mardi 21 avril 2015

    Steven Palette ouvre les scores de la Porsche Carrera Cup France

    par Porsche Carrera Cup France
    Le coup d’envoi de la 29ème édition de la Porsche Carrera France a été donné ce week-end sur le circuit de Lédenon. Après des qualifications et une première course disputées, ce premier meeting de la saison a malheureusement été tronqué après l’annulation de l’épreuve du dimanche sur décision de la Direction de Course pour des raisons de sécurité, la piste étant devenue impraticable à cause des intempéries. Malgré tout, une première hiérarchie s’est établie à l’issue de la première course. Steven Palette a dominé son sujet après 18 tours d’une bagarre acharnée samedi. Jim Pla et Jules Gounon, l’Espoir Carrera Cup, complètent le premier podium. Du côté des Gentlemen Drivers, Christophe Lapierre prend le pouvoir devant son équipier Roar Lindland et un nouveau venu dans l’hexagone, Egidio Perfetti. Pas de surprise au classement général provisoire du championnat puisque les positions sont arrêtées après la première course.
    L’unique course de ce meeting gardois s’est déroulée samedi sous les nuages mais sur une piste totalement sèche. Elle a toutefois débuté par un véritable coup de théâtre. Le poleman Maxime Jousse (Sébastien Loeb Racing) est contraint à l’abandon dès le tour de formation, et son équipier Christophe Lapierre s’installe aux commandes au passage des feux au vert. Steven Palette (Martinet by Almeras) et Jim Pla (Racing Technology) se calent rapidement dans les échappements du Gentleman lui soumettant immédiatement une grosse pression.
    Si le trio de tête imprime un rythme soutenu, le peloton des poursuivants s’organise sous l’impulsion de Jules Gounon (Martinet by Almeras) suivi de Vincent Beltoise (Saintéloc), Joffrey de Narda (Sébastien Loeb Racing) et Mathieu Jaminet (Racing Technology).

    Les explications sont viriles mais correctes et la course offre de très belles passes d’armes. Les Jeunes Talents se font de plus en plus pressant sur Christophe Lapierre qui résiste farouchement à chacun des assauts. Finalement, le Montilien cède dans le 13ème tour et laisse filer la meute pour glisser jusqu’au 8ème rang, direction tordue après un léger contact avec Jim Pla. Désormais leader, Steven Palette doit encore résister à un Jim Pla survolté, tout en maintenant la cadence. A présent installé sur la troisième marche de ce podium virtuel, Jules Gounon contient le très incisif Mathieu Jaminet revenu à un train d’enfer et entrainant dans son sillage Joffrey de Narda et Vincent Beltoise.
    Parti du fond de la grille en raison d’une boite de vitesses récalcitrante lors des qualifications, Grégory Guilvert (Saintéloc) réalise la performance du jour en pointant 7ème, signant au passage le meilleur tour en course.
    Chez les Gentlemen Drivers, la domination de Christophe Lapierre ne laisse planer aucun doute sur le nom du vainqueur mais les accessits se jouent jusqu’au bout. Un duel oppose Roar Lindland (Sébastien Loeb Racing) à Egidio Perfetti (Martinet Team Pro GT), arbitré par Daniel Diaz-Varela (Yvan Muller Racing), tandis que Oleksander Gaidai (Tsunami RT) boucle finalement la course à deux tours du vainqueur.
    Sur la toute première course de la saison Steven Palette, Espoir Carrera Cup 2014, signe sa première victoire dans la discipline devant Jim Pla et Jules Gounon, Espoir Carrera Cup 2015. Le très expérimenté Christophe Lapierre s’impose chez les Gentlemen Drivers devant son équipier, Roar Lindland, tandis que Egidio Perfetti monte sur la troisième marche de son premier podium.

    Malheureusement, le lendemain la météo se dégrade et le soleil laisse place à la pluie. Une pluie intense qui tombe sans interruption rend la piste de Lédenon impraticable. Pour des raisons de sécurité, la Direction de Course annule l’épreuve.
    Les positions au championnat sont figées et identiques à celles définies à l’issue de la première course. Steven Palette s’installe aux commandes du général tandis que Christophe Lapierre ouvre les compteurs de la catégorie Gentlemen.
    La prochaine étape conduira les concurrents sur le circuit Bugatti du Mans les 2 et 3 mai. Steven Palette y avait terminé deuxième de sa toute première course dans la discipline la saison dernière alors qu’il était Espoir Carrera Cup. Un Espoir qui confirme tout son potentiel.

