mardi 13 octobre 2015

    ‘The Musket’ – Hazan Motorworks

    There is a God – and he probably rides something like this. (Click for larger image)
    ‘Maxwell Hazan’ is a name that needs no introduction. As s two-time winner of Pipeburn’s Bike Of The Year award, he’s one of the few builders globally that could lay claim to the title of ‘world’s best’. So what does a guy with so much raw talent, fabrication ability and vision do next? Whatever he damn well pleases – that’s what. And what Max pleases in 2015 is to take two Royal Enfield 500cc engines, enlist the help of a certain Mr Aniket Vardhan to magic them into a single 1000cc V-twin, and then construct a bike around it that just might be the best-looking custom bike we’ve ever seen. Excited? We sure as hell are. Here’s Hazan Motorwork’s latest, ‘The Musket’ Royal Enfield V-twin.
    With our excitement rendering us barely able to speak, we began by proposing marriage to the guy. After his twelfth refusal, we cottoned on and asked Max about the bike. “The Musket is a project that I have wanted to build for years; even before I built motorcycles for a living, I used to drool over this hand-made gem of an engine. It’s essentially where the build started. It’s a work of art that was hand-carved from a block of wood, hand-cast at a foundry and then hand-machined, all by the amazing Aniket Vardhan to make this, the 1000cc Musket V-twin engine.”
    Thinking back, Max felt there was a certain amount of fate to the build. “I was approached by an open-minded client at exactly the same time that Aniket had just finished development on his latest engine and was ready to part with it. I went through four different sets of tires before settling on the huge BF Goodrich Silvertown car tires you see here. The engine is truly massive, making the big frame absolutely necessary. This in turn dwarfed standard motorcycle tires and, well, you get the drift.”
    “The tires, wheels and headlight are the only pieces that were purchased. Every other part was made by hand.”
    If the world’s most beautiful music was rendered in metal, it would look like this
    Of course if nothing is pre-made, you can create every part exactly how you imagine it – especially if that imagination is one of the motorcycling world’s most vivid. Following the engine’s lead, the shape of the tank, the angles in the frame, the pipes and everything else was mocked up, tweaked, scrapped and redone until their lines, shape and position were perfection incarnate.
    As always, Max started by mounting the engine on his workbench and secured the wheels fore and aft. He then sketched the bike’s initial shape out on a giant sheet of paper and hung it up behind. Designing the bike at full-scale allows Max to see how each part fits exactly with the next and how the bike’s final proportions will appear. It also gives him something real to measure off of when he’s rough-cutting the raw material.
    “I tend to gravitate toward the minimal side of things, so I don’t like cables and wires. But if they have to be there, then I try to make them interesting to look at. I also wanted to make the handlebars completely clean, so I ran an internal throttle cable through the 7/8″ bars and went with a hand shift and clutch to clean up the lower controls. I decided to cut into the primary drive, run it dry and move everything outwards to make room for a disc brake in the transmission. Surprisingly, it works great. This also allowed me to simplify the rear wheel, too.”
    The bike has a very small battery made from an Antigravity unit that Max cut up and rearranged to fit inside the bespoke fuel tank. The rest of the ignition and electronics were housed under the engine for better airflow and less exposed wiring. “I have found time and again that ‘simple’ is the usually the most complicated to make,” Max laughs.
    Any shinier and it’d blind overhead pilots
    The tank and fenders were all shaped from .16 or .18 gauge 6061 aluminium, and the frame is all 7/8-1 1/4″ steel tubing with varying wall thicknesses depending on the specific application. The tank’s shape was intended to showcase the motor, so Max wanted something that flowed along with the design but didn’t obstruct the view of the cylinder heads and rockers. He also wanted to challenge himself and set his mind on making a thin, polished aluminium tank and fender from scratch. “I had to make several of each,” says Max, “as the thickness doesn’t leave much room for error. You’d be kidding yourself if you think you’re going to nail it on the first try. No way.”
    “The forks were another first for me; it was an idea I had where the moving parts of the springer mechanism would be in tension instead of compression, allowing me to use much thinner steel. All of the shocks were made from bearing bronze and use sections of fork springs with smaller valve springs inside them.”
    Max didn’t set out to do another wood seat, but once he’d made the call, he decided to make it as comfortable as possible this time. It’s a beautifully-aged piece of walnut, coated in around 15 layers of polyurethane lacquer and then polished to within an inch of its life.
    “I wanted it to be finished like a Steinway Piano; just make sure you hang on when you twist the throttle.”
    Max prays at the chrome altar
    And as much as we’d like to tell you from first-hand experience what it was like to ride, Max was adamant that he be the sole jockey before the masterpiece was handed over to its new owner. “It’s much quieter than you would imagine with the pipes that I made for it, but it pulls like a particularly angry tractor. Obviously, the tires are square and your cornering skills do need to be adjusted a little to compensate, but all-up it’s an amazingride. With about 55hp and a 6.5:1 compression ratio it’s not an overly fast bike, but speed was not on the agenda for this one.” Whatever Max’s agenda, you can be sure of one thing – when this New Yorker puts his mind to it, amazing things happen.
    If you like what you see, then check out more of Max’s work herehere and here.
    [Photos by Sinuhe Xavier of The Mighty Motor] via PIPEBURN

