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    jeudi 22 octobre 2015

    Rossi : « Márquez préfère que ce soit Lorenzo qui gagne »/ Rossi: “Marquez would prefer Lorenzo to win”

    Après la conférence de presse, Rossi a discuté avec les médias italiens de son commentaire concernant Márquez et Lorenzo.
                  Rossi: “Marquez would prefer Lorenzo to win”
    Cliquez ici pour revoir la déclaration de Rossi sur Márquez en conférence de presse et retrouvez ci-dessous ce qu’il a dit par la suite devant les médias italiens :
    Pensez-vous que Márquez ait aidé Lorenzo à Phillip Island ?
    « Il est vrai que Márquez n’a pas joué avec nous deux. Il n’a joué qu’avec moi ! Il est important qu’il sache que je le sais ! Voyons ce qui va se passer maintenant mais je suis assez préoccupé parce qu’avoir à me battre avec Lorenzo est une chose, mais si je dois aussi me battre avec Márquez, tout devient beaucoup plus difficile et honnêtement, ce qu’il fait n’est pas juste (ce qu’un pilote professionnel doit être dans ces situations). Surtout que Márquez pourrait être très compétitif sur les deux dernières courses. »
    « Pour moi c’est une grosse déception, j’étais énervé, ça faisait plusieurs courses que je le savais mais je ne m’attendais pas à ce qu’il fasse quelque chose d’aussi évident. Je suis déçu, je regrette et je suis préoccupé parce qu’il essayera sûrement de le refaire ici et à Valence. »
                   Viñales: “The race in Malaysia will not be easy for us”
    Alors pourquoi a-t-il aussi doublé Lorenzo ?
    « Je l’ai noté en course mais je n’ai pas compris : Márquez était un cran au-dessus de tout le monde mais au lieu d’essayer de battre Lorenzo, il est resté avec moi pour se battre avec Iannone et les autres. Il savait que je perdais face à la Ducati sur la ligne droite. Et à chaque fois que je le doublais, il me repassait (très agressivement, mais c’est comme ça). Mais il a ensuite ralenti pour créer un écart avec Jorge. Sa mauvaise chance ce dimanche-là a été que Jorge n’était pas si fort parce qu’autrement ça se serait très vite terminé. Au lieu de ça, il contrôlait l’avance de Jorge, en sachant qu’il pouvait le rattraper en trois tours, puis il essayait de ralentir Iannone et moi, peut-être pour essayer de mettre d’autres pilotes entre moi et Lorenzo. Au final c’est ce qu’il a fait. C’est assez préoccupant mais ça ne m’inquiète pas trop. »
    Pourquoi pensez-vous qu’il ait fait ça ?
    « Parce qu’il préfère que ce soit Lorenzo qui gagne. Il est fâché contre moi pour une question personnelle. Bien qu’il ne l’ait jamais dit, il pense que je l’ai fait tomber en Argentine et il pense encore à la dernière chicane d’Assen, dans sa tête il pense qu’il aurait dû remporter cette course. Depuis, il est en colère et il raisonne comme un enfant : je ne gagne pas, mais toi non plus. À ce stade-là, le moindre mal pour lui est que Lorenzo gagne. »
                             Pedrosa Blog: Next stop Sepang
    Est-ce que c’est quelque chose qui vous motive ou vous fâche ?
    « Voyons. S’il est plus rapide mais ralentit pour participer aux autres batailles derrière, ça pourrait devenir compliqué. Parce qu’il n’a rien à perdre, mais moi si. Je dois faire attention. Je suis désolé et assez fâché. Je ne m’attendais pas à ce que Márquez soit un obstacle pour ce Championnat, je pensais seulement me battre contre Jorge, comme ce devrait être le cas. »
    Pensiez-vous que ça ne pouvait pas arriver parce qu’il vous idolâtrait ?
    « Attention, ici il faut clarifier : m’idolâtrait-il vraiment ? Avait-il vraiment mon poster chez lui ? Je ne suis pas sûr. J’aimerais remonter dans le temps pour vérifier. C’est aussi une question de caractère, il court contre moi : Je veux remporter autant de Championnats du Monde que possible. Si je remporte un autre titre, il sait que ce sera un titre en plus à remporter s’il veut me dépasser. Si c’est Jorge qui gagne, ils restent à peu près au même niveau. »
    Était-ce mieux avec Biaggi, parce qu’il était plus clair au sujet de son ressenti ?
    « C’est vrai, vous avez raison. Sur le long terme, je préfère son comportement. Nous étions odieux l’un envers l’autre mais au moins c’était clair et honnête. Mais je n’ai pas son numéro de téléphone. »
    Tout ça a commencé à Laguna Seca ?
    « Il y a eu beaucoup de moments, à Laguna Seca il avait voulu faire ce que j’avais fait à Stoner cinq ans plus tôt, alors qu’il aurait facilement pu me doubler trois virages plus tard. C’était un premier signal. Et je l’avais dit, mais il ne voulait pas le croire. »
    Pour faire une comparaison littéraire, puisque nous sommes en Malaisie, avez-vous l’impression d’être Sandokan contre Yanez ?
