samedi 3 mai 2014


    Husqvarna is a motorcycle marque that’s always been a little unusual, the company start life all the way back in 1689 as a firearms manufacturer before moving to the Swedish town of Huskvarna in 1757 and taking the same name.
    By the late 1800s the company was also producing bicycles and then in 1903 they began buying third-party engines and creating motorcycles – making them one of the oldest motorcycle companies still in operation.
    By the time the 1960s rolled around, Husqvarna had largely perfected the art of 2-stroke engineering, this allowed them to dominate the enduro and off-road motorcycle racing right through into the ’70s. Steve McQueen famously loved his Husky as did many other Americans, leading to the company enjoying massive sales successes only rivalled by the larger Japanese motorcycle manufacturers.
    Husqvarna still enjoys significant successes on the dirt tracks of Europe and the USA, the company recently began a push into East Asia which resulted in them setting up shop in Bali, just down the road from Deus. This twist of provenance led to the bike you see here – a Husqvarna built for the road rather than the trail.

    Trial : Double victoire d’Adam Raga au Japon

    Il y a bien longtemps que Toni Bou (Montesa Michelin) ne s’était pas imposé à minima dans l’une des deux journées d’un Grand Prix, et c’est pourtant ce qui s’est passé au Twin Ring de Motegi (Japon) à l’occasion de la seconde épreuve du championnat du Monde de trial.
    Abordant cette épreuve diminué par une blessure à l’entrainement, Bou a effectué une superbe prestation puisqu’il sauve avec courage et dans la douleur deux places de second avec une côte fêlée ! Un seul de ses rivaux a su tirer avantage du handicap du multiple champion du Monde : Adam Raga (Gas Gas) qui s’impose à deux reprises, avec seize points d’avance samedi puis seulement sept dimanche. Un doublé qui permet à Raga de talonner Bou d’un seul petit point au championnat, avant le troisième GP prévu dans un mois en Corse.
    Derrière ce duo qui a dominé une épreuve difficile ou les scores ont été assez élevés (26 points samedi pour le vainqueur, et 40 le lendemain),
    Takahisa Fujinami (Montesa Michelin) et Albert Cabestany (Sherco Michelin) se sont succédés sur la troisième marche du podium, Jeroni Fajardo (Beta Michelin) se contenant de deux places de cinquième qui lui font perdre du terrain au championnat.

    Classement de l’épreuve
    Première journée : 1.Raga (ESP, Gas Gas) ; 2.Bou (ESP, Montesa Michelin) ; 3.Fujinami (JAP, Montesa Michelin) ; 4.Cabestany (ESP, Sherco Michelin) ; 5.Fajardo (ESP, Beta Michelin) ; etc…
    Seconde journée : 1.Raga ; 2.Bou ; 3.Cabestany; 4.Fujinami ; 5.Fajardo ; etc…
    Positions au championnat : 1.Bou, 71 ; 2.Raga, 70 ; 3.Fujinami, 58 ; 4.Fajardo, 52 ; 5.Cabestany, 51 ; etc…

    2014 BITD Parker 425: Race Day Highlights

    It was an exciting and grueling race at the Best In The Desert Parker 425; vehicles getting stuck, breaking, or even just running out of fuel. However, we do have winners and here is a quick rundown of the Top 3 in Trophy Truck and Class 1.

    BITD Trophy Truck Champion, Jason Voss in the #1 Voss Motorsports Ford Raptor took the win overall in Trick Truck for the second consecutive year. He was able to overcome a severely deteriorated course, including a bad wash at race mile 170 that got Robby Gordon and several smaller trucks stuck. Tavo Vildosola took second place in the #21 BraNix Ford Raptor and Mark Wehyrich in the #9 TSCO Raptor took the final podium. Corey Keysar took the win in Class 1500.

    The real story of the day was in Class 1800 Sportsman. Lee and Tyler Patten took the historic win in the #1814 buggy. Ty was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 21. His dad Lee Patten had us build a Class 1 race car for him a few years back. Ty spent the majority of his 21st year in and out of the hospital. At age 22, he decided he wanted to go racing. Lee called Jerry Penhall and asked for help to make it happen.
    Not only did Lee and Tyler compete in one of the largest off-road races in America but they won their Class 1800 Sportsman Class after starting dead last. A special congratulation goes out to the Patten's for taking a class win, Jerry Penhall for allowing Ty to race, and team Herzog for chasing this amazing Father and Son effort.
    A full race recap will be posted promptly tomorrow morning. Thanks for following the race with