    Davai Kamtchatka, chapitre 1 : cul de sac en Albanie

    A Lire ...le  livre Davaï Kamtchatka, du Burn-out à l'Aventure disponible en librairie et sur

    BLANCPAIN GT SERIES Marc VDS Racing Team met un terme à ses activités sur quatre roues


    Le célèbre félin qui a fait la réputation du Marc VDS Racing Team sera absent l’an prochain de la grille des GT. Le Président de l’équipe, Marc van der Straten, a en effet décidé de mettre un terme à ses activités dans le sport automobile au terme de la dernière épreuve des “Le Mans Series” à Estoril.
    La décision a été difficile à prendre, le Marc VDS Racing Team ayant tout de même enregistré quelques succès lors de ces dernières années. Couronné en 2013 dans les Blancpain Endurance Series en tant que “Pro Cup Team Champions” après avoir figuré à deux reprises sur le podium des prestigieuses 24 Heures de Nürburgring, l’équipe a décroché cette année le meilleur résultat de son histoire en s’imposant aux 24 Heures de Spa, la plus grande course GT au monde.
    Mais ce succès a eu un coût. Un coût important. Courir après la victoire dans une compétition aussi disputée que la classe GT3 revient cher, mais cela coûte encore plus quand des personnes en charge de la gestion de l’équipe commettent des manquements d’ordre financier au point de mettre en péril la viabilité de l’entreprise.
    La décision de mettre un terme à ses activités dans le sport automobile n’est pas tant due à ce coût financier qu’au fait que la gestion de son équipe s’est trop éloignée des principes moraux auxquels Marc van der Straten a toujours été attaché. Principes que lui a inculqués son regretté père avec lequel il a démarré son aventure dans les sports mécaniques.
    Pour Marc van der Straten, la course est une affaire de passion, de compétition, d’honneur et de professionnalisme. Malheureusement, cette passion s’en est allée pour le sport automobile par la faute de ceux qui ont trahi sa confiance en faisant passer leur intérêt personnel avant le reste, alors qu’il pensait partager avec eux la même vision du Marc VDS Racing Team.
    Le Marc VDS Racing Team va néanmoins continuer à courir avec les deux roues dans les championnats du monde FIM MotoGP et Moto2. La dernière épreuve du ELMS à Estoril, le 18 octobre, marquera quoi qu’il en soit la fin d’une histoire. Ce sera la dernière apparition de l’emblème jaune sur la grille de départ des GT.
    « Je dois ma passion des sports mécaniques à mon regretté père, personnage bien connu et reconnu dans le monde du sport automobile. C’est lui qui m’a transmis le sens des valeurs qui ont toujours été les miennes, c’est aussi lui qui m’a inculqué le code d’honneur qui régissait il n’y a pas si longtemps encore accords et contrats. Je vous parle d’un temps où la parole donnée suffisait à sceller dans le marbre associations et projets. Point besoin alors de tonnes de papier et de monceaux de signatures. Il y a huit ans, quand je me suis lancé de mes propres ailes à Gosselies, en tant que propriétaire de Belgian Racing pour bâtir cette ambitieuse équipe au félin pour emblème, il en était encore ainsi », a expliqué Marc van der Straten, le Président du Marc VDS Racing Team.
    « Force est de reconnaître que les choses ont bien changé. A tel point qu’aujourd’hui ma passion pour la course automobile s’en est allée. Des collaborateurs ont trahi ma confiance et l’esprit familial de notre équipe. Je ne peux l’accepter. A 67 ans, je n’ai plus le temps de m’embarrasser avec des comportement irrespectueux envers les principes moraux auxquels je suis attaché. Je suis las du manque de professionnalisme de certaines personnes que j’ai eu le tort de placer à des postes clefs. Je suis fatigué par ceux qui n’ont eu d’autre objectif que de profiter au risque de mettre en péril notre entreprise, la conduisant même à la faillite. Voilà pourquoi j’ai décidé aujourd’hui de tirer le rideau et de faire disparaître Belgian Racing de la compétition automobile. »
    « Bien évidemment, je n’oublie pas notre belle victoire aux 24 Heures de Spa cette saison avec la BMW Z4, mais là-encore, comment accepter qu’on essaie aujourd’hui de m’obliger à disputer l’intégralité du championnat pour avoir le droit de disputer cette seule épreuve ? Celui qui me dira quoi faire chez moi, en Belgique, et bien il n’est pas encore né ! »
    « Mais que les mauvaises langues se rassurent. Marc VDS Racing n’est pas mort pour autant. Bien au contraire. Adieu l’auto, place à la moto ! Depuis le début de notre aventure en Moto2, il y a de cela cinq ans, je ne vis que du bonheur. Un titre de champion du monde, deux titres de vice-champion du monde… Des performances de haut vol qui ont fait de l’équipe Marc VDS Racing une référence dans le monde des Grands Prix et que j’ai le plaisir de vivre et partager avec des professionnels qui sont aussi des gens exceptionnels. Obtenir de super résultats et bâtir de nouveaux projets dans la joie et la bonne humeur, que pourrais-je demander de mieux ? »


