dimanche 17 mars 2013

    Influx Top Ten German Cars of All Time

    Germany has produced some of the greatest all round cars of all time. But could you pick the defin­itive top ten?
    10 Ruf CTR Yellowbird
    YellowbirdPoster child for insane German tuning industry. Beat the Ferrari F40 to first production car with 200MPH top end. ‘Nuff said.
    Mercedes-​​Benz 560SEL 6.9
    Mercedes-Benz 560SEL 6.9 The most outrageous S-class borrowed the 6.9-litre engine from the vast Pullman limo. James Hunt had one, and stored it on bricks when he couldn’t afford the tax
    The most outrageous S-​​class borrowed the 6.9-litre engine from the vast Pullman limo. James Hunt had one, and stored it on bricks when he couldn’t afford the tax
    Auto Union V16
    Auto Union V16 Legendary, terrifying, Hitler-sponsored racers with over 500bhp: it took decades for post-war Formula 1 cars to get close
    Legendary, terri­fying, Hitler-​​sponsored racers with over 500bhp: it took decades for post-​​war Formula 1 cars to get close
    BMW 507
    BMW 507 Albrecht Goertz’s iconic design was early proof that the reborn German car industry could do gorgeous as well as good
    Albrecht Goertz’s iconic design was early proof that the reborn German car industry could do gorgeous as well as good
    Volkswagen Golf GTi
     Volkswagen Golf GTi Groundbreaking hot hatch, and still sensational to drive. We’ll have ours in Mars red, please
    Groundbreaking hot hatch, and still sensa­tional to drive. We’ll have ours in Mars red, please
    BMW E39 530d
    BMW E39 530d Arguably - pound-for-pound - the best car Germany has ever made because it so comprehensively eclipsed its rivals
    Arguably — pound-​​for-​​pound — the best car Germany has ever made because it so compre­hens­ively eclipsed its rivals
    Volkswagen Beetle
    Volkswagen Beetle Where it all re-started for the German car industry after the war; the original stayed in production in Mexico until 2003
    Where it all re-​​started for the German car industry after the war; the original stayed in production in Mexico until 2003
    3 Benz Patent Motorwagen
    Innovative wagon from the early years of internal combustion. Look out for the AMG version!
    Innovative wagon from the early years of internal combustion. Look out for the AMG version!
    Porsche 911
     Porsche 911 Of course it has to be in this list, but which do you pick? An early seventies, 2.4-litre 911S is arguably the sweetest of the lot
    Of course it has to be in this list, but which do you pick? An early seventies, 2.4-litre 911S is arguably the sweetest of the lot
    Porsche 917
    Like Wagner on four wheels. Count Rossi’s road-registered version is possibly the coolest thing ever to wear number plates
    Like Wagner on four wheels. Count Rossi’s road-​​registered version is possibly the coolest thing ever to wear number plates
    from .influx.

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