    « Je ne sais pas. Je ne pense pas qu’il y ait cette différence entre moi et Lorenzo. Je pense que nous sommes tous les deux valeureux, chacun à sa manière, mais aussi assez malins. »
    Cliquez ici pour revoir la conférence de presse du GP de Malaisie dans son intégralité.
                     #ForzaVale vs #VamosJorge: The Sepang skirmish is on
    After the Malaysian GP Pre-Event Press Conference Rossi spoke to the Italian media about his comments on Marquez helping out Lorenzo.
    Click here to watch Rossi’s comments on Marquez from the Press Conference, and below is what he said to the assembled Italian media afterwards:
    Do you think that Marquez helped out Lorenzo at Phillip Island?
    “It is indeed true that Marquez did not play with both of us: he only played with me! It is important that he knows that I know! Now let's see what happens, but I am quite concerned because to have to fight with Lorenzo is one thing, but if you have to beat Marquez as well, everything becomes much more difficult, to be honest - the case is that he isn’t playing fair (something that a professional rider has to do in these situations). Especially because Marquez could be very competitive in the last two races.”
    “For me it was a big disappointment, I was upset, it was from a few races ago that I knew, but I did not expect him to do something so obvious. I feel disappointment, regret and worry, because surely he will try to do it here and also in Valencia.”
                    Rossi set to break all-time GP record in Sepang
    So why did he eventually also overtake Lorenzo?
    “In the race I noticed it, but I did not understand; Marquez was a step above everyone, but instead of trying to try to battle Lorenzo, he stayed with me to fight with Iannone and others. He knew that I was losing out to the Ducati on the straight. And so every time I tried to pass him, he re-overtook me (super-aggressive, but thats the way it is). But then he slowed to create a gap to Jorge. His bad luck was that on Sunday Jorge was not so strong, because otherwise it would have been over already. Instead, he always kept Jorge in check, knowing that he could catch him within 3 laps, and then tried to slow me and Iannone, perhaps trying to put other riders between me and Lorenzo. And in the end, that's what he did. It is clearly quite worrying, but it doesn't worry me too much”
    Why do you think he did this?
    “Because he would prefer Lorenzo to win. He is angry at me for a personal matter. Although he never said it, he thinks that in Argentina I made him crash; and then at Assen he is still thinking about the last chicane, in his head he feels he should have won that race. Since then he has been angry and thinking like a child: I do not win, but you do not win either. At this point, the lesser evil is for him is for Lorenzo to win.”
    Is it something that motivates you or makes you angry?
    "Let's see. Because if he's faster yet slows down to get involved in the battles further back, it could become difficult. Because he has nothing to lose, but I do. I have to be wary. I'm sorry and I'm quite angry. I did not expect that Marquez was an obstacle for this Championship, I thought I was only fighting against Jorge, as it should be.”
    Because he used to idolise you, did you think this wouldn't happen?
    "Watch out, here we must make a clarification: did he really idolise me? Did he really have my poster at home? I'm not so sure. I'd like to go back in time and see. It will also be a question of character, he is competing with me: I want to win as many World Championships as I can. If I win another title, then he knows that he will have to win one more to overtake me. If instead Jorge wins, then they have more or less the same.”
    Was it better with Biaggi, because he at least made his feelings clear?
    "It's true you are right. In the long run, I prefer more his behaviour. We were obnoxious to each other, but at least it was clear and honest. But I do not have his phone number.”
    Did this all begin in Laguna Seca?
    “There have been lots of moments, at Laguna Seca he wanted to do what I had done to Stoner five years before, when he could easily have passed three corners later. It was the first signal. And I said so, but I did not want to believe it. To think evil, it takes forever.”
    Wanting to make a literary comparison, since we are in Malaysia, do you feel like Sandokan fighting Yanez?
    "I would not know. I do not think that there is this difference between me and Lorenzo. I think we're both brave, each in his own way, and also a bit cunning."

    dimanche 18 octobre 2015

    Márquez remporte la course de l’année à Phillip Island / Marquez's 50th victory sets title race alight

    Le Champion en titre a battu Lorenzo dans le dernier tour tandis que Iannone a devancé Rossi pour la troisième place.
    Disqualifié en 2013 puis tombé alors qu’il était premier en 2014, Marc Márquez (Repsol Honda) a remporté pour la première fois l’épreuve MotoGP™ de Phillip Island dimanche au Grand Prix Pramac d’Australie à l’issue d’une course sensationnelle aux avant-postes. 
    En pole position, Márquez a été devancé par Andrea Iannone (Ducati), Jorge Lorenzo (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) et Dani Pedrosa (Repsol Honda) dès le départ mais a rapidement pris le dessus sur son coéquipier pour revenir sur les deux autres. 
    Iannone et Lorenzo se sont fermement disputés la première position dès le premier tour dans un duel qui a tourné en faveur du Majorquin lorsque Iannone a heurté du casque une mouette qui stationnait sur sa trajectoire. L’Italien et Márquez n’ont cependant pas laissé Lorenzo s’échapper et ont tous les deux eu l’occasion de repasser devant sur les premiers tours pendant que Valentino Rossi (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP), septième sur la grille, s’efforçait de revenir sur le trio de tête. 
