jeudi 9 octobre 2014

    2014 Bonneville Speed Trials

    Written by Pierre Robichaud.
    Bonneville. It conjures up many a mental image. To the average Joe, it means that motorcycle movie with the guy who played Hannibal Lecter… if it registers at all. And to most of us, it refers to a legendary bike and a popular Utah destination toward the top of our bucket list. But to an increasingly rare breed, its true meaning can only understood by actually experiencing it.
    Prior to going to the Bonneville Speed Trials, formerly BUB, my perception was that it was ruled by motorcycle companies and rich people there to break records. But to my surprise, there were many individual racers there just to run. They were without support, sponsors or any real help at all. They had come from all over the world with beautiful bikes: crusty, rusty, bone stock and polished show bikes alike.

    There also seemed to be a small but dedicated group of younger men and, somewhat surprisingly, women racers ready to carry the torch forward. Small shops like Super Rat and Sodium Distortion were making a buzz with sick bikes and movies about their pursuit of land speed records. Someone said it was like a family reunion – one that you actually wanted to attend. But, early on in the week it didn’t look like it would happen at all.
    The day before the event, at the edge of the salt, gray skies poured rain. It was a lake for almost as far as you could see. Tons of salt had been dumped at the end of the road to try to create a bridge to the other side, but its construction couldn’t outpace the rain. Speed Week had been cancelled several weeks before. And at the last minute, too. But there were assurances that our track had been shifted onto dry salt and you just had to get out to it. But you would need to make the slow trek to and from the pits every day through water 6-8 inches deep.
    The weather at Bonneville is always capricious and this year even more so. This can make racing difficult, as a densely clouded sky would crack open spilling out sunshine and then minutes later, it would be swallowed up again only to be replaced by gusting wind. It could be blowing at 17mph past the start while 3 miles down at the end of the track, it would be a lowly 4mph. Sometimes you may wait minutes or even hours for the right conditions. But, it’s in spite of, or because of these experiences that Bonneville has its allure.

    As we waited, I overheard a guy say to a group huddled around a bike called ‘Salt Shaker’ that the salt gets into everything, even the oil. He wasn’t lying; you taste it on your lips and it seems to permeate everything. Obviously, it finds its way into your veins too, as these salt junkies are lured back year after year. I’d bargain that once you have a taste of salt, the experience will give new meaning to Bonneville and that is what it is to be a Salt Flat racer.

    [Photos by Pierre Robichaud, AMA and Bonneville Speed Trials]


    WRC : The 2015 Hyundai is running

    La Hyundai WRC spec. 2015 a effectué ses premiers tours de roue le mois dernier. Cette nouvelle voiture devrait débuter en compétition au cours de la saison mondiale 2015
    Il y a deux ans, à l’occasion du Salon Automobile de Paris 2012, Hyundai annonçait son retour en Championnat du monde des Rallyes FIA et présentait une maquette de la Hyundai i20 WRC. Deux ans plus tard, la marque coréenne a remporté son premier succès mondial au Rallye Deutschland et a testé pour la première fois la version 2015 basée sur l’i20 New Generation (3e génération).
    Ce premier roulage s’est déroulé dans le plus grand secret en Allemagne le mois dernier avec le pilote d’essais Hyundai Motorsport Bryan Bouffier. L’objectif était decheckertous les systèmes et de récolter les premiers datas pour le développement futur.
    Comme nous l’avait précisé Michel Nandan il y a quelques mois, la Hyundai spec. 2015 sera nouvelle à 90%. « La plateforme est différente, elle est plus longue, plus basse et plus large que la version 2014. Le moteur est différent, tout comme la transmission et une multitude d’autres composants. »
    « Nous travaillons sur ce nouveau modèle depuis quelques mois déjà et ce premier roulage fut un moment important. Un long travail de développement nous attend désormais dans les prochains mois », a expliqué le patron de Hyundai Motorsport.
    L’équipe coréenne ne veut pas précipiter son lancement. Elle succèdera à la version actuelle au cours de la saison 2015.



    mercredi 8 octobre 2014

    Himalaya on a Bullet.

    High up in the Himalayas, life is very different, the faces and places we encountered were unlike anywhere else on earth. We are now part of a small group of adventurers who have tackled this route, as we know, the Himalayas are not for the faint-hearted, the mountains sheer magnitude is a test in itself, add to that the high altitudes, unpredictable weather, the risk of landslides, sheer drops, roads that are mud, water and sand, sudden border closures and route changes and you realise why this is one of the most challenging motorbike adventures on the planet. I rode with
    It seemed that the harder the day the bigger the smiles, and at night wherever we rested our tired and often bruised bodies, we shared our many tales of the day’s ride with a drink or two.
    We can now all claim to have riden the highest road in the world (18,340ft), we wound our way up into the mountains, through remote valleys, over beautiful desolate high passes and through the pristine and remote ranges of the India/Tibet border. We slept in tents by huge mountain lakes and under awe-inspiring snow clad peaks.

    Himalaya on a Bullet. from Iain Crockart on Vimeo.