    lundi 12 octobre 2015

    FIA WEC 2015 Fuji 6 Hours; Les brèves nippones.../Stories from Fuji

    Au menu des brèves japonaises, des consignes d’équipe chez Porsche et Audi, Richard Bradley sous haute surveillance, des Aston Martin à la peine, des rookies attendus après Bahreïn et une première victoire pour l’ex-Docteur Mamour.
    Brendon Hartley, Mark Webber et Timo Bernhard (Porsche N°17) sont leaders du championnat Pilotes avec un point d’avance sur André Lotterer, Marcel Fässler et Benoît Tréluyer (Audi N°7). Ces deux équipages ont terminé 1er et 3e des 6 Heures du Fuji grâce à des consignes de course données chez Porsche et Audi. Sinon, la victoire et la 3e place auraient dû revenir à la Porsche N°18 (Dumas/Jani/Lieb) et à l’Audi N°8 (Di Grassi/Jarvis/Duval).
    Après deux défaites, Rebellion Racing a retrouvé le chemin de la victoire en LM P1 « privé » avec la R-One N°12 (Beche/Prost) face à la CLM P1/01 N°4 Team ByKolles.
    Première victoire mondiale du Dempsey-Proton Racing en LM GTE Am. Patrick Long a pris le départ sous SC avant de céder le volant à Patrick Dempsey pour 43 tours sous la pluie. Marco Seefried a ensuite bouclé 71 tours avec les mêmes pneumatiques Michelin !
    La Ferrari 458 Italia N°51 (Bruni/Vilander) a renoué avec la victoire en LM GTE Pro, notamment grâce à un triple relais de Toni Vilander avec les mêmes pneus « wet » Michelin (112 tours, soit 611 km) et seulement 4min27s passées au stand.
    Le dernier accrochage entre l’Oreca05-Nissan N°47 KCMG (Bradley) et la Ligier JS P2-Nissan N°28 G-Drive Racing (Yacaman) a été investigué par les commissaires après la course, lesquels ont imputé la faute à Richard Bradley pour avoir freiné 31 m plus tôt que d’ordinaire au Turn 1. Le Britannique de Singapour est « mis sous surveillance ».
    Malgré une BoP un peu plus favorable, les Aston Martin Vantage V8 n’ont guère brillé en LM GTE Pro et Am. Elles n’ont plus gagné depuis les 6 Heures de Spa début mai.
    Sam Bird (28 ans), Mitch Evans (21 ans) et Richie Stanaway (23 ans) sont les trois rookies choisis pour effectuer un test sur des prototypes LM P1 hybrides chaussés par Michelin. Au lendemain des 6 Heures de Bahreïn, Bird s’installera dans une Toyota TS040 Hybrid, Stanaway dans une Audi R18 e-tron quattro et Evans dans une Porsche 919 Hybrid.
    La pole position signée par la Corvette C7.R Larbre Compétition a été annulée en raison d’une ventilation de réservoir non conforme, un système pourtant utilisé depuis le début de l’année et livré avec la voiture par le préparateur Pratt & Miller. La N°50 s’est donc élancée en fond de grille pour conclure à une belle 4e place LM GTE Am.
    En 1min22s639, le meilleur tour absolu du week-end revient à Mark Webber (Porsche N°17) réalisé en qualif. En course, c’est Loïc Duval (Audi N°8) qui a signé le meilleur tour en 1min25s621. En course comme en qualif, c’est Gustavo Yacaman qui fut le plus rapide en LM P2.
