face au désastre qui frappe le Japon, une chaine de soutien motocycliste s'est mise en marche ..
This project is the shared idea of Greg Hatton and Jon Bekefy. As motorcyclists and employees in the industry, we're both incredibly aware of our debt to Japan. We love the sport of motorcycle racing, we've long earned a living in this industry, and we ride bikes built in Japan. The Japanese people have contributed to our passions and our livelihoods, and we believe, both as motorcyclists and regular humans, that we have an obligation to aid and assist them in this time of disaster and terrible loss.Whether you're a rider, a racer, an industry employee, or a fan of any of the Big Four, this is your opportunity to give back to one of the most important nation-contributors of all things riding and racing.Every dollar donated through MotoForJapan will go directly toward funding the Red Cross' relief efforts in that country. By giving, each contributor can be recognized as a motorcyclist who gave something back to the country that's given us so much.
Thanks for reading.
This project is the shared idea of Greg Hatton and Jon Bekefy. As motorcyclists and employees in the industry, we're both incredibly aware of our debt to Japan. We love the sport of motorcycle racing, we've long earned a living in this industry, and we ride bikes built in Japan. The Japanese people have contributed to our passions and our livelihoods, and we believe, both as motorcyclists and regular humans, that we have an obligation to aid and assist them in this time of disaster and terrible loss.Whether you're a rider, a racer, an industry employee, or a fan of any of the Big Four, this is your opportunity to give back to one of the most important nation-contributors of all things riding and racing.Every dollar donated through MotoForJapan will go directly toward funding the Red Cross' relief efforts in that country. By giving, each contributor can be recognized as a motorcyclist who gave something back to the country that's given us so much.
Thanks for reading.