lundi 9 septembre 2013

    Motorcycle 1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8

    1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 Photos
    I found motorcycle 1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 on the internet. I thought that perhaps a few people know about it, so I decided to share some pictures and details with you. This is a classic motorcycle introduced in 1974 with a powerful engine created specifically for this model. They used V8 engine across the frame including rear drum brakes, front disc brakes and single piston. Four exhaust pipes, two at the rear cowl, and two underneath. There is a kick-starter. In this motorcycle, the customizer used four carburetors, drive chain, air cooled engine, two camshafts per block and five assists. The maximum speed of 1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 is 233 km / hr. 150 l / s at 7000 rpm. / Min.
    1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 Pictures
    1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 Logo
    1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 Engine
    1974 Kawasaki 1600 V8 at showroom
    from BIKEGLAM


    While there’s no doubt that Aston Martin has built some magnificent vehicles over the course of its 100 year history, it’s only been a select group of people that have actually had the opportunity to own one. Despite that though, the Aston Martin has become one of the most universally loved and recognized brands of all time thanks largely to the cinematic exploits of Agent 007. While the James Bond films have featured all sorts of vehicles over the course of the last 60 plus years, it will forever be the Aston Martin that’s known as Bond’s transportation of choice.
    With this in mind, we figured it would only be appropriate to take a look back at the relationship between Aston Martin and James Bond as we celebrate the storied car manufacturer this week.
    The legend began with the release of Goldfinger in 1964 where Sean Connery’s Bond drove a Silver Burch-colored Aston Martin DB5 – chosen by production designer Ken Adam because it was England’s “most sophisticated car”. It took a little convincing – the initial response from Aston Martin was underwhelming, but after the film producers added their muscle as well, Aston finally agreed. Ian Fleming’s original novel actually had Bond in a DB Mark III, but by the time film production started the DB5 was the latest and greatest and insisted upon by the marque. A good decision in the end, wasn’t it? Of course it wasn’t just any DB5 that Bond drove, but a car that had been specially modified with the cool gadgets that would become synonymous with the films.
    Thanks to the efforts of Q and MI6, 007′s DB5 was equipped with such goodies as a revolving number plate, front-mounted machine guns, an oil-slick dispenser and an ejector seat. As pure luck would have it, 007 found a way to use every one of them over the course of his adventure in Goldfinger.
    All of the gadgets are of course described in the iconic scene from Q’s lab, which can be seen here.
    Although Goldfinger was the third Bond film released, the inclusion of the car and its gadgets did amazing things for the global popularity  of both the James Bond series and for the Aston Martin brand. The DB5 became immediately recognizable by movie-goers across the world, and desired by those who had the means to buy one. For children, a Corgi-produced miniature DB5 became the best selling toy of the year. Not surprisingly, 007′s DB5 returned for the next film Thunderball with a few new gadgets on board.
    In 1969, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service was released, featuring George Lazenby in his first and only appearance as James Bond. For this film, Aston Martin was back – this time with its new DBS. Although it didn’t feature the gadgets that the DB5 did, the car helped to further cement the association between Bond and Aston Martin.
