mercredi 23 juillet 2014

    10 low-budget modern classics from Silverstone Auctions

    1999 Marcos Mantaray

    10 low-budget modern classics from Silverstone Auctions

    On 26 July at the Silverstone Classic 2014, Silverstone Auctions will offer a generous helping of young classics - many of which carry attractive estimates. A notable example is one of only eleven 4.0-litre V8 Marcos Mantarays ever built...
    EUR 20 085 - 25 107
    EUR 47 703 - 52 724
    EUR 35 149 - 40 171
    EUR 22 596 - 27 617
    EUR 50 213 - 56 490
    EUR 12 553 - 15 064
    EUR 40 171 - 47 703
    EUR 15 692 - 18 830
    EUR 31 383 - 37 660

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