jeudi 23 novembre 2017

    The Dream Roll | 2017

    The Dream Roll is a women’s only motorcycle camp trip, set in the dense forest bordering on Washington and Oregon state lines. The event is rural and a place to escape. Hosted in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, women share amazing rides, breathtaking views, forge lifelong, party, camp, eat, and laugh. The Dream Roll is a haven to further unite women from the many areas of motorcycle culture, and a place for women to come and be free.

    mercredi 22 novembre 2017


    The Black Falcon is the most revered custom motorcycle in recent history. Designed by Ian Barry and built with his crew at Falcon Motorcycles in Los Angeles, the Black Falcon is more than a motorcycle; it’s a collection of ideas filling a motorcycle’s 3 dimensional space, challenging our definitions of both ‘art’ and ‘motorcycle’. It is simply magnificent.

    The Vintagent Original: Black Falcon from The Vintagent on Vimeo.