    En raison d’un long Safety-Car en début de course et des conditions météo difficiles, seulement 985 km ont été parcourus par les vainqueurs des 6 Heures de Fuji à 164 km/h de moyenne.
    Nicolas Prost et la Rebellion R-One-AER repartent du Fuji Speedway avec la meilleure vitesse de pointe à 316,7 km/h.
    Le team Race Performance (Nakano/Leutwiler, Oreca03-Judd/Michelin) a remporté la manche d’ouverture de l’Asian Le Mans Series 2015/2016, une course de deux heures organisée en support du FIA WEC sur le Fuji Speedway. Grâce à un bon départ de Tristan Gommendy, l’Oreca03-Nissan Eurasia Motorsport a mené la première moitié de course.
    The stories from Japan include team orders at Porsche and Audi, a reprimand for Richard Bradley, a rookie session after Bahrain and a maiden victory for Doctor McDreamy.
    © Nick Dungan -
    Brendon Hartley, Mark Webber and Timo Bernhard (N°17 Porsche) now top the Drivers’ standings, one point clear of André Lotterer, Marcel Fässler and Benoît Tréluyer (N°7 Audi). These two crews came first and third at Fuji thanks to team orders issued by Porsche and Audi. Otherwise, the N°18 Porsche (Dumas/Jani/Lieb) and the N°8 Audi (Di Grassi/Jarvis/Duval) would most likely have secured those positions.
    After two defeats, Rebellion Racing was back on top in the LM P1 privateer class with the N°12 R-One-AER (Beche/Prost). Nicolas Prost notched up the fastest top speed of the weekend (316.7kph) in the car.
    Dempsey-Proton Racing claimed its first LM GTE Am victory. Patrick Long started under the Safety Car before handing over to Patrick Dempsey for 43 laps in the rain. Marco Seefried then completed 71 laps on the same set of Michelin tyres!
    The N°51 Ferrari 458 Italia (Bruni/Vilander) returned to its winning ways in LM GTE Pro, helped by a triple stint by Toni Vilander on the same set of Michelin rain tyres (112 laps, 611km) and just 4m27s spent in the pits.
    The late tangle between the N°47 Oreca05-Nissan (KCMG) and the N°28 Ligier JS P2-Nissan (G-Drive Racing) was investigated after the race. Blame was attributed to KCMG’s Singapore-based Briton Richard Bradley for braking 31 metres earlier than usual at Turn 1.
    The Aston Martin Vantage V8s failed to take advantage of a slightly more favourable BoP at Fuji. The car hasn’t won since May’s 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps.
    Sam Bird, 28, Mitch Evans, 21, and Richie Stanaway, 23, are the three rookies selected to test Michelin-equipped LM P1 prototypes after the 6 Hours of Bahrain. They will drive a Toyota TS040 Hybrid, a Porsche 919 Hybrid and an Audi R18 e-tron quattro respectively.
    The LM GTE Am qualifying win of Larbre Compétition’s Corvette C7.R was annulled because of a fuel tank ventilation infraction, even though the system has been used since the start of the year and was supplied with the car by its preparer Pratt&Miller. The N°50 machine was relegated to the back of the grid but finished fourth in class.