    From there it would be almost two decades before James Bond and Aston Martin reunited, and in 1987′s The Living Daylights Aston was back in a big way. In the film Timothy Dalton’s Bond drove a pair of Aston Martin V8 Vantages, one coupe and one Volante roadster. The Volante used in the film was actually a pre-production vehicle personally supplied by Aston Martin chairman Victor Gauntlett.
    Just as the original DB5 did, The Living Daylights‘ V8 Vantage came packed with all the cool gadgets, including a fighter jet-like HUD system…
    … front-mounted missile launchers hidden beneath the indicator lights…
    … and a rocket booster that could be found hiding behind the rear number plate. The car also came equipped with a set of skis for snowy situations and let’s not forget the all-important self destruct button either.
    You can see many of the aforementioned gadgets being deployed in this great chase scene from the film.
    The 1995 Bond film GoldenEye, would serve as a revitalization of the Franchise and fittingly the iconic Aston Martin DB5 would make a return – this time at the hands of Pierce Brosnan’s 007.
    The GoldenEye DB5 can be seen in this race scene with a Ferrari F355, which also provides a good opportunity for James to show off the car’s champagne cooler.
    In 2002, an Aston Martin was once again featured as James Bond’s primary car in the film Die Another Day. This time the car of choice would be the thoroughly modern V12 Vanquish.
    It goes without saying the Vanquish was once again fitted with all matter of special gadgets, including both shot guns and machine guns, missile launchers and remote control capabilities.
    Perhaps of coolest of all, the car also came equipped with a cloaking device that would render the car invisible to the naked eye. No photo of this capability, as you might expect.
    The film featured a scene in which Q introduces the “Vanish” as a nice throwback to the famous scene from Goldfinger.
    Later on, the Vanquish gets put to good use in this dramatic chase scene with a Jaguar XKR.
    For Brosnan, Die Another Day also marked the first time one actor would drive two different Aston Martins as James Bond.
    In 2006 the Bond franchise would see a major reboot with the release of Casino Royale, which featured Daniel Craig taking on the role of 007. Aston Martin would be involved once again as the series entered a new era.
    This time the main Bond car would be the not-yet-released Aston Martin DBS which was unveiled to the world in the film.
    The new car would not have it easy though. One of the film’s most memorable stunts features the DBS rolling over several times in this spectacular crash scene.
    The car that was crashed was actually a DB9 that was structurally reinforced and made to look like a DBS, with the scene being filmed at the UK’s Millbrook Proving Ground.
    Pulling off the crash was not a simple task. It would require a custom-built ramp and an air cannon to get the car to rotate a world record seven times while in the air. In addition to the DBS, the classic DB5 also makes an appearance in the earlier stages of the film.
    The next Bond film. Quantum of Solace would once again feature the DBS – this time during a car chase in the film’s opening moments.
    In fitting with the more gritty realistic nature of the new Bond movies, these cars were not packed with extraordinary gadgets – but carried a distinct identity all the same.
    Most recently, last year’s James Bond film Skyfall would feature the original DB5 prominently in several scenes.
    In this behind the scenes clip, some of the film’s producers discuss the importance of Aston Martin to the Bond legacy and what was it like to bring the iconic car back to center stage.
    So for nearly six decades now James Bond and Aston Martin have been sharing adventures that have been enjoyed by millions across the globe, and with the latest release the journey has come full circle.
    Who knows what the future has in store for the world’s most famous agent and England’s most sophisticated car?
    Make sure you’ve been looking through this carefully, as tomorrow we will put up a reader poll in which you guys will be voting for your favorite 007 Aston Martin.

