mardi 20 janvier 2015

    The Race of Gentlemen 2014

    The Race of Gentlemen is a one-of-a-kind vintage hot rod and motorcycle festival that re-creates beach races and exhibitions of yesteryear. The multi-day celebration of American heritage evokes a bygone era when hand-built pre-WWII cars and motorcycles were pieced together in backyards and garages, then tested and proven on the flat, hard sand of the beach. Created by a group of vintage hot rod enthusiasts known as the Oilers Car Club, this action-packed event pays tribute to historic motoring events at locations around the country where they were once held.
    In October 2014, The Race of Gentlemen was held in Wildwood, NJ in the shadow of the beach town’s legendary boardwalk and amusement park. If you weren’t lucky enough to make it, here’s what you missed.


    LAND CRUISER 60TH from déri on Vimeo.

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