jeudi 15 novembre 2012

    Paris mayor wants to ban cars over 17-years old - report

    What would happen to classic cars ?

    Paris mayor wants to turn the city and its surrounding areas into a clean air zone by banning old vehicles to lower pollution.
    French politician Bertrand Delanoë has launched this proposition to the French government as a measure to avoid being fined due to excessive air pollution by the European Commission. If approved, cars over 17-years old won’t be allowed in Paris anymore, along with heavy commercial vehicles that are over 18-years old and two-wheelers over 10-years old.
    As an incentive, Delanoë promises to offer those who trade in an old car a free three-month pass to Auto’Lib, an EV sharing program. More importantly, the government would implement and fund a cash-for-clunkers program.
    Obviously, some have criticized Delanoë proposal, describing it as a “witch hunt” that will penalize low-income families. Pierre Chasseray, spokesman for a non-profit organization, says that only three percent of all cars in France (not just Paris) are over 17-years old, which means that the benefit of this banning would be minimal.
    If approved, this ban will take effect in the second half of 2014.

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