the last detail

    If you love the look of the Jaguar D-type RM Sotheby’s consigned to its Arizona sale last week, but are not in the market to spend upwards of £2m on a car, these renderings are almost as good. Sort of. Using a variety of graphic design software, the folks at Ink have captured Malcolm Sayer’s sleek and curvaceous design down to the very last detail – from the tattiness of the wheels to the heat-stained exhaust pipes. Painted in white and devoid of roundels or other identifying stickers, the D-type’s impossibly sexy shape is revealed in the most profound way. 
    Photos: Ink 
    Framed prints of Ink’s Jaguar D-type rendering are available to buy here

    Vinyl goes vertical with the Floating Record

    Who says records have to lie flat? Gramovox has turned this assumption on its head (or rather its side) with the Floating Record vertical turntable...

    Sit up and listen

    Vinyl albums are making a comeback as the world tires of digital downloads and longs for the warmth and depth (not to mention the odd snap, crackle and pop) of analogue recordings. But if you threw out your turntable along with your first word processor, this offering from Chicago-based Gramovox might appeal. Not only does the Floating Record appear more like a piece of artwork than a functional music machine, it takes up a great deal less space, and – complete with built-in stereo speakers – it’s an all-in-one stereo sound system. With a walnut or maple wood veneer base, the Floating Record makes a stylish retro addition to your living space for just $399.99.
    Photos: Gramovox


    mercredi 18 novembre 2015

    Join this fabulous Maserati 450 S recreation in dreamland

    Dreams can be both blissful and infuriating. Say, for example, you were enjoying a beautiful bare-metal Maserati 450 S recreation on the ideal road, and then you woke up….

    In your dreams

    This short film, produced by Classic Driver dealer Wim Prins, shows its Maserati Mexico-based, aluminium Maserati 450 S recreation being driven with some gusto on a rather miserable day. Unfortunately for the young lady at the helm, the fantasy didn’t last long – a clichéd ending perhaps, but one that nicely illustrates the strong allure and romance of classic cars. 
    You can find more of Wim Prins’ stock listed for sale in the Classic Driver Market. 

    Romain Dumas de retour au Dakar avec Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque et la Peugeot 2008 DKR15+