    Mark Webber (1m22.639s, N°17 Porsche) posted the weekend’s fastest lap (qualifying). The fastest race lap was clocked by Loïc Duval (1m25.621s, N°8 Audi). Gustavo Yacaman was the fastest LM P2 driver in qualifying and the race.
    Because of the long early Safety Car intervention and the poor weather, the 6 Hours of Fuji winners completed just 985km (average speed: 164kph).
    Race Performance (Nakano/Leutwiler, Oreca03-Judd/Michelin) won Round 1 of the 2015/2016 Asian Le Mans Series, a two-hour support race at Fuji Speedway. A strong start from Tristan Gommendy allowed Eurasia Motorsport’s Oreca03-Nissan to lead for the first hour.

    WRC Wales Rally GB 2015 Neuville pas nominé au Rally GB / Neuville not nominated for Rally GB

    Le pilote n°1 de Hyundai, Thierry Neuville, ne sera pas nominé pour marquer des points Constructeurs au Wales Rally GB. Dani Sordo et Hayden Paddon tenteront d’offrir un titre de vice-champion du monde au constructeur sud-coréen.
    Le Belge Thierry Neuville pilotera la Hyundai i20 WRC/Michelin n°20 lors du Wales Rally GB au sein de l’équipe « B » du constructeur coréen. Le pilote n°1 du team ne défendra donc pas les couleurs de Hyundai Motorsport dans la course au titre de vice-champion du monde Constructeurs face à Citroën.
    L’annonce a été diffusée par Hyundai Motorsport sur Twitter. Cette décision a été prise « pour redonner confiance au pilote belge et pour aider le team pour la 2e place du championnat ! »
    Les pilotes nominés pour cette dernière manche WRC 2015 seront Dani Sordo et Hayden Paddon. Neuville et Kevin Abbring piloteront pour l’équipe Hyundai Mobis WRT.
    Dani Sordo avait été évincé du team officiel lors du Rallye d’Australie au profit d’Hayden Paddon. Le Néo-Zélandais réalise une saison 2015 incroyable. Il fut encore une fois le plus rapide des pilotes Hyundai sur l’asphalte du Tour de Corse.
    En sept participations au Wales Rally GB, Dani Sordo a terminé deux fois sur le podium, à la 3eplace. Thierry Neuville était lui aussi monté sur le podium de l’édition 2013 (3e) et avait conclu à la 4e place l’an passé sur la Hyundai.
    Hyundai’s number one driver Thierry Neuville will not be nominated as eligible to score Manufacturers’ points at Rally GB. Dani Sordo and Hayden Paddon will be tasked with attempting to clinch runner-up honours for the South Korean make in Wales.
    Belgium’s Thierry Neuville will drive the N°20 Hyundai i20 WRC/Michelin at Wales Rally GB as part of the Korean make’s ‘B’ squad. The team’s number one driver consequently won’t defend Hyundai Motorsport’s chances of beating Citroën to second place in the 2015 Manufacturers’ championship.
    The news was tweeted by Hyundai Motorsport and the decision was taken to help the Belgian regain confidence and also support the team’s push to secure second place in this year’s Manufacturers’ standings.
    The drivers nominated for the 2015 World Rally Championship’s finale will be Dani Sordo and Hayden Paddon. Neuville and Kevin Abbring will compete in the colours of Hyundai Mobis WRT.
    Dani Sordo was dropped from the factory team for Rally Australia where he was replaced by Hayden Paddon who is having an incredible season. He was the fastest Hyundai driver again on last week’s all-asphalt Tour de Corse.
    Dani Sordo’s seven attempts at Wales Rally GB have harvested two third places. Neuville was third overall in 2013 and came fourth on the event for Hyundai last November



     - next picture

    Au terme des 1100 km de l’Oscaro-Tour de Corse Historique 2015, victoire sans partage de la LANCIA Rally 037 de Vaison/Dufour devant l’OPEL Ascona 400 du couple Oreille à 1’09 et la FORD Escort RS Mk1 de Gonon/ Horgnyes

    Podium VHC 2015 :

    1 1 VAISON / DUFFOUR (photo1) LANCIA Rally 037 
    2 2 OREILLE / OREILLE OPEL Ascona 400 +1:09 
    3 24 GONON / HORGNYES FORD Escort RS Mk1 +2:01 

    JPEG - 127.3 ko
    Les vainqueurs VHC 2015
    JPEG - 99.5 ko
    2e VHC Equipage Oreille
    JPEG - 95.8 ko

    Podium Classic 2015 :