    Steven Palette (Martinet by Almeras) – Vainqueur de la Course
    « Je cours après cette victoire depuis presque une année et aujourd’hui j’ai pu pleinement m’exprimer en montrant tout mon potentiel. Gagner une course ou un championnat, cela commence à se construire dans la tête. J’aborde cette nouvelle saison différemment et cette victoire fait beaucoup de bien au moral. »
    Jim Pla (Racing Technology) – 2ème
    « Une belle bagarre pour commencer, cela présage d’une saison mouvementée. Steven n’a pas commis d’erreur mais je me suis accroché jusqu’au bout. Avec ce podium et les gros points y sont associés, la saison démarre bien. L’expérience acquise en Allemagne l’année dernière sera précieuse et je suis prêt à me battre. »
    Jules Gounon (Martinet by Almeras) – 3ème
    « Première course et premier podium, je suis tout simplement très heureux. J’étais déjà satisfait de ma première qualification, « raisonnable », mais là c’est génial. Je me suis bien battu avec Mathieu Jaminet et ce premier podium est une bonne entame de saison. »
    Christophe Lapierre (Sébastien Loeb Racing) – Vainqueur de la Course – catégorie Gentlemen
    « Quel début de saison et quelle bagarre dès les premiers virages ! La course ne fut pas de tout repos mais c’est une belle entrée en matière. Malgré un très handicapant soucis de direction tordue, je suis allé jusqu’au bout en préservant la victoire chez les Gentlemen. »

    Course 1 (25’)
    1. S. Palette (A) Martinet by Almeras 18 tours en 25:17.852 – 2. J. Pla (A) Racing Technology + 0.238 – 3. J. Gounon (A) Martinet by Almeras + 10.981 – 4. M. Jaminet (A) Racing Technology + 11.134 – 5. J. De Narda (A) Sébastien Loeb Racing + 11.526 – 6. V. Beltoise (A) Saintéloc + 15.187 – 7. G. Guilvert (A) Saintéloc + 15.297 – 8. C. Lapierre (B) Sébastien Loeb Racing +15.484 – 9. A. Cougnaud (A) Martinet Team Pro GT + 18.750 – 10. N. Marroc (A) Martinet Team Pro GT + 20.482 – 11. R. Lindland (B) Sébastien Loeb Racing + 28.956. 12. E. Perfetti (B) Martinet Team Pro GT + 29.424…

    Pole Position : M. Jousse (A) en 1:21.663 (139.1 km/h) Meilleur Tour : G. Guilvert (A) en 1:23.239 (136.5 km/h)
    Course 2 (35’) – course annulée sur décision de la direction de course
    Classement général (provisoire après la course 1)
    1. S. Palette (A) Martinet by Almeras 20 pts – 2. J. Pla (A) Racing Technology 18 pts – 3. J. Gounon (A) Martinet by Almeras 16 pts – 4. M. Jaminet (A) Racing Technology 14 pts – 5. J. De Narda (A) Sébastien Loeb Racing 12 pts…
    Classement général Gentlemen Drivers (provisoire après la course 1)
    1. C. Lapierre (B) Sébastien Loeb Racing 22 pts – 2. R. Lindland (B) Sébastien Loeb Racing 18 pts – 3. E. Perfetti (B) Martinet Team Pro GT 16 pts…
    Classement Jeunes Talents (provisoire après la course 1)
    1. S. Palette (A) Martinet by Almeras 20 pts – 2. J. Pla (A) Racing Technology 18 pts – 3. J. Gounon (A) Martinet by Almeras 16 pts…

    Sealine Cross Country Rally : Al-Attiyah, Coma and Sonik lead after second desert stage

    SCCR - Stage 2
    • Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah punctures but extends car lead with second stage win
    • Austrian Matthias Walkner claims second motorcycle stage win for KTM
    • Poland’s Rafal Sonik climbs to ninth overall and leads quads; Abu Issa close second