    En début d’année, Romain Dumas avait découvert le Dakar avec l’Ecurie du Cœur. Une expérience humaine et sportive unique pour le natif d’Alès qui a décidé de poursuivre le chapitre ouvert en janvier 2015. Le pilote tricolore défendra à nouveau les couleurs de Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque lors de la prochaine édition, qui se déroulera en Argentine et en Bolivie du 3 au 16 janvier. S’il sera toujours épaulé par l’expérimenté François Borsotto, il changera en revanche de monture : il évoluera cette fois au volant de la Peugeot 2008 DKR15+, directement alignée le RD Rallye Team, qui en a fait l’acquisition auprès de Peugeot Sport.
    Un retour au Dakar plus ambitieux…
    Le Dakar 2015 avait été une expérience marquante pour Romain Dumas qui avait effectué, à cette occasion, ses premiers pas en rallye-raid après avoir déjà montré son éclectisme en décrochant de nombreuses victoires « GT » en rallye et un succès général à Pikes Peak. Cette aventure lui avait toutefois laissé un goût d’inachevé, étant contrant à l’abandon au départ de la dixième étape suite à une casse mécanique. Le pilote officiel Porsche, qui n’est pas adepte des « one-shot », effectuera sa deuxième participation consécutive en 2016 avec la volonté d’atteindre de nouveaux objectifs. « Revenir sur le Dakar était un de mes souhaits mais il fallait réunir toutes les pièces du puzzle. Avec le team et mes partenaires, nous y sommes parvenus et je suis heureux d’être à nouveau au départ de cette course de légende » confie-t-il. « Tout d’abord, courir ma propre équipe s’imposait comme une évidence à mes yeux. En dehors de mon programme officiel avec Porsche, nous avons pris l’habitude de construire de beaux challenges, en rallye ou avec le défi Pikes Peak par exemple. Je voulais vivre le Dakar avec le team et je suis convaincu que c’est un bon terrain pour le faire grandir. Ensuite, je voulais bénéficier d’une voiture plus compétitive et je pense que c’est le cas avec la Peugeot 2008 DKR15+. Je suis logiquement plus ambitieux… même si ma première expérience m’a appris une chose : il faut s’attendre à tout ! Le but est clairement d’être à l’arrivée et de tirer notre épingle du jeu lorsque l’opportunité se présentera. »
    Après une première prise en mains courant octobre en France, Romain Dumas et le RD Rallye Team ont pris possession de la 2008 DKR15+ cette semaine dans les ateliers de Peugeot Sport, où ils ont suivi une formation. Le départ du Dakar sera donné le 3 janvier, après un prologue la veille, pour une arrivée prévue à Rosario le 16 janvier.
    8 enfants sauvés avec Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque et MATMUT.
    La Peugeot 2008DKR15+ de Romain Dumas arborera les couleurs de Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, association qui vient en aide aux enfants malades du cœur. Avec le concours de MATMUT et à travers cette participation au Dakar, huit enfants souffrants de malformations cardiaques seront sauvés. « J’ai été sensibilité à cette cause et, avec Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, nous avons créé une relation depuis l’an dernier. Elle s’est poursuivie aux 24 Heures du Mans et je suis fier de la continuer aujourd’hui » souligne Romain. « J’avais dit l’an dernier à la même époque que la combativité et la solidarité étaient des valeurs importantes pour moi. Cela n’a pas changé, elles font partie de mon éducation et je suis bien décidé à porter haut les couleurs de Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. Je sais que ce n’est pas original, mais c’est ma façon d’être honnête. Tout au long de cette compétition qu’est le Dakar, je me battrai pour ces enfants et pour que l’on parle d’eux. J’espère être digne de ces enfants. »
    « Pour la deuxième année consécutive, Romain Dumas et MATMUT, renouvèlent leur soutien à Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque » déclare Patrice Roynette, Co-fondateur et Co-Président de Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. « Ce partenariat solidaire, dans le cadre de ce Rallye Raid mythique, est une chance incroyable pour notre organisation afin d’accroitre sa visibilité et de faire connaitre sa mission sociale : opérer et sauver des enfants atteints de malformation cardiaque, du monde entier. Un grand merci ! »
    A propos de Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.
    Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque permet à des enfants souffrants de malformations cardiaques et venant de pays défavorisés de se faire opérer en France lorsque cela est impossible chez eux faute de moyens techniques ou financiers.
    Hébergés par des familles d’accueil bénévoles et opérés dans neuf villes de France (Angers, Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Paris, Strasbourg, Toulouse et Tours), plus de 2500 enfants ont déjà été pris en charge depuis la création de l’Association en 1996 par Francine Lecaet Patrice Roynette.


    TOUR DE CORSE HISTORIQUE 2015 from Romaric Croisile on Vimeo.

    2015 GNCC Round 13 - Ironman Bike Highlights

    Josh Strang remporte la finale de l’AMSOIL Ironman GNCC à Crawfordsville, Indiana.

    KLASSIK KUSTOMS // addicted to freedom

    KLASSIK KUSTOMS // addicted to freedom from MOTOR RAUSCH on Vimeo.

    Speed Icons, where the colour says it all

    When cars speed past us on a race circuit, reckons petrolhead artist Joel Clark, it’s not their engines or drivers that we're really aware of; it’s the oranges, blues, whites and reds in shapes and patterns. It’s their colours.

    Less is more

    Look long and hard at these striking artworks, and imagine the ideal training for the artist behind them. How about an early job as a race-car-livery vinyl sticker maker at Silverstone; followed by art college; followed by a 15-year career in advertising? Having done exactly these things, Joel Clark combined the full set of skills he’d acquired and set about creating artworks in hand-cut vinyl that bring to life the iconic liveries of some of history’s greatest racing cars. We love the almost impressionistic use of light and dark, of vibrant colours and ‘negative space’, that conjure up so much, so simply. 
    The Speed Icons collection is available to buy as a series of limited-edition prints (with some originals still available), here. You can also get updates on the latest works by following the Speed Icons Instagram account.
    Photos: Joel Clark