    2 49 LOPES / LOPES PORSCHE 911 
    3 119 LEVY / SEXE PORSCHE 911 SC 

    JPEG - 102 ko
    1er Classic GUILLET / TROUILLER
    2e Les Lopes
    absents sur le podium
    JPEG - 83.2 ko
    3e Classic LEVY / SEXE

    Podium VHRS 2015

    1 293 OLIVIERI Alessandro/RAINISIO Césare / FORD Anglia 
    2 292 ROSSI Eugénio/TARENZI Marco / LANCIA Flavia coupé 
    3 296 VAN HECKE Corinne/VAN HECKE Christian / AUTOBIANCHI A112 Abarth 

    JPEG - 99.9 ko
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    Les vainqueurs VHRS 2015
    1er Moyenne Intermediaire : ZANCHI Piero Lorenzo/AGNESE Giovanni 
    1er Moyenne Haute BAILLET Christophe/BAILLET Anne

    BLOCK & LAST (2)

    Introducing the second in a series of five films celebrating relentless passion for craft.
    The five 'Made To Last' films feature men of extraordinary talent from many different walks of life who are all 100% dedicated to their craft and have spent years honing their skills. The second in the series features the incredible British actor Johnny Harris (London to Brighton, This is England '86, From Darkness) talking to us about the craft of acting.

    GEAR GUIDE #65

    In our 65th Gear Guide we check out Blauer’s latest Combo gloves, Helston’s retro Engine jacket and a couple of visor and goggle options for your open face helmet from Soubirac, Bell and Barrufaldi.
    Blauer A


    A little star and stripe flag tag sewn into the seem? Check – American and proud. These beautifully supple nappa cow leather gloves from Blauer are the first bit of gear I have tried from the brand, so in search of the back story I headed for their website which, confusingly, was in Italian. Google Translate eventually surrendered the secret of the European distributors website that Blauer have for over 60 years been the leading supplier of technical wear to the U.S Police force, Army and Navy. Blauer have since expanded their remit to include a range of protective motorcycle wear utilising all the experience and technical know how they have garnered from their history in the enforcement and military sectors. Their deigns are bang on point.
    blauer b
    The Combo gloves feature perforated leather uppers with high tech TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) knuckles and rubber finger protection inserts. A short zip and velcro closure finish off the attractive design along with an embossed Blauer HT logo. The aforementioned nappa leather is deliciously tactile and the armour adds reassurance to what is otherwise a lightweight glove.
    Blauer c
    After a month of commuting abuse the initial added fiddle of the YKK zip closure has become second nature and the tight to start gloves have settled nicely to my hands. They are definitely better suited to the warmer months and are far from water proof but even as the winter chill begins to set in I am reluctant to surrender the mobility and articulation they provide.
    Blauer F
    The gloves were stylish enough to pair unnoticed with my fine tweed and silk for last weekends Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride and even drew the odd comment of appreciation from the most finely attired crowd of riders you have ever seen. They are cracking gloves from a manufacturer creating an increasingly interesting range of products (their 80’s Helmet currently sits top of a fair few Bike Shed staff wish lists) well worth checking out. Also available in Black.



    My first encounter with Helstons gear was a pair of winter gloves, they impressed then and have done since, the leather is decent, the fit was good, stitching was nice, it worked for me. So when I ordered the Engine jacket I had high expectations, it didn’t let me down.
    Helstons A
    First impressions, the leather is lovely, soft and supple despite being quite thick. The overall fit is good, although I had to get a large even though I am a medium in UK standards. The zips are robust, the construction is top notch, and the CE approved armour offers proper protection, including the neat back protector pocket which comes complete with a dense foam pad. The sleeve length is just right for riding in colder weather as there’s no jacket to glove gap. There is also a removable thermal lining which will be handy for cooler days.
    The only niggle about the fit is the shoulders fit kinda funny, giving a pronounced lump on each side. This is due to the shoulder armour which I would imagine will break in over time, or perhaps altered by swapping them out for pads from another jacket.
    Helstons B
    So, I have ridden with the jacket for the last month. I am so impressed with the cut of the jacket. It doesn’t impede your riding, or pull in odd places. It sits nicely on my waist and allows nice movement throughout. It feels sturdy enough to protect you in case of a fall and feels like it’ll last for years.
    Helstons D
    There are only a few things that I think are a set back. I have mentioned the shoulders and sizing, the latter is fairly typical of European clothing, and lastly is the colour scheme. I have the beige jacket. It looks great, but the blue and orange strips make it difficult to find matching gloves and helmet. I’m not that fussed about coordination, anyone that has played sports with me can attest to that, so I wear what I have.
    Overall the Helstons Engine looks and feels great. It’s a jacket that will get you noticed and be admired, and one that I’ll be using for many more miles to come.
    Review by Timm Wellens.




