mardi 22 septembre 2015

    Dakar 2016 : La Peugeot 2008 DKR16

    Carlos Sainz à Erfoud
    by Tim Sturtridge
    L'attente est terminée : le Team Peugeot Total a enfin révélé la version 2016 de son bolide pour la prochaine édition du Dakar.
    La Peugeot 2008 DKR16, qui doit faire ses débuts en compétition plus tard dans l'année avant de s'envoler pour l'Amérique du Sud, a une apparence plus agressive que la version précédente : elle est plus longue, plus large, plus basse et plus puissante. Et elle a également fait l'objet de quelques améliorations sous le capot.

    Cette nouvelle version est en projet depuis le moment précis où le Dakar 2015 s'est achevé. Aidés par les pilotes Stéphane Perterhansel  (11 victoires sur le Dakar), Carlos Sainz (double champion du monde des rallyes et ancien vainqueur du Dakar) et Cyril Desprès (cinq victoires en moto sur le Dakar), les ingénieurs de Peugeot ont revu la voiture pièce par pièce pour tenter de l'améliorer.
    L'intérieur de la Peugeot 2008 DKR photographie à Erfoud, au Maroc, avant le Dakar 2016.
    La voiture n'a pas subi un changement majeur, mais plutôt une série de petites modifications qui, on l'espère, permettront au final un progrès global.
    - Bruno Famin, directeur du team Peugeot Sport.
    La voiture est plus longue et plus large, avec un centre de gravité plus bas, on sent vraiment la différence en termes de stabilité, elle est plus rapide dans les virages.
    - Stéphane Perterhansel, 11 victoires sur le Dakar.
    Ces améliorations ont été apportées progressivement à l'issue d'une série de tests qui s'est achevée sur le triomphe de Perterhansel et Desprès au China Silk Road Rally, respectivement 1er et 2ème, sur une version temporaire de la voiture (le modèle de 2015 avec seulement quelques-unes des nouvelles modifications). Pendant que les deux pilotes français participaient à cette compétition en Chine, Sainz est resté en Europe pour aider à l'amélioration du bolide.
    Beaucoup de choses importantes ont été changé sur cette voiture, c'est un tout nouveau bolide. Je suis très optimiste.
    - Carlos Sainz, vainqueur du Dakar 2010.
    Peugeot 2016 DKR

    Stories of Bike | Sister

    Both originally from Sweden, Maria and her best friend, Nina, love to ride. 
    They ride to work, to catch up, to head out for coffee on weekends. 
    For the first time, they spontaneously decide to pack swags onto their bikes, head out of Sydney and camp on the first secluded beach they find.

    Blingstar Desert Free Ride

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    Sergeant Aircrew for a day (or two)

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    The Goodwood Armada

    Teresa, Marta and Paloma travelled all the way from Barcelona for the Revival. “Our husbands are over at the track watching the racing, so we’ve come for a walk to see everyone else in their vintage outfits. We’ve never seen anything like it, and we’ll definitely be back next year – whether our husbands join us or not!”

    Dad’s Navy

    Steve Clegg went to the Revival wearing his father’s Royal Navy sailor uniform. Thomas Clegg served during the Falklands War, escorting ships to Russia aboard HMS Sheffield – and his name could still be found scribbled into the lining of the hat.

    Bentley boyhood

    Accompanied by his parents Stacey and Daniel, Henry Walsh was enjoying his second outing to the Revival – although he didn’t see much the first time, as he was still with his mother as a ‘passenger’. Henry’s grandfather (who passed the tie down to Henry’s father) owned a 4½ Litre Bentley; Henry’s working his way up to one, learning the basics from the helm of his vintage pram.

    The engagement tour

    “I wanted a uniform that was easily identifiable, so I went for an Air Raid Precautions warden,” said Steve, who went to the Revival with his new fiancée, Polly, as part of their engagement tour. “I’m quite enjoying this,” Polly told us. “Steve’s shoes are genuine ARP items, so the soles have metal studs – this is the first time that we’ve gone out and he’s been the one complaining about uncomfortable shoes...”

    Youthquaking on a Vespa

    Stephanie Goward joined the ‘Youthquake movement’ that took the Revival by storm this year. “Working for a vintage fashion magazine, I’ve been to a lot of vintage shows,” she told us. “But I’m equally interested in the cars at the Revival – when I was growing up, my father owned an Audi Quattro and a Lotus Europa.”

    Pan Am ladies

    Lynne and Patricia came from Edinburgh, wearing the iconic uniforms of 1960s Pan Am cabin crew. But putting them together was by no means straightforward: “The bags and badges are original, but we had to make the rest of our outfits from scratch – and the shop in which we found the material only had 10 yards left.” Even more commendable was the fact that they made the journey from Scotland to southern England not by plane, but driving their classic Minis.

    The Goodwood Hornets

    The Hornets were assembled at the behest of Lord March, but they’re all genuine biker boys (and girls), and use their machines as ‘daily riders’ when they’re not showing them off at Goodwood. They’re also much more friendly than their stern poses suggest – in fact, the club president is named ‘Huggy’, and is a church caretaker on the other 362 days of the year.

    Last-minute wardrobe raiders

    Adrian Blok and Clare Barrett only found they were going to the Revival the day before the event began, but still managed to put together some thoroughly impressive outfits. “Luckily, I wear vintage clothes all year round,” said Clare (who drives a Triumph Herald), “so I just had to do a bit of last-minute wardrobe raiding. Adrian has a few friends that work in Savile Row, so he made some frantic phone calls – and here we are!”

    Ladies of leisure

    Gayle and Charlotte were clearly enjoying their ladies’ day out, and even cheekily commandeered an Alfa Romeo 8C 2600 that was about to go on track to ensure they looked the part. “Everywhere you look, it’s like a vintage photo. We couldn’t let the event down now, could we…?”
    Photos: Photos by Rémi Dargegen for Classic Driver © 2015
    Classic Driver’s extensive coverage of the Goodwood Revival 2015 is kindly supported by our friends at Credit Suisse. You can find an overview of all Revival 2015 articles here.