    SEALINE (Qatar): Qatar’s Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah, Spain’s Marc Coma and Poland’s Rafal Sonik are the outright leaders of the Sealine Cross-Country Rally, after a demanding 398.88km competitive section across the remote deserts to the west and south of Doha on Tuesday.
    Car, motorcycle and quad stage victories on the day fell to Al-Attiyah, Austrian KTM rider Matthias Walkner and Sonik. Al-Attiyah, Coma and Sonik now head their respective categories by 13min 03sec, 2min 03sec and 58 seconds prior to the third stage on Wednesday.
    The all-important starting order was a big factor in deciding the outcome of the motorcycle stage and Coma played the tactics masterfully to reach the finish of the special amongst the leading group and in third position to ensure he maintained his outright lead over Team HRC’s Joan Barreda Bort.
    SCCR - Stage 2
    “It was a very long stage. I start sixth and try to catch everybody and did that at km160 and then I was opening,” said Coma. “The last part in the dunes we make a big group together. It’s just the second day, another 400km tomorrow and everything is possible. It was not easy to find the rhythm.”
    Walkner was pleased with his stage performance and the win. “It was quite okay. (Jordi) Viladoms did a really good job and made the navigation work. Now we have to work hard again tomorrow.”
    Second-placed Barreda Bort remains defiant. “You never know what to expect for the next day now with these new rules. Everything is changing and you cannot control the situation. Until now I am doing a good race opening and making good navigation. The problem is the rules. Now you can win the race in the bivouac after the stage has finished.”
    The virtual quad stage lead swapped and changed between Sonik and Qatar’s Mohammed Abu Issa in the early kilometres, but Sonik found a good pace with fellow Polish rider Jakub Piatek and managed to snatch the stage win and the outright quad category lead.
    “He (Sonik) clipped on to a bike, a Polish rider, and I got behind, but then I punctured and then made a small navigation mistake and we rode back together,” said Abu Issa. “He gained the time on me, but I can do the same to him tomorrow and the strategy should work in my favour over the next three days as long as we have no problems.”
    SCCR - Stage 2
    Saudi Arabia’s Yazeed Al-Rajhi was the early leader of the second stage in the car category, but Al-Attiyah and French navigator Matthieu Baumel produced another masterful display of driving and navigating to record the stage win and extend their Mini All4 Racing’s outright lead, despite stopping to change a puncture.
    “We had one flat tyre after CP4, we change a tyre. It’s not easy to open the roads all the way and I think we did a really good job,” said Al-Attiyah. “It’s the same again tomorrow. We must both remain focused.”
    Al-Rajhi’s goal at the start of the event was second overall and the Saudi and his German co-driver Timo Gottschalk performed admirably in their Overdrive Toyota Hilux to set the second quickest time and retain second place, although they also stopped on two occasions to change wheels.
    “One slow puncture,” said Al-Rajhi. “We tried to carry on, but every 10km the pressure was going down, down and we had to change. Then, we get another one 180km from the end and have to stop and change. But second place was the target, so I am quite happy.”
    Russian Vladimit Vasilyev consolidated third overall with the third quickest time in his Mini All4 Racing and Brazilian Reinaldo Varela reached the overnight halt in sixth, behind Erik van Loon and Joan Roma, after setting the fourth quickest time in his Overdrive Toyota.
    SCCR - Stage 2
    SS2 – as it happened
    Twenty-three bikes and four quads were given start times for day two. Portuguese rider Ruben Faria injured his wrist and headed straight for Sealine on day one, missing three security waypoints and incurring six hours of time penalties that dropped him from eighth to 27th.
    New starting regulations meant that Coma opted to begin the stage from sixth position, with Barreda Bort and Sunderland in fifth and fourth on the road. Quintanilla was given the unenviable task of leading the way through what promised to be several hours of difficult navigation. Faria withdrew before the start and that meant that 22 bikes set out into the day’s special.
    The wind had abated measurably and Gonçalves was the early pacesetter through PC1, although Coma was running strongly and managed to extend his virtual overall lead. The Spaniard had gained the stage advantage by PC2, after 136.67km, and began to pull away from a chasing Barreda Bort.
    Al-Rajhi reached the first official checkpoint just two seconds in front of Al-Attiyah in the car category but, of the 31 cars that were given a start time, only 27 actually began the special following the withdrawal of the Dutch trio of Dennis Kuipers, Peter van Merksteijn Jnr. and Snr. after the accident involving Rene Kuipers’s HRX Ford on Monday. Qatar’s Sheikh Hamed bin Eid Al-Thani also failed to start after his Ford Raptor sustained damage on day one.
    SCCR - Stage 2
    Al-Attiyah regained the initiative from Al-Rajhi at PC2 and the duo began to pull clear of the chasing Minis of Vladimir Vasilyev and Erik van Loon. Al-Rajhi’s Toyota was now running perfectly after the lambda sensor had been changed overnight.
    By PC3, after 189.52km, Coma’s lead had been pegged but he was still running 79 seconds in front of Walkner, with Barreda Bort in third, albeit 2min 16sec behind the Spaniard in the virtual overall rankings. Al-Attiyah continued to edge away from Al-Rajhi at PC3.
    Walkner actually managed to gain the motorcycle stage lead at the fourth passage control and Al-Attiyah extended his lead over Al-Rajhi to 7min 08sec, as the route crossed from the west coast of Qatar and began to head north of the Inland Sea and up the coast to the finish near Sealine. Both Walkner and Al-Attiyah held on to take the stage wins.
    SCCR - Stage 2