    Yamaha’s XS650 is one of the most popular donor bikes upon which shed and pro-builders impart their creativity, with some truly fantastic results. The engine is arguably one of the most handsome to grace a mass produced motorcycle, has race proven reliability, stacks of heritage and nostalgic charm reminding us of a simpler time when spanners and feeler gauges ruled.
    Sticking some water jackets and computer wizidary around this iconic twin in an attempt to get wink and the gun from the polar bear stroking law fudgers in Brussels wasn’t going to wash so Yamaha needed a more modern approach. Luckily their much heralded MT-07 engine sips fuel and gushes character so it seemed an easy job to enter the rose-tinted retro sector. Cobble together an XS650 look-a-like, come up with a clever marketing strategy and then sit back and await hoards of hipsters waving their hand-crafted, hemp wallets.
    So there we go, the XSR700, an MT-07 prettied-up to jump on the New Wave Express rolling out of Customville. Great, that’s that then, I’m off to the pool for a Campari, thanks Yamaha.
    Yamaha_XSR700_GarageMetal_Acc_Static-1Not quite, in fact not even close. Anyone with half an idea of what goes on behind closed doors at Yamaha, and particularly with their long running Yard Built programme, will attest that the above is a load of nonsense, apart from the bit about the pretty engine. Shun Miyazawa and his team know the scene inside out having worked with some of the world’s most eminent builders and nurtured up-and-coming talent keen to flex their creative muscle. Over the last 6 years we’ve witnessed some magnificent machines rolling off benches under the Yard Built banner and despite being a huge corporation they’re schooling the other manufacturers in how to embrace and support the rapidly changing custom scene. It’s actually not too crazy to suggest that this programme has helped shape the current market and that other manufacturers owe Shun a pint, or two.
    We’ve spoken before about the need for modern bikes that can be customised easily by their time-poor and facility-lacking owners without breaking the bank or voiding the manufacturer’s warranty. And for us stiff arsed Brits, the idea of chopping up a new bike to satisfy aesthetic whimsy seems a rather unsporting and audacious move. Yamaha clocked onto all this a while ago and pushed builders of project bikes to create something visually stunning but more importantly, repeatable. Chopping and grinding of frames is out, forward thinking component development is in. The idea being dealers flog bikes, builders flog parts and customers can tinker with a brand new bike until their heart’s content. The Sports Heritage range has been a hit thus far and the sales figures suggest there’ll be a degree of back slapping at Yamaha HQ.
    XSR700 GreenA thinly veiled attempt to push a fat catalogue of model specific parts to bolster profits I hear you cry. Well, we’re all adults here and know that Yamaha is a big monster that needs feeding with dollar bills but what they haven’t done is make bikes that will only function with their specific line of aftermarket parts. Don’t like the all-in-one digital speedo and headlight? Well take them off, fit a tallow candle and use a damp finger for speed readings if you like. The ECU won’t care and there isn’t a finicky CAN bus system to placate. These bikes are built to be taken apart.

    XSR700 C
    One significant component that highlights this is the subframe. Manufacturers must cater for the masses and therefore saddles are made to accommodate the massive but we all know long seats make for ugly bikes and it’s more or less become a given that frame rails are the first port of call for any build. If I have to write cut-and-loop again I will cry (high octane nitromethane man tears you understand). Yamaha’s designers are one step ahead and have incorporated an easily removable loop, pop the seat off with the ignition key, pull out one of the pre-installed allen keys and undo the easy-to-reach fasteners and voila, sack-off your pillion and fit a shorter seat.
    XSR700 G
    Either pick one of the properly made (laser straight stitching and decent materials) options from the catalogue or make your own, it’ll only need a hook at the front and the male part for the locking mechanism and you’re done. Before the allen key is returned why not remove the redundant passenger pegs and set your XSR to selfish, canyon chasing mode. This does cause a problem for video makers though, as weld flare and grinding sparks might have to come from the special effects palette from now on.