    In Gear Guide #62‘s review of the Bell Custom 500 Helmet we promised a follow up feature summarising a selection of the visor and goggle options, never being ones to break a promise, here you have it.
    Firstly what is missing – MX style goggles. Top of my list of eye protective pairings for the Bell were a pair of goggles from the stunning collection offered up by Barstow. In the hand they proved a seriously quality item and yet as I offered them up to my face, my hopes of ownership were quashed. It is important to point out these goggles work splendidly for many a rider, but for those (like me) whose majestic noses help them swim in perfectly straight lines, you may have clearance issues betwixt lid and hooter. Try them out, you may be one of the lucky ones I will forever stare at begrudgingly whose facial proportions allow for this stylish pairing, but for me an alternative was required.
    Bell Visor
    The deluxe bubble visor from Bell is a beautiful object, with its chromed edge and deeply shiny anti-fog, anti-scratch, UV-protected shield it oozes 60’s glamour. The visor attaches via the classic 3-snap design with adjustable side poppers. As shown above it sits slightly tighter/better on smaller sized lids (the blue metal flake is medium, grey primer large) but looks fine on all but the very biggest of helmets. For the uninitiated riding in a bubble is a revelation, so much vision and space and a full face free of wind. The deluxe bubble from Bell is a beauty of the breed and is available in a wide spectrum of colours.


    bell peak
    For that classic sheltering from the Californian sun look the helmet peak is a must. Available in both black and white and a selection of designs it purely comes down to personal taste which combination suits your style the best. They can be fiddly to fit but once on feel good and solid. The above picture is of the 510 variant.




    Are you the type that instigates a chin wag at the lights? Or enjoys a loquacious relationship with your local fuel merchant? For ultimate social interaction the Soubirac flip is the way to go, one can go from full coverage to full exposure at the deftest of touches.
    Soubirac B
    It is predominantly a town riding option as a lifesaver over the shoulder look at dual carriageway speeds will tend to lift the visor and give you an unwanted face full of fresh air, but in the right setting the Soubirac is a terrific option. I use mine every day. Shown here is the 50% tint variant, it is also available in clear or rainbow finishes




    Baruffaldi have been producing goggles for Ski and motorcycling enthusiasts since 1932. Their range of retina protecting products is dizzying but it was their Halo goggles that caught my eye. In a similar style to horse jockey or sky-diving goggles the Halo sit inside the helmet tight to the face. The rubberised edge is comfortable although after a longer run I drew baffled glances for almost an hour due to the red lines etched into my visage. A good stretch of the elastic has reduced this to an extent.
    I rarely reach sky diving velocity on my motorcycle but am thoroughly confident that when the occasion calls for it the Halo will keep my eyes intact and vision clear.  The flattering sepia hue they lend the world is available at all speeds. A note for the long of lash from my beautiful wife, make sure your mascara is well dried before goggle placement or you will be viewing the road through a barcode…
    via the Bike Shed

    Record results at Auctionata’s Ferrari Only sale

    Auctionata might have been previously best known for affordable classics, but at its recent Ferrari Only sale, the auction house cracked the million euros mark for the first time…
    With a broad selection of 27 classic and modern cars offered, Auctionata’s dedicated Ferrari Only sale proved successful, led by a 1991 F40 that fetched 1.1m euros – the highest price ever achieved by the auction house. Also significantly above estimate was a Ferrari 512 TR that realised 199,920 euros (inc. buyer’s premium), and a 2015 458 Speciale, which made 373,184 euros. Other big hitters were the stunning black 599 GTO (599,760 euros) and the 1977 512 BB (434,264 euros). “The success of our Ferrari Only sale has shown that we have established ourselves in the luxury automotive sector, and reached a new milestone in the history of the company,” commented Wolfgang Jochum, from Auctionata’s classic car department.
    Photos: Auctionata