                       Rossi: “The results could have been better”
    Lorsque l’Italien est parvenu à recoller au groupe, Lorenzo disposait d’un peu plus d’une seconde d’avance, un écart qu’il n’a pu maintenir que pour une dizaine de tours, jusqu’à être rattrapé par Márquez dans le 16e des 27e tours de l’épreuve. À ce moment-là, Rossi et Iannone avaient une seconde de retard sur Márquez, qui passait en tête pour la première fois de la course mais voyait Lorenzo et les deux Italiens revenir derrière lui à toute vitesse. 
    Le dernier tiers de la course a ainsi été l’occasion d’une splendide bataille à quatre, que Lorenzo semblait avoir remportée après avoir doublé Márquez à six tours de l’arrivée. Le Champion du Monde en titre a cependant réalisé un incroyable dernier tour qui lui a valu une opportunité de repasser en tête, qu’il a parfaitement saisie, mais aussi le meilleur tour de la course et une splendide victoire, sa cinquième de l’année et la 50e de sa carrière en Grand Prix.
                   Iannone: “I fought with the best riders”
    Derrière les deux Espagnols, Iannone, qui avait momentanément réussi à passer Márquez à quelques tours de l’arrivée, s’est brillamment imposé sur Rossi pour prendre la troisième place et s’offrir son troisième podium de la saison. Deuxième en qualifications en ayant suivi de près Lorenzo, l’Italien tenait sa promesse de se racheter et retournait la faveur au Majorquin en privant Rossi du podium, permettant à Lorenzo de marquer sept points de plus que son coéquipier. 
    Avant l’épreuve de Sepang qui aura lieu le 25 octobre et celle de Valence qui aura lieu le 8 novembre, Rossi et Lorenzo n'ont plus que onze points d’écart en tête du classement général.
                     Pedrosa: “Today was a difficult day”
    Derrière les quatre protagonistes de ce qui est pour l’instant la plus belle course de l’année tant pour son spectacle et ses dépassements que pour son enjeu, Pedrosa était trop loin derrière pour observer la bataille et a terminé à quatre secondes de Rossi, en cinquième position.
    Sixième sur la grille, Maverick Viñales (Team Suzuki Ecstar) a égalé son meilleur résultat en date, sa sixième place de Barcelone, en confirmant ses excellentes performances et en finissant par battre Cal Crutchlow (LCR Honda), qui s’était brièvement battu avec Rossi sur les premiers tours.
                     Crutchlow: “I’m a little disappointed”
    Pol Espargaró (Monster Yamaha Tech3) a pris la huitième place, à neuf secondes de Crutchlow, devant son frère Aleix Espargaró (Team Suzuki Ecstar), Bradley Smith (Monster Yamaha Tech3), Scott Redding (EG 0,0 Marc VDS) et Danilo Petrucci (Octo Pramac Racing). 
    Bien loin des excellentes performances de son coéquipier, Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) a conclu en treizième position, à six secondes de Petrucci, devant Álvaro Bautista (Aprilia Racing Team Gresini) et Jack Miller (LCR Honda), qui s’offrait le point de la quinzième place mais aussi la première place du groupe Open pour sa course nationale en finissant loin devant Héctor Barberá (Avintia Racing), Yonny Hernández (Octo Pramac Racing) et Loris Baz (Forward Racing), 18e tandis que Mike Di Meglio (Avintia Racing) finissait son 200e Grand Prix à la vingtième place. 
    Le paddock MotoGP™ prend maintenant la direction du Circuit International de Sepang, où se déroulera la semaine prochaine l’avant-dernière manche de la saison 2015. 
    Cliquez ici pour accéder aux résultats et ici pour le classement général.
                    Marquez's 50th victory sets title race alight
    Marc Marquez wins one of the most dramatic MotoGP™ races of all time as Lorenzo reduces Rossi's lead in the standings to just 11 points.
                 Marquez: “I overheated the front tyre”
    Repsol Honda’s Marquez emerged triumphant from an incredible Pramac Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix to record his 50th career GP victory and fifth of 2015. Marquez secured the race win in the end by just 0.249s from Jorge Lorenzo, with Andrea Iannone completing the podium ahead of championship leader Valentino Rossi who had to settle for fourth.
    The 32,000 fans packed into the grandstands bore witness to one of the most exciting races in the history of the World Championship as Marquez was involved in a race-long scrap with Movistar Yamaha teammates and title rivals Lorenzo and Rossi, plus the Ducati GP15 of Iannone. The battle between these four was simply breath-taking, as for once the weather did not throw a spanner in the works with the sun shining and track temperatures reaching 40˚C. It really did have everything: a myriad of overtakes, lots of contact, a championship title on the line, and even a bird strike.
                   Lorenzo: “I was a little bit angry”
    At the start it was Iannone who got the drive off the line to lead into turn 1 with Lorenzo and Marquez in hot pursuit. Lorenzo would take the lead into turn 8, and in a sign of things to come there was contact between Marquez and his teammate Dani Pedrosa at turn 10 as the former defended 3rd. Iannone re-took the lead on lap 2, only to be hit by a stray seagull on the entrance to turn 4 to allow Lorenzo to move back to the front.