    XSR700 HThe fuel tank is another area that’s been well thought out. The vessel itself is pressed steel with two aluminium side panels and cloaking strip down the centre. I spoke at length with the bike’s designer, Jun Tamura, about how laborious it was to achieve the complex curves using a single press mould and why he wouldn’t relent on metallurgy. His team’s perseverance and dedication to expressing heritage through use of traditional materials has paid off. Run your hand over the bike and it’s obvious that someone lied to the bean counters during pre-production. The bits that are bound to be upgraded are basic and functional with budget saved for the sexier areas.
    Once the aforementioned side panels have been pressed, a subsequent heat treatment and anodising reverses the malleable nature of the aluminium and keeps mother nature and careless owners from spoiling the raw-look finish. “But if they’re going to be painted why not just use injection moulded plastic?” I asked.  “On a cold morning your knees can feel the chill of metal through your jeans” was the reply. In a time when cosseting electronics and cotton-wool-tech temper the interaction between rider and machine any connection to purity is surely welcome.
    Ross XSR
    Some of the launch bikes were painted in a resplendent forest green but I had the raw silver. Either way, if that’s not to your taste unbolt them and dispatch to your favourite painter for a personal touch. You could even order a few tins of One Shot and practice pinstriping, the panels are interchangeable and negate the need for re-plumbing of fuel lines and pump wiring. Don’t quote me on this but I dare say you could still ride the bike to work without the panels fitted whilst you wait for some creative to work their magic with the crayons.
    The DIY theme continues. Don’t like the front mudguard or the upgrades in the catalogue? Then make your own. Sounds obvious but the XSR mounts have been designed to allow even the most untalented of measure-once-cut-twicers to have a go.
    XSR700 ESo, you get the picture, the engineers and designers totally get it and appreciate that for people like us pulling up at the lights with a slight smugness of “I built this, sort of” is as important as making an apex or pulling a perfect wheelie. Speaking of which, if you haven’t been to Sardinia stop reading this book a flight and hire a bike, you won’t regret it. Thankfully Yamaha’s people know a fine road when they ride one so as you can imagine, we had a pretty good time up in them there hills.

    XSR700 IWhat’s it like to ride then? During the presentation Shun suggested that the bike is “confidence inspiring” – Well that’s an understatement of fairly grandiose proportions. The XSR is like being David Gandy’s doppleganger and walking into a club with a foot-long-dong in your 16oz denim and a line of cocaine up your hooter. It lets you take fairly massive liberties and thoroughly enjoy yourself, but won’t leave you with child support payments and a dose of the clap.
    Arriving at downhill hairpin bends well above intended velocity would usually result in a clenching of buttocks and a mental run-through of one’s own funeral invite list but on the XSR you just lever it over a bit further, pass the time listening to the 270 degree twin burble on overrun and gun the throttle once more. I kept waiting for the reassuring grind of the hero blobs to indicate the impending shortage of rubber, but instead my boots now need new soles. I’d forgotten that I was on the upgraded model with adjustable rearsets and high-level Akrapovic pipe.
    One finger on the brake lever was more than sufficient to scrub big digits from the easy-to-read speedo and a manly squeeze with two or more on some of the rougher mountain passes resulted in a pulsing warning from the ABS that enthusiasm was out of correlation with talent. The forks felt firm enough to resist crude inputs whilst soaking up the efforts Sardinia’s lesser experienced asphalt application technicians. However, with an additional 5 kgs of meat on board from another carnivorous session at the hotel restaurant and the more spirited riders might have benefitted from a gloopier fork oil or spring upgrade.
    JVB EAlthough there is plenty of shove from the velvety smooth motor only the most hamfisted of throttle inputs will loft the front wheel without the clutch, as demonstrated in my utterly woeful and over eager attempt at the pre-lunch drag race. The bigger boys from the glossy analog publications appeared to have been trying to save front tyres, spending nearly the entire day on the back wheel. Rain or shine, it made no odds and at times it was like being part of the European chapter of the 12 O’Clock Boys.
    There will be a learner friendly A2 licence version with a few ponies sent out to pasture but frankly I reckon I could teach my mum to ride this bike. And with all the unboltability engineered-in it’s my guess that insurance premiums could be low for the novice rider.
    As mentioned my steed for the day was kitted-out with the “Fun Ride” trick bits from the accessory catalogue and for a bolt-on selection the parts combined well aesthetically and the definitely improved the overall experience. If you’ve ridden a TDM or TRX 850 from yesteryear you’ll be reminded of the off-balance rumble of the 270 degree crank but this new motor is so silky smooth that without an open pipe it feels almost electrically powered. In fact, I was lucky enough to throw a leg over Shinya Kimura’s bike, the hand beaten aluminium masterpiece that spawned the Faster Sons media campaign, and headed off for a ride down a very moist Sardinian mountain pass. Adhering to Shinya’s instruction of “No excitement!” revs were kept low and braking completed timezones ahead of the treacherous bends. The well baffled muffler did cause the occasional rev counter check to see if the motor was still spinning such was the turbine-like serenity. Or perhaps that was a transcendental state of mind, trying my damnedest not to be the guy who threw Shinya’s hard work off the edge of a 1000ft cliff.
    XSR700 1 THUMBOne builder who didn’t get the memo about quiet zorsts was Jens vom Brauck of JVB Moto, his take on the XSR featuredhere last week. For those of you wanting something a bit more raw and ready then this could be the route to go. OK so it’s not a mega budget, free reign build, more of an exercise to show how simple the bike is to take apart and fit kit-based components but the few tweaks made a difference. Apart from cosmetics an Öhlins in the rear, thicker fork oil, sticky rubber and an Arrow pipe combine to unleash the hooligan inside. With the airport transfer looming there was just time for a rip through wide open roads sweeping through the lush green valley.
    With the tolerances and slack dialled out of the cables and controls and a more revealing note emitted from the pipe the XSR’s potential became crystal clear. The motor might be a stressed member but that’s where the tension ends, it feels like there is way more poke just waiting behind the ECU tuners keyboard.