    Words by Mike Garrett


    Si les 12 Heures de Motorland Aragon, cinquième manche de la VdeV Endurance Series, réunissaient Protos et GT, chaque catégorie faisait l'objet d'un classement distinct.

    Avec le coefficient 2, le plus  élevé de la saison, ces 12 Heures de Motorland pouvaient  considérablement influer sur le dénouement des différents Challenges.

    Challenge Protos

    Avant Motorland Aragon, Thomas Accary (Norma M20 FC CD Sport n°1), tenant du titre, occupait la tête du Challenge avec 96,5 points, devant Vincent Capillaire (Norma M20 FC TFT n°8), 91 points, Damien Delafosse (Norma M20 FC CD Sport n°1), 80 points, David Zollinger et Philippe Mondolot (Norma M20 FC Palmyr n°40) 71,5 points et William Cavailhes (Norma M20 FC TFT n°8), Thomas Accary et Vincent Capillaire ayant eu des équipiers différents au fil de la saison.

    L'épreuve d'endurance espagnole a complètement modifié la donne puisque le leader Thomas Accary. Après un bon début de course, la Norma n°1 a ensuite accumulé les problèmes et n'a terminé que 16ème et 13ème des protos, Thomas Accary, Damien Delafosse et Anthony Pons ne marquant que six petits points qui sortent Accary du Top 3.

    C'est désormais Vincent Capillaire qui occupe la tête du classement pilotes. Depuis le début de saison le sarthois, Volant Elf 1996, est régulièrement en pointe. N'étant pas considéré comme pilote « A », il prend part aux qualifications et accumule les pole positions. Deuxième à Motorland associé à William Cavailhes et Frédéric Gélin, le pilote TFT mène désormais les débats avec 131 points, Cavailhes étant maintenant troisième avec 111 points. 

    Motorland Aragon a également relancé dans la course au titre David Zollinger et Philippe Mondolot, les vainqueurs du Challenge Protos en 2009, 2010 et 2011. Bien aidés par Grégory Fargier, les deux pilotes de la Norma Palmyr n°40 ont encore une fois démontré que l'endurance n'avait pas de secret pour eux. Mondolot et Zollinger sont désormais deuxièmes avec 121,5 points et peuvent donc espérer un quatrième titre.

    Il ne reste plus que deux manches, Magny-Cours (coefficient 1) et Estoril (coefficient 1,5). 62,5 points sont encore disponibles en cas de succès du même équipage lors de ces deux courses. On peut donc affirmer désormais que le titre Protos ne peut plus échapper à un pilote Norma -la marque de St Pé de Bigorre sera donc sacrée pour la cinquième année consécutive-, les meilleurs représentants de Tatuus, Alain Ferté et Philippe Illiano (Tatuus PY012 TFT n°7) et de Wolf, Ivan Bellarosa et Alessandro Latif (Wolf GB08 Avelon Formula n°45) ne pouvant plus atteindre les 131 points de Vincent Capillaire.

    Le classement complet est ici  

    Challenge GT/Tourisme

    Contrairement aux Protos, les leaders du classement, Pascal Gibon -déjà vainqueur du Challenge en 2010- et Jean-Philippe Belloc, ont conservé leur position.

    Avant Motorland Aragon, les deux pilotes de la Porsche 911 GT3-R n°53 (153 en Espagne) du team IMSA Performance Matmut étaient premiers avec 110 points et devançaient Sébastien Crubilé et François Perrodo (Porsche 911 GT3-R Crubilé Sport n°25), 103 points, et le trio Jean-Paul Pagny/Thierry Perrier/Jean-Bernard Bouvet (Ferrari 458 GT2 Visiom Racing).

    En Espagne, ces trois voitures n'avaient pour opposants que la Porsche 997 Cup S du Lorient Racing et la Mosler MT900 VdeV et ont pris les trois premières places.

    En course, il n'y a pas eu débat, la Porsche IMSA ayant survolé la catégorie, prenant de surcroît une très belle quatrième place au classement général, profitant des malheurs de leurs concurrents, ceux-ci étant malchanceux dès avant même le départ ! Belloc et Gibon, épaulés en Aragon par Richard Balandras, ont donc récolté les 50 points attribués au vainqueur de la catégorie et totalisent désormais 160 points.

    Perrodo et Crubilé, troisièmes en Espagne avec Emmanuel Collard, conservent la deuxième place du classement avec 137 points, mais sont désormais quelque peu distancés par les pilotes IMSA qui ont presque un joker d'avance avant Magny-Cours.

    Pagny, Perrier et Bouvet, deuxièmes en Espagne et auteurs du meilleur chrono de la catégorie, reviennent  d'ailleurs sur la Porsche du Crubilé Sport avec 135 points à leur actif  et conservent encore leurs chances.

    Le titre ne peut plus se jouer qu'entre ces trois équipes.

    Le classement complet est  

    Vous retrouvere toutes les photoos du meeting ici

    Claude Foubert(Endurance-Info)

    police !