    The lead swapped hands a number of times between these three on the opening laps. All the while Rossi, who had started from seventh on the grid, had been biding his time, before starting to move through the pack by lap 3. The ‘Doctor’ overtook the Repsol Honda of Dani Pedrosa and LCR Honda’s Cal Crutchlow to move up to fourth on lap 4 and join in the fun at the front.
    Lorenzo began to break away at the front, and by the end of lap 7 he had opened up a 1.4s gap, but just when it looked like he would disappear into the distance the chasing trio started to close. Unbelievably, despite constantly swapping places, the three started to reel in Lorenzo at the front. At the end of lap 13, Lorenzo’s lead was down to a second. At the end of lap 14 it was 0.5s, and fans were in for a treat as Marquez, Iannone and Rossi caught Lorenzo at the front with 10 laps to go.
    From here on in it was anyone’s guess who would win, with Iannone using the incredible power of his GP15 to show some blistering pace on the straight. This meant each time once of the others passed the Italian; he was able wait until the Gardner straight to launch his Bologna missile back past.
    Lorenzo took the lead with 7 laps to go once more, and with just two laps to go had extended this lead to one second as the others fought against each other. The best was still to come though. As the riders entered the final lap less than second separated all four, as Lorenzo led across the line from Iannone with Marquez in third and Rossi fourth.
    Marquez passed Iannone in the Southern Loop to move into second and set off after Lorenzo. Rossi also came past his compatriot after contact at turn 4, before Iannone fought back into 3rd through Lukey Heights. Then at turn 10 Marquez blitzed past Lorenzo into the lead, as Rossi tried desperately to pass Iannone for the final time but failed. Marquez then managed to hold on through the final few corners to secure an amazing victory as the crowd went wild. Marquez had saved his best till last, putting in the fastest lap of the race on the final lap as he timed his move to perfection. It seemed a fitting way for the reigning MotoGP™ World Champion to break his MotoGP™ points duck at Phillip Island, as he became the youngest ever rider to reach the milestone of 50 GP wins.
    Lorenzo took second, his tenth podium of the year, to close the gap in the standings to Rossi to just 11 points with two races remaining. Iannone completed the podium, his third of the year and first since Mugello, while Rossi’s fourth was only the second time he has missed out on the podium this season. To give you an idea of how close it was, just a second separated the four across the line. It was also Rossi’s 328th grand prix, which moves him level with Loris Capirossi at the top of the list of riders with the most World Championships starts.
    Marquez’s teammate Pedrosa came out on top in the battle for fifth as he crossed the line 5 seconds behind Rossi. The winner at Motegi had enjoyed an excellent race long fight with Maverick Viñales (Team Suzuki Ecstar) and LCR Honda’s Cal Crutchlow, who finished in sixth and seventh respectively. Sixth equalled Viñales best MotoGP™ result from the Catalan GP as he once more impressed in what is only the Spaniard's rookie season.
    Pol Espargaro (Monster Yamaha Tech 3) won the battle of the brothers as he beat Aleix (Team Suzuki Ecstar) to 8th. Yamaha Tech 3’s Bradley Smith completed the top ten, finishing less than a second ahead of his compatriot Scott Redding on the EG 0,0 Marc VDS Honda in eleventh.
    LCR Honda’s Jack Miller took the Open class victory at his home grand prix by finishing in fifteenth, while Irishman Eugene Laverty (Aspar MotoGP Team) crossed the line in 19th after announcing he will be staying with his team for 2016. Laverty’s teammate Nicky Hayden was forced to retire with a technical issue and Damien Cudlin (E-Motion IodaRacing Team), who was substituting for the injured Alex De Angelis, also had to return to the pits with an issue.

    samedi 17 octobre 2015

    Márquez signe sa huitième pole de l’année en Australie / Sensational Marquez takes 8th pole position of 2015

    Le Champion en titre partira devant Andrea Iannone et Jorge Lorenzo dimanche à Phillip Island pour le Grand Prix Pramac d’Australie.
              Sensational Marquez takes 8th pole position of 2015
    Pilote le plus rapide sur l’ensemble des essais libres, Marc Márquez (Repsol Honda) a confirmé sa supériorité en qualifications samedi après-midi à Phillip Island et s’est offert sa huitième pole position de la saison avec un chrono de 1’28.364, soit une demi-seconde de plus que le record du circuit, qu’avait enregistré Jorge Lorenzo (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) en 2013.
                 Lorenzo strikes first in FP1
    Ce dernier, qui a dix-huit points de retard à rattraper sur son coéquipier Valentino Rossi pour espérer être Champion du Monde cette année, sera troisième sur la grille de départ après avoir été suivi par Andrea Iannone (Ducati) sur ses tours lancés. L’Italien avait réussi à être plus rapide que l’Espagnol de quelques dixièmes au début et a ensuite réalisé le même chrono que le Majorquin sur son dernier run, remportant cependant la seconde position pour avoir un second meilleur tour plus rapide que celui du pilote Yamaha. Les deux pilotes étaient au final à 0.316s de Márquez. 