    XSR700 D
    There’s no doubting both Shinya and Jens’ credentials but what does this mean for mere fabricating mortals like you and me? Well, it’s a fairly bold, and craft beer induced statement, but the XSR700 could really be playing a pivotal role in altering mainstream motorcycle manufacturing. Yamaha have removed the trepidation and concern associated with individualising a new motorcycle and replaced it with a reassuring hand holding towards building the bike of your dreams. OK, OK, Harley-Davidson have been doing this for years, I hear you. But there’s a difference between bolting-on gaudy trinkets and buying creative carte blanche direct from the main dealer.
    For me I’d do a few things. The Borani spoked wheels that I heard are due to break cover soon would be top of the shopping list for starters. As JVB has already carried out the R&D on the rear shock following his lead would seem sensible. I’d lose the stock seat, subframe loop and mudguard and graft on some form of flat track unit, the Champion rather than XR style probably works better to narrow the rear. Copying Jens again I’d give the fuel tank side panels a good rubbing back and deal with the maintenance of raw metal. Tracker bars and the removal of the mounting rubbers would give a more focussed feel, comfort can wait until I’m resting in a coffin. A number board with integrated headlight set-up is nothing new but when well executed it looks great, to me anyway. For the forks, some extended stanchion guards. Hang on a minute, that all sounds like the dribble inducing DT-07 (MT rather than XSR based) unveiled a few weeks back – oh well, one can but pretend to be a pioneer.
    One last thing that needs addressing is the radiator, an increasingly necessary byproduct of ever tightening emissions legislation and customer’s thirst for power. Yamaha have to offer a bike that works for a global market, in all weather conditions and therefore the rad needs to have cooling capacity in reserve. Here in Blightly the sun has his hat on so infrequently I’d be willing to wager that a smaller, less prominent unit could be incorporated slickly. If I see an XSR with a radiator masquerading as a number board I’ll be pleased to see it done, but cross I didn’t do it first.
    But that’s the beauty of the times we’re in, if you don’t like something either shut up and don’t buy it or make it your own. I’m a traditionalist and love total loss oil systems or 20:1 pre-mix but I’m also a realist and know that all the moaning and petitions in the world won’t change a thing at government level and therefore accept that transportation is evolving and that after all is said and done, I want to ride a bike and laugh out loud whilst doing it. On that point the XSR700 really delivers and I for one am excited about motorcycling rubbing its eyes and squinting at the bright light of a new era.
    For the facts and figures you’d expect in a grown-up road test and to see the accessories click here
    Previous Bike Shed Road Tests here  |   XJR1300

    How much would you pay for this number plate?

    Have you just taken delivery of your new LaFerrari? Then why not adorn it with the perfect matching number plate? ‘V12 LAF’ will be auctioned by Ferrari North Europe, in aid of the Henry Surtees Foundation…
    Whether you like personalised number plates or not, the sale is raising money for a great cause – the Henry Surtees Foundation, established by John Surtees after the tragic death of his son Henry, aims to provide assistance for those who have suffered brain or physical injuries caused by accident. If you’re interested in buying ‘V12 LAF’, you can send a sealed bid in an envelope before 30 November 2015, addressed to HSF Charity Auction, Ferrari North Europe, 275 Leigh Road, Slough, SL1 4HF. 
    Photos: Ferrari North Europe
    On the hunt for a LaFerrari? This fabulously specified example is currently for sale in the Classic Driver Market, along with almost 750 other Ferraris.


    mardi 17 novembre 2015

    Ducati Scrambler Sixty2: the new POP icon!

    Here it is! Ducati Scrambler Sixty2: the new Pop icon.
    The Land of Joy is growing!

