Affichage des articles dont le libellé est VINTAGE PATENT APPLICATION POSTERS/AMERICANARTDESIGNENGINEERING. Afficher tous les articles
    Affichage des articles dont le libellé est VINTAGE PATENT APPLICATION POSTERS/AMERICANARTDESIGNENGINEERING. Afficher tous les articles

    mardi 18 mars 2014


    There’s something genuinely magical about patent applications, it’s stunning when you think that the overwhelming majority of world-altering inventions were first proposed in this way – little more than a sketch with notations.
    This collection of blueprint patent applications is the work of the Oliver Gal collective, each is taken from the original patent application and printed on long-lasting 100lb gloss cover paper.
    porsche blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    zeppelin blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    bicycle blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    wright flyer blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    handgun blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    delorean blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    camera blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    harley blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    surfboard blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters
    spacesuit blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Postersairplane blueprints 740x1081 Vintage Patent Application Posters