    Dani Pedrosa (Repsol Honda) a de son côté tardé à s’assurer un départ en tête de la seconde ligne et n’était vraiment pas loin de la première (+0.032s). Il retrouvera en seconde ligne Cal Crutchlow (LCR Honda), cinquième à plus d’une demi-seconde de la pole, et Maverick Viñales (Team Suzuki Ecstar), qui poursuit son excellent week-end après avoir fini le vendredi dans le Top 3. 
                    Viñales: “We tried some improvements”
    Valentino Rossi (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) n’a de son côté pas réussi son dernier tour lancé et a échoué en septième position, à plus de trois dixièmes de seconde de son coéquipier et rival, Lorenzo. Le leader du Championnat du Monde MotoGP™ partagera la troisième ligne avec Aleix et Pol Espargaró, qui avaient respectivement signé les deux meilleurs temps de la Q1 avec le Team Suzuki Ecstar et Monster Yamaha Tech3. 
                     Smith: “It takes your breath away!”
    Lourdement tombé en FP4, Bradley Smith (Monster Yamaha Tech3) partira au bout de la quatrième ligne, derrière Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) et Scott Redding (Marc VDS Racing).
    Quatorzième, Héctor Barberá (Avintia Racing) sera le premier pilote Open sur la grille, devant le rookie australien Jack Miller (LCR Honda), tandis que les Français Loris Baz (Forward Racing) et Mike Di Meglio (Avintia Racing), qui se prépare pour son 200e Grand Prix, partiront respectivement 19e et 22e.
    Cliquez ici pour accéder aux résultats.
    Marc Marquez claims his 30th MotoGP™ pole position by over three-tenths from Iannone and Lorenzo, with Rossi starting from seventh.
    Repsol Honda’s Marc Marquez took pole position at the Pramac Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix with an incredible display of riding. In near perfect conditions (Track temp. 42˚C) at Phillip Island the Spaniard set a 1’28.364 to clearly show his rivals he is back to full fitness after breaking a bone in his left hand before the Japanese GP.
                   Marquez sets pace on opening day at Phillip Island
    No one had an answer to the reigning MotoGP™ World Champion's one-lap pace, despite it being almost half a second slower than Jorge Lorenzo’s 2013 Pole Record (1’27.899). Marquez, after finishing second in FP1 on Friday, has topped every session since and his race pace looks ominous at the only track on the MotoGP™ calendar where he has not scored a point in the premier class. He led the way from the very first lap in Q2 and was never knocked off the top, improving his time on his third run as he made use of a two-stop strategy.
                    Iannone: “I could have done a bit better”
    Ducati Team’s Andrea Iannone (+0.316s) also made use of a two-stop strategy and the extra soft option tyre available to him to record only his third front row start of the season. The Italian set an identical time to Movistar Yamaha’s Lorenzo, but will start from second due to count back.
    Lorenzo (+0.316s) completes the front row in third, making it 13 front row starts this year. It is actually his worst qualifying performance since his 8th in Assen as Lorenzo also made use of a two-stop strategy. However the two-time MotoGP™ champion will take heart from the fact the man who is leading him in the title standings by 18 points, Valentino Rossi, will be forced to start from seventh.
    Marquez’s teammate Dani Pedrosa (+0.348s) looked like he would be on the front row as the clock ticked down in Q2, but will instead have to start from the front of the second row in fourth. LCR Honda’s Cal Crutchlow (+0.548s) followed up his excellent third place overall in practice with fifth, his best Qualifying result since he started the Indianapolis GP from fourth and it sees him as the leading Satellite rider.
    Team Suzuki Ecstar’s Maverick Viñales (+0.568s) continued his excellent weekend and will start from sixth, just 0.02s behind Crutchlow. It was his best Qualifying performance since his 2nd at the Catalan GP as the Spaniard made use of the sweet handling of his GSX-RR around the fast and flowing Phillip Island circuit.
                     Rossi: “I was not strong enough”
    Championship leader Valentino Rossi’s recent good run in qualifying came to an end as he put on his worst performance since he claimed 8th at Indianapolis. The ‘Doctor’ improved his time from Practice by over seven-tenths, but it was only good enough for seventh and sees the Doctor start the race from the head of the third row.
                   Pol & Aleix Espargaro make it through to Q2
    Viñales’ teammate Aleix Espargaro will start the race from eighth after making it through from Q1 alongside his brother Pol, who qualified in ninth.
                   Dovizioso: “This year we can be competitive”
    Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati Team) was tenth fastest, with Brits Scott Redding (EG 0,0 Marc VDS) and Bradley Smith (Monster Yamaha Tech 3) completing the fourth row, despite the latter becoming the only rider to crash so far throughout the weekend in FP4.
    Hector Barbera (Avintia Racing) will start from 14th as the leading Open class rider ahead of local hero Jack Miller in 15th (LCR Honda) and Eugene Laverty (Aspar MotoGP Team) in 16th. Nicky Hayden (Aspar MotoGP Team) celebrated the announcement he will be inducted into the MotoGP Hall of Fame at Valencia by qualifying in 20th.