    Russie ; Vladivostok Hard Enduro Race : The Edge 2015

    le sport plus fort que l’obscurantisme !

    KRAD MANUFAKTUR // night ride

    KRAD MANUFAKTUR // night ride from MOTOR RAUSCH on Vimeo.

    BMW R100RS – Joe DeMoss

    Imagine you work at a motorcycle dealership that sells only the most exclusive of brands from Italy and Germany. You also own the latest and greatest BMW Sportsbike on the planet. Do you really need another bike that was also built for the road and is nearly 30 years old? Of course you do! And that’s why Joe DeMoss built this stunning 1988 BMW R100RS over a period of nine months. Because motorcycling runs in his veins.  Because working everyday at Florida’s Eurocycles of Tampa Bay has made him a hands-on kind of guy. And because his fondest memories are of he and his father sharing time in the garage working on just about anything with wheels.
    The R series of BMWs from the 1970’s and 80’s have become particularly popular on the custom scene over the last few years with the R65 and R100’s being turned into everything from trackers and scramblers to café racers and specials, but Joe has cleverly blended the racer look with some café styling for a bike that is perfect for any given Sunday. You can’t build a bike this clean without going back to a bare frame and getting every detail right and that’s exactly what Joe has done. Splashed in black the frame is arguably a better visual than when it emerged from the factory, even the sidestand and centrestand are perfect and their helper springs didn’t miss out on a coat of black either. A mix of paint and Profab powdercoat means that the surviving brackets and tabs disappear leaving the more visually impactful elements to jump out.
    Finally Moe could get the spray gun out and lay down the picture perfect paint job that is a mix of deep black broken up by curve matching white pinstriping that allows the black to gently seep into the lime gold for a head turning finish that’s show like quality. The paint on the factory tank is masterfully laid down to round out the squarer elements of the BMW design with the knee recesses now aesthetically pleasing rather that just a functional element. The seat hump adds to the racer authenticity with period correct race numbers on each side and whether with gun or brush every inch is a masterpiece. While there is no rear guard the underside of the seat is steal protected and the new front guard is given the black paint treatment so it serves its function without distracting from the form of the design.
    When it comes to impact the paint by Moe Colors is nothing short of spectacular. But to get there first Joe had to make a decision on the look of the bike and the Ducati Monza style fairing gives a smooth racer feel to a BMW that once was as square as the side of your house. The clear screen, the perfect construction of the supports all finished in frame matching black and high quality bolts all add to the depth of detail that makes this such an impressive machine.
    With the front end sorted attention turned to the rear and just what sort of look would compliment the Ducati front. With nothing off the shelf ever going to be good enough Joe turned to Will Benedict who built an integrated seat/subframe combo from steel that is truly out of this world. Where once there was box section and bulky glass fairing now there is smooth lines and A grade metalwork that finishes in a café hump in true racer styling.
    To get the old BMW handling more like a modern bike, Joe has high standards with his other steed being a BMW S100RR, both the front and rear have been overhauled. The front forks are clamped in place with the stock triple trees but new progressive rate springs in the standard forks give much better front end feel. While out back the inverted mono setup is controlled by a fully adjustable single shock with a progressive rate spring. If the R100 had a deficiency from the factory it was in the braking department, power was ok but the feel was less than confidence inspiring. To fix that and reduce weight in the process Joe has adapted the supreme Brembo CNC P4 calipers to work with the drilled front rotors and the power comes from a Brembo RCS19 master cylinder.
    With all that effort gone to improving handling and braking performance it made perfect sense that Joe steered the beast with quality components and the Woodcraft clip-ons are exactly that. Modern levers and switchblocks keep things clean with all the vital stats coming from the Speedhut GPS speedo/tacho combo. While the engine remains largely standard it has been given a new make over and the Endurolast charging system brings the electrics into the 21st century. But a bike that looks this good needs a sound track to match and Will brought his incredible fabrication skills back to the party to knockout one of the best 2 into 1 systems you’re ever likely to see on a BMW, cross over pipe and all.
    While the build took nine months, much of that time was spent waiting on parts to arrive and the bank account to recover. Once the pieces had all arrived it took Joe just three nights to assemble this spectacular machine. Where once the 31-year-old would fall asleep on the tank of his Dad’s Big Honda, now he calls the shots and cranks the throttle on a bike of his own – a bike that is the ultimate culmination of a lifetime’s passion for speed.
    [Photos by Erick Runyon] via PIPEBURN