    “It was a really long stage today with difficult navigation,” said Honda’s Gonçalves, who slipped to eighth overall. “I open for around 120km and then the other guys catch me. At the end I was riding a little slower to try and change the strategy and to start behind tomorrow. Now we will see. I start behind all the fast riders and I will try to recover some time.”
    Third-placed Sam Sunderland is still confident he can snatch the win: “Yesterday felt long and this was twice that distance. It was tricky, mostly stones and a bit more variety coming from the west to the dunes. “I was riding alone until km115 and feeling good and then made a little mistake and Marc caught me. Then we stayed in a group to the finish. Another day finished and I’m happy to be here.”
    This year’s Sealine Cross-Country Rally is being organised by the Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) with support from GAC and the Salam International Group.
    Tomorrow (Wednesday), competitors face a 392.52km selective section that starts a mere 3.58km from the Sealine bivouac and finishes 1.21km from the overnight base.
    2015 Sealine Cross-Country Rally – positions on SS2 (unofficial @ 13.55hrs):

    1. Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah (QAT)/Matthieu Baumel (FRA) Mini All4 Racing 3hr 44min 19sec
    2. Yazeed Al-Rajhi (SAU)/Timo Gottchalk (DEU) Overdrive Toyota Hilux 3hr 53min 40sec
    3. Vladimir Vasilyev (RUS)/Konstantin Zhiltsov (RUS) Mini All4 Racing 3hr 54min 28sec
    4. Reinaldo Varela (BRA)/Gustavo Gugelmin (BRA) Overdrive Toyota Hilux 4hr 04min 49sec
    5. Harry Hunt (GBR)/Andreas Schulz (DEU) Mini All4 Racing 4hr 06min 53sec
    6. Erik van Loon (NED)/Wouter Rosegaar (NED) Mini All4 Racing 4hr 07min 04sec
    7. Joan Roma (ESP)/Alex Haro (ESP) Mini All4 Racing 4hr 08min 46sec
    8. Marek Dabrowski (POL)/Jacek Czachor (POL) Overdrive Toyota Hilux 4hr 10min 46sec
    9. Miroslav Zapletal (CZE)/Maciej Marton (POL) H3 Evo 7
    4hr 12min 42sec
    1. Matthias Walkner (AUT) KTM 450 Rally Replica 4hr 06min 09sec
    2. Jordi Viladoms (ESP) KTM 450 Rally Replica 4hr 08min 17sec
    3. Marc Coma (ESP) KTM 450 Rally Replica 4hr 10min 16sec
    4. Joan Barreda Bort (ESP) Honda CRF 450 Rally 4hr 12min 13sec
    5. Sam Sunderland (GBR) KTM 450 Rally Replica 4hr 14min 15sec
    6. Mohammed Al-Balooshi (ARE) KTM 450 Rally Replica 4hr 16min 20sec
    7. Pablo Quintanilla (CHI) KTM 450 Rally Replica 4hr 20min 19sec
    8. Paulo Gonçalves (PRT) Honda CRF 450 Rally 4hr 20min 39sec
    11. Rafal Sonik (POL) Honda TRX 700 4hr 45min 48sec
    12. Mohammed Abu Issa (QAT) Honda TRX 6804hr 47min 45sec