    Check out the full MotoGP™ Qualifying results; the 27-lap race starts at 16:00 local time on Sunday.

    vendredi 16 octobre 2015

    Márquez réalise le meilleur temps du vendredi en Australie / Marquez sets pace on opening day at Phillip Island

    Le Champion du Monde en titre est passé devant Lorenzo lors de la seconde d’essais à Phillip Island.
              Marquez sets pace on opening day at Phillip Island
    Bien que la pluie se soit manifestée à la mi-journée, les pilotes de la catégorie reine auront échappé aux intempéries vendredi à Phillip Island pour l’ouverture du Grand Prix Pramac d’Australie. 
    Après avoir été distancé par Jorge Lorenzo (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) de plus de trois dixièmes de seconde le matin, Marc Márquez (Repsol Honda) a rattrapé son compatriote l’après-midi et s’est emparé de la première position sur le classement combiné, en ayant été 0.050s plus rapide que le Majorquin. Désormais sans aucune possibilité de jouer le titre, le Champion du Monde visera ce week-end sa première victoire en MotoGP™ à Phillip Island, qui est avec le Motegi l’un des deux seuls circuits où il n’ait pas encore gagné en catégorie reine.
                        Viñales: “I’m struggling to find good confidence”
    Maverick Viñales (Team Suzuki Ecstar) a fait très bonne impression sur la GSX-R pour rejoindre ses deux compatriotes dans le Top 3, à seulement 0.135s de Márquez. Andrea Iannone (Ducati) et Cal Crutchlow (LCR Honda) ont réalisé des chronos très proches de celui du rookie espagnol et ont terminé quatrième et cinquième, à 0.161s et 0.196s du leader.
    Dani Pedrosa (Repsol Honda), vainqueur dimanche dernier au Motegi, s’est classé sixième, à quasiment trois dixièmes de seconde de la cinquième position et devant Danilo Petrucci (Octo Pramac Racing), Bradley Smith (Monster Yamaha Tech3) et Valentino Rossi (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP). 
                    Rossi: “I was not strong enough”
    Neuvième à 0.658s de Márquez, Rossi dispose de dix-huit points d’avance avant l’épreuve australienne, la première des trois dernières de la saison, et devra gagner en rythme samedi matin pour espérer se qualifier bien plus près de Lorenzo, son rival pour le titre mondial. À noter toutefois que l'Italien n'a pas utilisé de pneu neuf en fin de séance, contrairement à bon nombre de ses concurrents.
    La dixième position est revenue à Aleix Espargaró (Team Suzuki Ecstar) tandis que Jack Miller (LCR Honda), onzième, a été le pilote Open le plus rapide et a été confirmé chez Marc VDS Racing pour 2016 avant l’ouverture du week-end. 
    Mike Di Meglio (Avintia Racing), qui participe à son 200e Grand Prix ce week-end, et Loris Baz (Forward Racing) ont respectivement pris les 20e et 23e positions. 
    Cliquez ici pour accéder aux résultats.
                      Lorenzo strikes first in FP1
    Marc Marquez ended Friday’s practice fastest ahead of Jorge Lorenzo and Maverick Viñales, with Valentino Rossi in ninth.
    Repsol Honda’s Marquez had played second fiddle to Lorenzo in the morning’s damp FP1 session at the Pramac Australian Grand Prix. Then, as the track dried and the sun came out (Track temp. 35˚C) in the afternoon it was the reigning MotoGP™ World Champion who ended the day on top. Marquez set a 1’29.383 to finish just five-hundredths of a second ahead of Lorenzo on the combined timesheet’s, although he was still some way off the Pole Record set in 2014 (J. Lorenzo – 1’27.899).
                  Marquez: “Jorge is very fast, but we are working well”
    Movistar Yamaha’s Lorenzo (+0.050s) began his bid at closing down the 18-point gap in the standings to his teammate Rossi by topping FP1, before having to settle for second overall. The Spaniard improved by over half a second in FP2, in a session that saw the top 13 riders separated by less than nine-tenths of a second.
                   Viñales : « Un grand pas en avant »
    Team Suzuki Ecstar’s Maverick Viñales recovered from crashing out of the race at Motegi to complete the provisional front row, just 0.135s off the pace of Marquez. Viñales took advantage of the sweet handling of his GSX-RR to finish ahead of Andrea Iannone (+0.161s) on the Ducati Team GP15. The Italian is looking to bounce back strongly at Phillip Island after his first DNF of the season at the Japanese GP due to technical issues.
                    Crutchlow: “We have a lot of spinning at the moment”
    LCR Honda’s Cal Crutchlow (+0.196s) was the leading Satellite rider in fifth as less than two tenths of second separated the top five riders. Brit Crutchlow clearly likes the Australian track as he recorded only his second MotoGP™ podium at Phillip Island in 2012 and crashed out of a comfortable second in last year’s race on the very last lap. 
