vendredi 30 janvier 2015

    Snapshot, 1965: Smokin' hot Sophia can’t stop…

    Remember when smoking in bars, boardrooms and restaurants was the norm? Well, lighting up in cars might soon become a thing of the past, too – a rule to which a young Sopia Loren would no doubt object…
    Those who grew up in the immediately post-War decades will no doubt remember the sight of children innocently playing I-Spy in the back seats of the family car, while their parents worked their way through a box of Chesterfields or Prince Denmarks up front – often with the windows open not even a crack. Thankfully, we’re a little more health-conscious in today’s society, though a period image of someone mid-smoke, deep in thought, still evokes a certain nostalgia. Particularly when that someone is Sophia Loren. Taking a rare five minutes to herself, she’s become lost in a smoke-filled daydream; but at least she’s opened the window.
    Photo: Getty Images

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