    2015 Sealine Cross-Country Rally – positions after SS2 (unofficial @ 13.50hrs):
    1. Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah (QAT)/Matthieu Baumel (FRA) Mini All4 Racing5hr 36min 15sec
    2. Yazeed Al-Rajhi (SAU)/Timo Gottchalk (DEU) Overdrive Toyota Hilux 5hr 49min 11sec
    3. Vladimir Vasilyev (RUS)/Konstantin Zhiltsov (RUS) Mini All4 Racing 5hr 54min 36sec
    4. Erik van Loon (NED)/Wouter Rosegaar (NED) Mini All4 Racing 6hr 08min 39sec
    5. Joan Roma (ESP)/Alex Haro (ESP) Mini All4 Racing 6hr 11min 07sec
    6. Reinaldo Varela (BRA)/Gustavo Gugelmin (BRA) Overdrive Toyota Hilux 6hr 11min 38sec
    7. Miroslav Zapletal (CZE)/Maciej Marton (POL) H3 Evo 76hr 19min 35sec
    8. Marek Dabrowski (POL)/Jacek Czachor (POL) Overdrive Toyota Hilux 6hr 19min 42sec
    9. Harry Hunt (GBR)/Andreas Schulz (DEU) Mini All4 Racing 6hr 20min 07sec
    10. Adam Malysz (POL)/Rafal Marton (POL) Mini All4 Racing 6hr 25min 20sec
    1. Marc Coma (ESP) KTM 450 Rally Replica6hr 20min 17sec
    2. Joan Barreda Bort (ESP) Honda CRF 450 Rally 6hr 22min 20sec
    3. Sam Sunderland (GBR) KTM 450 Rally Replica 6hr 25min 13sec
    4. Jordi Viladoms (ESP) KTM 450 Rally Replica 6hr 26min 26sec
    5. Matthias Walkner (AUT) KTM 450 Rally Replica6hr 29min 13sec
    6. Mohammed Al-Balooshi (ARE) KTM 450 Rally Replica 6hr 31min 57sec
    7. Pablo Quintanilla (CHI) KTM 450 Rally Replica 6hr 32min 25sec
    8. Paulo Gonçalves (PRT) Honda CRF 450 Rally 6hr 34min 49sec
    9. Rafal Sonik (POL) Honda TRX 700 7hr 26min 28sec
    12. Mohammed Abu Issa (QAT) Honda TRX 6807hr 27min 26sec

    Ken Block tests the new Focus RS

    Ken Block tests the all-new 2016 Ford Focus RS at a closed course in Germany. ESP and Traction Control Systems have been deactivated.
    Ford revealed the all-new Focus RS, a high-performance road car that debuts Ford Performance All-Wheel Drive with Dynamic Torque Vectoring Control, which contributes to performance never before seen in a Focus RS. The all-new Focus RS is equipped with a new 2.3-liter EcoBoost engine producing well in excess of 315 horsepower.
    The all-new Focus RS exploits innovative new Ford Performance All-Wheel Drive with Dynamic Torque Vectoring to deliver a new level of handling capability and driver enjoyment, combining outstanding traction and grip with exciting agility and cornering speed.
    RS features a powerful new front end appearance with a bold upper trapezoidal grille above the deep splitter, incorporating the largest possible apertures for engine cooling. A wide, muscular stance is emphasized by the lower wings and large outboard openings on each side of the car, which feed the brake cooling ducts and house vertically mounted lamps.
    At the rear, the fascia panel is dominated by the exceptionally large diffuser, which optimizes airflow from under the vehicle and contains the twin round high-performance exhaust outlets. Focus RS for Europe and Asia markets will also get a clear central fog lamp. The distinctive rear roof spoiler is carefully integrated with the car’s silhouette through body-colored side panels featuring a subtle embossed RS logo.
    The dynamic side profile is emphasized by sculptured rocker panels, and the bold wheel lips that house a choice of multi-spoke 19-inch RS alloy wheels – including a high-performance lightweight forged design finished in low-gloss black, which offers enhanced strength and impact resistance.
    The interior features the reworked Focus control layout with its simpler, more intuitive design. SYNC connectivity provides access to audio, navigation, climate control and mobile phones via voice control, and via a high-definition, 8-inch color touch screen. SYNC can be specified with rear view camera with park distance control, as well as a Sony premium sound system with 10-speakers including a subwoofer.
    Four striking exterior colors include Nitrous Blue, a vibrant four-coat metallic finish exclusive to RS, as well as Stealth Gray, Absolute Black and Frozen White.

    Magnus Walker | Outlaw Fever

    Passionate Porsche collector Magnus Walker takes us on a night time adventure through the streets of downtown Los Angeles. This drive is super special since it's the first on Walker's own wheels.