    Race winner at Motegi Dani Pedrosa (+0.493s) was further 0.297s back in sixth, ahead of Pramac Racing’s Danilo Petrucci and the Monster Yamaha Tech 3 of Bradley Smith in eighth.
                      Iannone: “Phillip Island should be positive for us”
    Championship leader Rossi found himself down in ninth, 0.658s off the pace of Marquez, but the ‘Doctor’ did not switch to a fresh set of tyres at the end of FP2 like the majority of the riders. The Italian, who will equal the all-time record of 328 GP starts on Sunday, preferring instead to work on his pace on used tyres, instead of worrying about setting a flying lap.
    Aleix Espargaro (Team Suzuki Ecstar) completed the top ten while Jack Miller (LCR Honda), who had earlier finished fifth during FP1, was the leading Open class rider in eleventh, just 0.057s ahead of Nicky Hayden (Aspar MotoGP Team) in 12th. Ducati Team’s Andrea Dovizioso struggled throughout the day, and found himself down in 14th, over a second off the pace of Pole man Marquez. Scott Redding (EG 0,0 Marc VDS) ended the day in 17th, ahead of Irishman Eugene Laverty (Aspar MotoGP Team) in 18th.
                   Smith: “It takes your breath away!”
    Karel Abraham’s replacement in the AB Motoracing Team, Anthony West, was 24th fastest. Damian Cudlin (E-Motion IodaRacing Team), who is substituting for the injured Alex De Angelis, was in 25th.
    Check out the combined times from FP1 & FP2; FP3 starts at 10:00 local time on Saturday in Phillip Island.

    dimanche 11 octobre 2015

    Pedrosa triomphe devant les pilotes Yamaha au Motegi / Peerless Pedrosa takes his 50th GP victory at Motegi

    L’Espagnol s’est imposé pour la première fois de la saison 2015 au Grand Prix Motul du Japon, devant Valentino Rossi et Jorge Lorenzo.
               Peerless Pedrosa takes his 50th GP victory at Motegi
    Contraint à renoncer à trois Grands Prix en début d’année suite à une lourde opération de l’avant-bras droit, Dani Pedrosa (Repsol Honda) aura mis longtemps à renouer avec la compétitivité mais s’est assuré de prolonger son record d’avoir remporté au moins une course à chacune de ses saisons en catégorie reine en s’imposant au Grand Prix Motul du Japon. 
    Deux semaines après avoir remporté un superbe duel pour la seconde place face à Valentino Rossi (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) au MotorLand Aragón, le pilote catalan a été le plus fort sur la dernière partie d’une course disputée sur piste mouillée et que Jorge Lorenzo (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) menaçait de mener du départ à l’arrivée. 
    Devancé par Rossi au départ, Lorenzo, qui partait en pole, est vite repassé en tête de la course et a pris trois secondes d’avance pour ensuite gérer son avantage sur Rossi tandis que Pedrosa s’efforçait de doubler Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) pour ensuite se lancer à la poursuite des pilotes Yamaha. 
    Alors que ces deux derniers commençaient à souffrir de l’usure de leur pneu avant, Pedrosa a pu imprimer un rythme beaucoup plus élevé sur la seconde partie de la course et rattraper ses quatre secondes de retard sur Rossi pour ne faire qu’une bouchée de l’Italien et faire de même avec Lorenzo deux tours plus tard, dans le 18e des 25 tours de l’épreuve. 
    Plus rapide que Lorenzo en fin de course, Rossi est parvenu à remonter à la seconde place en doublant son coéquipier à cinq tours du drapeau à damier et s’assurait ainsi de repartir du Motegi avec 18 points d’avance sur le Majorquin avant les trois derniers courses de la saison. 
    De retour sur la plus haute marche du podium pour la première fois depuis le GP de République Tchèque de 2014, Pedrosa décrochait la cinquantième victoire de sa carrière, sur les terres de Honda. 
    Arrivé au Japon quelques jours après avoir été opéré d’une fracture de la main gauche, Marc Márquez (Repsol Honda) a pu finir la course mais était à une quinzaine de secondes du podium. 
    L’Espagnol a fini avec une confortable avance sur Dovizioso, qui s’est retrouvé en difficulté en fin d’épreuve. 
    Cal Crutchlow (LCR Honda) et Bradley Smith (Monster Yamaha Tech3) ont pris les sixième et septième places devant le wildcard japonais Katsuyuki Nakasuga (Yamaha Factory Racing Team) et Héctor Barberá (Avintia Racing), qui décrochait son meilleur résultat de l’année et reprenait la tête du classement Open avec deux points d’avance sur Loris Baz (Forward Racing), qui a eu beaucoup de problèmes avec son pneu avant et a dû s’arrêter plusieurs fois.
    Mike Di Meglio (Avintia Racing) a pris le point de la quinzième place derrière Scott Redding (EG 0,0 Marc VDS), Aleix Espargaró (Team Suzuki Ecstar), Takumi Takahashi (Team HRC with Nissin), Nicky Hayden (Aspar MotoGP Team) et Yonny Hernández (Octo Pramac Racing).
    Après avoir brillé sur piste mouillée cette année, Danilo Petrucci (Octo Pramac Racing) a cette fois-ci chuté alors qu’il luttait pour la huitième place. Sont aussi tombés Maverick Viñales (Team Suzuki Ecstar) et Pol Espargaró (Monster Yamaha Tech3), qui a chuté dans l’avant-dernier tour. 
    La saison 2015 continue la semaine prochaine en Australie, à Phillip Island, où aura lieu la première des trois dernières courses de l’année.
    Cliquez ici pour accéder aux résultats.
    Dani Pedrosa rides a superb race to take victory at the Motul Grand Prix of Japan while Rossi extends lead over Lorenzo to 18 points.
    The Repsol Honda rider came from sixth on the grid to take his 27th MotoGP™ win and first since Brno in 2014 on a drying track at the Twin Ring Motegi. Movistar Yamaha’s Valentino Rossi (+8.573s) crossed the line in second to record his 14th podium of the season as he extended his lead over his teammate Jorge Lorenzo to 18 points in the World Championship standings. Lorenzo (+12.127s) completed the podium after struggling with front-tyre wear late on in the race to record his 94th premier class rostrum.
    There were only really three riders in with a chance to win the race in tricky conditions at Motegi that saw 50,000 fans packed into the grandstands despite the rain. The race started on time despite a two-hour delay to the morning’s Warm Up Session, but the track remained damp meaning all riders went for wets. At the start of the race the outcome looked very different, as Rossi got the holeshot into turn 1 only for Lorenzo to take him through turns 3 & 4 for the lead. At this point things looked ominous for Rossi as Lorenzo broke away at the front in his usual fashion and opened up a 2 second lead by the end of lap 3.
    Rossi appeared to have no answer to his teammates pace and had to fight off the advances of the Ducati Team GP15 of Andrea Dovizioso during the early stages of the race. In a sign of things to come though, Dovizioso started to experience front tyre issues as a dry line appeared on track and began to drop back rapidly by lap ten. At this point Pedrosa had made his way up into fourth and was by far the fastest man on the track. On lap 11 the Spaniard passed Dovizioso as the Italian ran wide and started to chase down Rossi in second, who had a 2.7s advantage.
    Lapping 1.5s faster that the two Yamaha’s in front of him, Pedrosa caught Rossi with 9 laps to go and suddenly Lorenzo was struggling as his front tyre started to rip itself to pieces. Rossi went with Pedrosa and they both began to hunt down Lorenzo, who had a 2.7s advantage with the two-time MotoGP™ world champion appearing to be going backwards at this point. Pedrosa blasted past him on the straight as they completed lap 17 to take the lead, and never looked back as he went on to take a commanding victory and continue his record of winning at least one race in every season he has competed in MotoGP™.
    It then became a game of risk versus reward between the two Yamaha teammates as Rossi closed in on his title rival, but both were tiptoeing around on their shredded front tyres. Rossi appeared to have looked after his slightly better though and Lorenzo ran wide at turn 3 with 5 laps to go to gift the ‘Doctor’ second. Pedrosa rode superbly in the final laps to take the race win by over 8.5s from Rossi, with Lorenzo completing the podium a further 3 seconds back.
    Although it was clearly Pedrosa’s day after a sensational ride in the wet, Rossi was delighted with extending his lead in the standings as he hopes to secure his tenth World Championship title in 2015.
    Pedrosa’s teammate Marc Marquez (+27.841s) crossed the line in a lonely 4th nursing the broken bone in his left hand ahead of the Dovizioso, who despite his tyre issues, held on for fifth.
    LCR Honda’s Cal Crutchlow came out on top by just 0.404s in an excellent battle for sixth against his compatriot Bradley Smith on the Monster Yamaha Tech 3 to finish as the leading Satellite rider. Crutchlow passed Smith on the last lap to secure sixth, his best result since he also finished sixth at Assen. Smith crossed the line in seventh to make it 21 point scoring finishes in a row, but dropped down to sixth in the standings, 2 points behind Dovizioso.
    Wildcard Katsuyuki Nakasuga (Yamaha Factory Team) rode brilliantly to finish in eighth ahead of Hector Barbera on the Avintia Racing Ducati. Barbera took the Open class win and also recorded his first top ten finish of the season to re-take the lead in the Open standings by two points from Loris Baz (Forward Racing), who was forced to retire from the race.
    Scott Redding (EG 0,0 Marc VDS) completed the top ten ahead of Aleix Espargaro (Team Suzuki Ecstar) in 11th, with the second wildcard Takumi Takahashi (Team HRC with Nissin) 12th.
    Nicky Hayden was the leading Open Class Honda in 13th, with his Irish teammate Eugene Laverty crossing the line in 17th.
    Jack Miller (LCR Honda) crashed twice during the race, after at one point leading the Open class battle, and was forced to retire. There were also DNF’s for Danilo Petrucci (Octo Pramac Racing), Pol Espargaro (Monster Yamaha Tech 3), Maverick Viñales (Team Suzuki Ecstar) and Andrea Iannone (Ducati Team).
    Rossi (283pts) now has an 18-point lead over Lorenzo (265pts) with just three races remaining, while Marc Marquez remains in third with 197 points.